Jeb Bush Defends Conservatism in Weird Online Magazine

The possible presidential contender has an op-ed in a rather dubious outlet.

Coca, Cocaine, and Cola

Plus some thoughts on prohibitionist policies (because sometimes a Quick Pick grows in the making).

No, It’s Not Fascism

Racist Ezra Klein Counts Blacks As American. Hey, Wait . . .

The Internet is a weird place.

George Zimmerman Files Defamation Suit Against NBC

George Zimmerman’s attorneys have filed a defamation lawsuit against NBC News.

Charlie Murphy on Racism, The ‘N-Word,’ and Political Correctness

Charlie Murphy, Eddie’s funny brother, has some interesting thoughts on racism and free speech in an interview with Esquire.

Andrew Sullivan: If Romney Wins Virginia And Florida, It’s The Return Of The Confederacy

Equating opposition to the President with racism is absurd.

Internet Privacy Does Not Exist

Sometimes, real life catches up with those who think their online life is secret.

Bill Clinton Makes The Case For Barack Obama

Last night, Bill Clinton hit one out of the park for the President Of The United States.

Running Out Of Angry White Guys

Lindsey Graham: “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

Obama’s War on White People

Victor Davis Hanson thinks President Obama plans to win the back the White House by alienating the white man.

Britain’s Golden Age Is Now?

Doug Saunders makes the counterintuitive claim that things are better for Britons than ever.

Romney Ad Uses Obama “I’m So In Love With You” Performance

Two liberal columnists say a recent Mitt Romney ad proves he’s out of touch—and implies that he’s running a racist stealth campaign.

There’s No Evidence The Death Penalty Deters Crime

There is no evidence that the Capital Punishment works.

Is It Racist To Oppose Barack Obama?

Figuring out how much of the opposition to a black president is based on racism is . . . complicated.

Teacher Suspended After Screaming at Students for Criticizing Obama

A North Carolina teacher screamed and cursed at students for criticizing President Obama.

Conservative ‘Race War’ Meme

The people who gave us the “war on Christmas” are now touting an upsurge on black-on-white crime.

Study: At Least 2,000 People Wrongfully Convicted In 23 Years

Innocent people have gone to jail, and some of them are still sitting there.

Naomi Schaefer Riley and Mob Rule

A blog post lampooning black studies dissertations got a writer fired, setting off a controversy over the limits of free speech.

Washington Times Columnist: “Half-White” President Silent On Death Of Beastie Boy

Another bizarre conservative rant about the President.

Massachusetts Democrats Worried About Warren

Elizabeth Warren’s Senate campaign stumbled badly this week.

Trayvon Martin, Matthew Owens, And The Politicization Of Criminal Justice

The Rule Of Law is incompatible with political rabble rousing

Man Beaten and to Some it is Time to Score Some Political Points

How about we recognize that we do have ongoing and serious racial tension in this country rather than ignoring the issue most of the time and only deploying it when the game of politics is being played?

John Derbyshire’s Bizarre Rant

NRO’s John Derbyshire went off on a bizarre, racist, rant yesterday.

The Christian Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name

Andrew Sullivan wants the Catholic Church to give up its hatred of homosexuals. There’s another alternative.

Critics Find Real Depiction of 1966 Fake

Sometimes, art imitates life rather than the reverse. And sometimes reality seems stranger than fiction.

Ignorant Rednecks, Shiftless Blacks, and Selective Videos

Dear Bill Maher and Alexandra Pelosi: The plural of anecdote is not data.

Shocking Obama Revelations from his Student Days! (Or Something)

It is a curious thing, sometimes, to look at how different people interpret events.

So Apparently Birtherism Is Still A Thing

Disturbingly large percentages of Republicans still don’t think the President was born here.

Republicans v. Obama On Iran: Fewer Differences Than You’d Think

The differences between the parties when it comes to Iran are far less substantial than the candidate’s rhetoric would suggest.

Federal Judge Forwards Racist Joke about the President to Friends, Press Eventually Gets a Copy

E-mail forward raises serious questions about judge’s judgment .

Former Aides Say Ron Paul Signed Off On Racist Newsletters

Yet more revelations about Ron Paul’s newsletters.

Is There An American Cultural Divide?

Have Americans divided themselves into what are becoming increasingly different cultures?

The American Public Is Not SEAL Team Six

Last night’s State Of The Union Address contained another unfortunate example of the prevalence of militaristic rhetoric in domestic politics.

The ‘Anti-Israel’ Charge

Vehement disagreement with the policy views of a country and prejudice based on immutable traits are not the same.

VDARE Wants Paul to Embrace his Newsletters

In a year-end fundraisers, VDARE’s founder wished Paul had “defened his letters on the basis of truth.”

Cam Newton, Racism, and Black Quarterbacks

The Panthers rookie is having a historic season. Were doubts that he could succeed colored by race?

Ron Paul’s Past Will Catch Up With Him

Ron Paul is rising in Iowa, which means he will soon face the scrutiny he’s avoided so far.

Ron Paul’s Newsletter Problem

Should Ron Paul find his currently upward trajectory to continue he will find himself facing greater media (and opposition) scrutiny.