OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Night Recap Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Laughed Off Waterboarding

Marc Thiessen claims Khalid Sheikh Mohammad mocked the CIA interrogators who waterboarded him.

Ron Paul’s Election Problem: The Issues he Supports

No, Ron Paul is not a viable candidate for president.

Bush: OBL Raid ‘Good Call’

If former President George W. Bush has any bitterness that Osama bin Laden was finally killed under his successor, he’s not showing it.

Ron Paul: I Would Not Have Ordered The Mission Against Bin Laden

Texas Congressman Ron Paul, who will enter the Presidential race tomorrow, says he wouldn’t have tried to have Osama bin Laden killed.

Musing About the Near Future of U. S. Security Policy

I’ve begun to wonder about the future of U. S. security policy. This isn’t a serious analytical post; it’s just what I call “musing”—committing disorganized thoughts to writing.

Report: Decade Old “Secret Deal” With Pakistan Authorized Raid Against Bin Laden

Did a deal between the U.S. and Pakistan during the infancy of the war against al Qaeda play a role in the raid against Osama bin Laden?

Pakistan Tries, And Largely Fails, To Explain Itself

Pakistan is trying to explain how the world’s most wanted man was able to hide in plain sight for six years, and failing badly.

Senator Proposes “No-Ride” List For Rail

One U.S. Senator wants to bring elements of the TSA’s security theater to America’s rail system.

Al Qaeda Confirms Osama bin Laden Death

In a move sure to satisfy Deathers as much as a contemporaneous newspaper story satisfied Birthers, al Qaeda has released a statement confirming that Osama bin Laden is dead.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The “SERENITY COW” Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Family: Osama bin Laden Executed

Safia bin Laden says that her infamous father was caught alive by U.S. forces and murdered in cold blood.

Stealth Blackhawk Helicopter Used in Osama Raid

There has been some buzz on the national security backchannels that a heretofore secret “stealth” helicopter was used in the SEAL raid on Osama bin Laden’s Pakistan hideout.

Missing The Point: It Doesn’t Matter If Torture “Works”

The debate over “enhanced interrogations” has been renewed by the bin Laden mission, but whether it “worked” or not isn’t the question.

Pakistan Claims It Did Its Part To Catch Bin Laden

The question of how the world’s most wanted man could’ve hidden in plain sight in Pakistan continues to be asked.

Bin Laden, The Afghan Mujahadeen, And The CIA: The Myth That Needs To Die

The myth that the U.S. armed and trained Osama bin Laden in the early 80’s is rearing its ugly head again.

Obama Gets A Post Bin Laden Bounce In New Poll

Americans are rallying around the President in the wake of the mission against bin Laden, but it’s likely to be short-lived.

Pakistan After Bin Laden: Frenemies Forever?

Changing our relationship status to Complicated.

What Did Pakistan’s Government Know?

And when did it know it?

Bin Laden Was Mostly Disconnected From The World

Bin Laden spent the last half-decade in a compound where his only contact with the outside world was a few couriers.

Pakistan, You Got Some `Splainin’ To Do

How exactly was the most wanted man in the world able to hide in this house without anyone in Pakistan knowing about it?

Pakistani Man Unwittingly Live-Tweets Raid That Killed bin Laden

A Pakistani man named Sohaib Athar unwittingly became part of history in the early hours of Sunday morning when he started telling twitter about some odd events in Abbotabad, Pakistan

Osama is Dead: Long Live Al Qaeda?

I don’t feel the jubilation that came with Saddam Hussein’s capture in December 2003. Sadly, I know better this time.

Osama bin Laden: Dead

Breaking News.

Law of Remote Control War

The law of war is not fully clear when applied to modern conflicts.

Sesame Street, Pakistan: Your Tax Dollars at Work

The Federal government is funding a Pakistan version of Sesame Street for $20 million.

Blame The Afghan Rioters For Murder, But Condemn The Demagogues Too

The only people responsible for the murders in Afghanistan are the people who committed them, but the demagogues like Terry Jones deserve condemnation as well.

Taliban History Lesson: Not Our Boys From the 80’s

The groups we supported were defeated by the Taliban in the civil war that followed Soviet withdrawal. The Taliban and Usama bin Laden were supported by the separate “Sayyaf” group of Mujahideen supported by Saudi Arabia and Deobandi fanatics in Pakistan.