Gun Control Is No More Likely After Charleston Than It Was Before

Political reality shows us that the shootings in Charleston are not going to have any appreciable impact on the likelihood of any type of gun control law passing anywhere outside of the bluest of the blue states.

The Stories we Tell Ourselves (Battle Flag Edition)

An important tenet of the internet is “don’t read the comments.” Well, I have violated that rule of late–which means more musings on the symbols of the CSA.

The Battle Against The Confederate Flag Moves Beyond South Carolina

As Governor Haley pushes the South Carolina legislature to take the Confederate Flag down, the movement moves beyond the Palmetto State.

Obama Talks About Race Relations In The Wake Of Charleston, Media Concentrates On One Word

President Obama gave an interesting and somewhat unusual interview to a podcaster late last week, but the media is obsessed over a single word.

Does It Matter Whether Charleston Was Terrorism?

The debate is ultimately academic.

Republican Candidates Are Dodging The Issue On The Confederate Flag

With notable exceptions, most of the Republican candidates for President are refusing to take a stand on the propriety of South Carolina flying the Confederate Flag. That’s called cowardice.

Some Republicans Can’t Seem To Admit That Racism Was Behind The Charleston Murders

It’s been obvious from the moment the news broke that the murders in Charleston were rooted in racism, but some Republicans have had trouble acknowledging that.

It’s Long Past Time To Abandon The Confederate Flag

The murders in Charleston have revived a debate that should have been over a long time ago.

Yes, Dylann Roof Is A Terrorist

A word that has come in recent years to be used to refer chiefly to Muslim fanatics obviously applies to a man who murdered nine people because they’re black.

Arlington Assholes Up Bullshit Fine For Swearing in Public

It could cost you $250 to say “F- Arlington” if you happen to be in Arlington when you say it.

Site Proves Racism Isn’t Really the Problem; Commenters Prove Otherwise

A black leader is running a billboard campaign to improve his community. Racism ensues.

Fear and Paranoia in Academia

I have been reading, mostly in passing, a number of pieces about an alleged new climate on college campuses in which students are raising significant complaints due to difficult or emotionally sensitive material. The latest example did not impress me.

Hillary Clinton, Sexism, and Male Privilege

The “racism” debate brought about by Barack Obama in 2000 is getting a spin-off.

America’s Top Law Firms Have Declined To Defend Bans On Same-Sex Marriage

Many of America’s top law firms have declined to accept cases defending bans on same-sex marriage, and that’s okay.

On “Black-on-Black” Crime

Yet another example of the need for context when discussing stats.

Mississippi 1964? No, Missouri 2014

But, hey, don’t worry, there’s nothing racial going on here. Nothing at all.

Harrassment, Racism, and Reductio Creep

Even innocent interactions with women in public can amount to harassment. Where should we draw the line?

Hyperpartisanship Harms American Politics, And American Life

There’s more to life than politics. Unfortunately, there are many Americans who don’t seem to recognize that fact.

‘Tom and Jerry’ Cartoons Get ‘Racial Prejudice’ Warning

The classic “Tom and Jerry” cartoons of the 1940s and 1950s come with a “racial prejudice” warning from Amazon.

Tony Bennett’s Amazing Life

Only one man can say that he has both recorded a jazz album with Lady Gaga and liberated a Nazi death camp.

‘Daily Show’ Ambushes Redskins Fans in Unfair Segment

These segments are usually unfair; they outdid themselves this time.

‘Open and Free’ Compared to What?

The “open and free” Internet is an ideal type, not a myth.

Federal Judge Rejects Voting Rights Challenge To North Carolina Ballot Changes

A major voting rights ruling out of North Carolina.

Mississippi GOP Senate Primary Gets Even More Bizarre

Mississippi goes from bizarre to, well, even more bizarre.

Is Scott Walker Too White To Get Elected?

TNR makes the worst possible case for a proposition that’s almost certainly right.

Poet, Author, Civil Rights Activist Maya Angelou Dies At 86

A great American writer has passed away.

Fifty Senators Call On N.F.L. To Change Redskins Name

Once again, Washington politicians are pontificating about the Washington Redskins.

Rand Paul Warns Republicans That Voter ID Emphasis Is ‘Offending People’

Once again, Rand Paul is challenging conservative orthodoxy.

Donald Sterling: Sympathy for a Devil

I’m uneasy about a world in which a private conversation, illegally recorded, can be used in this fashion.

Cliven Bundy on Race

Not only does the headline-making rancher have unique views on the nature of both grazing fees and the federal government, he has some positively retro (to use a kind word) views on race.

Obama Reportedly Planning Clemency For Hundreds Of Drug Offenders

Perhaps some justice for the casualties in the War On Drugs

#CancelColbert Trolling

An opportunist ruins a good joke and hijacks an important discussion.

Cohen Steps in it

White Male Privilege Exists, Defense Department Points Out

A Pentagon Equal Opportunity training manual points out the obvious.

Groundswell: Conservatives’ Lame Answer to JournoList

Conservatives are doing what the criticized JournoList for doing—even though JournoList didn’t.

Victor Davis Hanson’s Prejudice And Race In America

We’ve still got a long way to go.

Obama: Trayvon Martin Could Have Been Me

President Obama has once again weighed in on the Trayvon Martin case in a personal manner.

Civil Rights Charges Against George Zimmerman Would Be Completely Inappropriate

Evidence that George Zimmerman acted out of racial bias is completely lacking, which means the Federal Government should stay out of this case entirely.

George Zimmerman Now Free, Trayvon Martin Still Dead

The jury likely got it right. That doesn’t mean George Zimmerman didn’t kill Trayvon Martin or that Martin deserved to die.

Joint Chiefs Want to Keep Sexual Assault Prosecution Authority

If there’s one thing that our generals and admirals agree on it’s that generals and admirals should retain their power.

Only Obama Can Go To Morehouse

President Obama delivered another powerful speech on race.