New York Times Editorial Cartoons Gone

America’s Newspaper of Record has decided the backlash isn’t worth it.

Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party Scores Big Win In British E.U. Parliament Elections

The pro-Brexit Brexit Party and the anti-Brexit Liberal Democrats both scored big wins in the United Kingdom’s E.U. elections, while the two major parties suffered big losses.

Louisana’s Democratic Governor to Sign Abortion Ban

Jon Bel Edwards is a reminder that our divide is cultural, not just partisan.

Progressives In The Democratic Party May Have Misread The Signals For 2020

Based on the early stages of the campaign for the 2020 Democratic Presidential nomination, it appears as though the party’s progressive wing has misread the signals being sent by the party’s voters.

Trump Laying Impeachment Trap?

An absurd theory for an absurd time.

I’ve Changed, Man

Did I leave the Republican Party or did it leave me? Both.

Trump Could Win Re-Election

Larry Sabato lays out a quite plausible path.


Some say yes, others no.

Democrats Aren’t Buying Cory Booker’s ‘Unity’ Message

Cory Booker’s message of unity isn’t going over well with Democratic voters eager for a fight.

Donald Trump Is The President Of Trumpland, Not The United States

Donald Trump speaks largely just to his base, ignoring the nation as a whole. Whether this will be enough to win re-election in 2020 is an open question.

Republicans Resisting Democratic Efforts To Limit Exemptions From Vaccine Laws

As Democrats at the state level seek to limit the ability of parents to decline to vaccinate their children. they are facing resistance from Republican colleagues.

The Demise of Local News and the Rise of National Partisanship

Scholars argue that the shifting media landscape is largely to blame for our political crisis.

Douthat Attempts a Defense of the Electoral College

Ultimately, it isn’t a very good one.

Despite Donald Trump, America’s Institutions Are Prevailing

It’s been a rough two years under Trump, but America’s institutions are surviving.

DNC Excludes Fox News From Hosting A 2020 Primary Debate

As it has since 2007, the Democratic National Committee is barring Fox News from hosting a debate featuring the party’s candidates for President.

Another Study Rebuts The Claim That Vaccinations Cause Autism

A decade-long study once again establishes that there is no link between childhood vaccination and autism.

Hillary Clinton Not Running For President Again

We won’t have Hillary Clinton to kick around anymore.

Michael Cohen Hearing Paints Trump In Horrible Light

Michael Cohen pulled back the curtain and revealed much about the true nature of Donald Trump yesterday. It’s not a pretty picture.

Mueller Report Coming Soon?

Robert Mueller appears to be winding down his investigation and getting ready to submit a report to the Attorney General.

Former Astronaut Mark Kelly Enters 2020 Senate Race Against Martha McSally

Former Astronaut Mark Kelly, the husband of Gabby Giffords, is running for Senate in Arizona against Martha McSally.

Trump Talks Unity While Preaching Hardline Partisanship At State Of The Union

The President’s second State of the Union began and ended with calls for unity. In between, it was filled with the divisive partisanship that has marked his Presidency.

Cory Booker Enters Democratic Presidential Field

New Jersey Senator Cory Booker is the latest entrant into the race for the 2020 Democratic Nomination.

Third Party Fantasies

The latest entry in the unity third party presidential candidate genre is just as bad as they always are.

The Trump Doctrine

It isn’t about foreign policy, it is about self-serving manipulation of the public.

Rick Scott Wins Florida Senate Race As Recounts End

With the recounts over we can officially say that Rick Scott will be the next Senator from Florida.

Voters Voting Voters Voting

Are we Finally Starting to Talk about Electoral Reform?

The NYT is trying to start a conversation.

Angela Merkel To Step Aside As Chancellor At End Of Current Term

Angela Merkel announced yesterday that she would step aside as Chancellor at the end of her current term. What that means for the short and long term future of Germany and Europe is unclear.

Just One-Quarter Of Americans Think Justice Kavanaugh Told The Truth In Hearing

Most Americans think Justice Kavanaugh was at least partly deceptive in his response to allegations made by Christine Blasey Ford and other women.

Jamal Khashoggi’s Final Words Should Carry Far Beyond The Arab World

Jamal Khashoggi’s final column includes a message that should resonate far beyond the Arab world it was addressed to.

Comedy is Not Funny

Is political satire even possible in the age of Trump?

Brett Kavanaugh Confirmed As 114th Justice Of The U.S. Supreme Court

After a long and contentious battle, Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed to become the 114th Supreme Court Justice.

Cold Civil War or Civil Cold War?

The Kavanaugh fight is just another indicator of our national divide.

Kavanaugh Fight Having An Impact On The Midterms?

At least for the moment, the fight over Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court appears to be helping Republicans rally their base for November. The question is whether it will last after the fight is over.

Trump Launches Attack On Christine Blasey Ford

After roughly a week of staying silent, President Trump decided last night to openly mock Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

Macedonia Name Dispute Still Unresolved After Referendum

The three-decade-old name dispute between Greece and the former Yugoslav state of Macedonia remains unresolved after Sunday’s referendum.

What The Gosar Family Tells Us About Our Broken Political Culture

Six siblings of Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar are starring in political ads against him. This is just another unfortunate example of the extent to which our political culture has been ruined by hyperpartisan polarization.

Bork 2.0?

The Bork hearings have come up in the context of the Kavanaugh confirmation, Some thoughts ensue.

Florida Senate Race Is A Dead Heat

The first significant post-primary poll of the Florida Senate race shows a dead heat between Governor Rick Scott and Senator Bill Nelson.

First Florida Governor’s Race Poll Shows Democrat Gillum With Narrow Lead

A new poll shows Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum with an early, but slim lead, over Congressman Ron DeSantis in the race for Florida’s Governor’s Mansion.

Archbishop Alleges Popes Benedict And Francis Covered Up Sexual Abuse Reports

A top Vatican official is alleging that Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI were both aware of previously unknown allegations of sexual abuse and chose to allow them to be covered up rather than bringing them to light.

Trump Reportedly Nixed White House Plans For Laudatory Statement About McCain

President Trump reportedly vetoed a plan to issue a statement lauding Senator John McCain after he died on Saturday.

Ohio Special Election In National Spotlight

A Special Election tomorrow in suburban Columbus, Ohio could tell us a lot about where the midterm elections might be headed.

A Return to the Treason Conversation

At a minimum, Trump is betraying his oath of office. That is one hell of a minimum.

The US’ Flawed Democracy

Forget the “republic v. a democracy” abstraction. The numbers show some serious flaws in translating popular will into government.

Most Americans Oppose Overturning Roe v. Wade

Another poll shows that the vast majority of Americans do not want to see the Supreme Court’s ruling in Roe v. Wade overturned.

Patriotism In The Trump Era

Recent polling finds that Americans aren’t feeling quite so patriotic right now. It’s understandable, but we shouldn’t give up hope.

John Roberts: The New Center Of The Roberts Court?

With Justice Kennedy retiring, the new center of the Roberts Court is likely to be the Chief Justice himself.

Populist Wins Landslide In Mexican Presidential Race

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a populist from the left, rode a wave of populism and public disdain for the outgoing President to a landslide win in Mexico

Majority Opposes Overruling Roe v. Wade

As Washington gets ready to fight a new battle over Roe v. Wade an new poll shows that most Americans oppose overturning that decision.