Ted Cruz Ready To Force A Showdown Over Immigration?

The Texas Senator is threatening to block any bill dealing with the border crisis that doesn’t defund the relief President Obama granted to children of illegal immigrants last year.

Majority Of Republicans Support Obama’s Impeachment

A lot of Republicans dislike the President enough to think that he should be removed from office, but will that make impeachment more likely to happen?

Could The GOP Nominate A Candidate Who Supports Same-Sex Marriage In 2016?

It seems improbable, but the national landscape on same-sex marriage is changing so quickly that even the Republican Party may find itself changing faster than some might think.

Rand Paul, Rick Perry Spar Over Foreign Policy

Rick Perry and Rand Paul are highlighting what looks to be a coming battle inside the GOP over foreign policy.

Republicans Still Don’t Know How To Communicate With Female Voters

It appears that the GOP still has a problem communicating with women.

Todd Akin Has No Regrets About His Comments About ‘Legitimate Rape’

Just in time for the midterms, Todd Akin is back to remind voters of the GOP’s problems with female voters.

GOP Establishment Pushes Back Against Calls For Impeachment

Led by Speaker John Boehner, Republican leaders are trying to placate calls for impeachment.

Sarah Palin Says It’s Time To Impeach Obama

What could possibly go wrong?

Cochran Certified Winner Of Mississippi Runoff, But McDaniel Continues His Quixotic Campaign

Thad Cochran has been officially certified as the winner of the Mississippi GOP Primary Runoff Election, but it’s not over yet.

Could Republicans Taking Control Of The Senate Be Good For Obama?

Republican overreach could end up helping the President and his party.

Ingraham’s Immigration Policy Prescriptions

Discussions about immigration policy are, unfortunately, very much like Groundhog Day.

Mitt Romney is No Dick Nixon

Emil Henry makes “The Case for Mitt Romney in 2016.”

Do Conservatives Think The Poor ‘Have It Easy?’

Coming across as uncaring doesn’t help advance your political arguments.

Could The Civil Rights Act Of 1964 Make It Through Congress Today?

The sad truth is that the bipartisanship that led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 no longer exists today.

GOP Losing Cuban-American Vote Too

A new poll suggests that Republicans could be losing a constituency that is very key for them in the nation’s third most populous state.

Republicans In Congress Move To Block Marijuana Decriminalization In D.C.

House Republicans go to war against marijuana in the District of Columbia

The Tea Party Needs To Stop Whining About Losing In Mississippi

Chris McDaniel and his Tea Party supporters are being very sore losers.

On Many Issues, The Tea Party Is Out Of Step With The American Public

The people with the biggest voices in the GOP seem to be leading it to positions that most Americans disagree with.

Rand Paul, Dick Cheney, And The Foreign Policy Battle Inside The GOP

The Kentucky Senator and former Vice-President are at the front of a battle that will unfold inside the GOP as we head toward 2016.

South Dakota Republican Party Endorses Impeachment Of President Obama

The South Dakota Republican Party has officially endorsed the impeachment of President Obama.

New Scott Walker Allegations Have Little Legal Merit, But Could Affect Re-Election Bid

As a legal matter, the new allegations against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker don’t amount to much. But, will they impact his bid for re-election.

Mike Huckabee Invokes Martin Luther King Jr. To Argue Against Marriage Equality

Once again, conservatives demonstrate how little they understand minority voters.

Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise Win Leadership Elections, But The Battle Resumes In November

The House leadership elections turned out about as expected, but we may be doing this all over again in five months.

Who will be the new House Whip?

GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy of California won the vote to replace Eric Cantor as the new GOP House Majority Leader. The question is who replaces McCarthy.

All Politics Is National?

Congressional elections have become “nationalized” to a far greater extent than they have ever been.

Establishment Victories In Iowa GOP Could Impact 2016 Race

A setback for supporters of Rand Paul in the Hawkeye State.

Is Scott Walker Too White To Get Elected?

TNR makes the worst possible case for a proposition that’s almost certainly right.

Eric Cantor For RNC Chairman?

A new job for the Congressman recently filed by his own constituents?

Republicans Seek Way Forward By Talking To Guy Who Lost The Last Election

Some Republicans apparently think the key to their future lies in the past.

Eric Cantor’s Loss Means A Lot Less Than You Think It Does

There aren’t nearly as many “meta” lessons in Eric Cantor’s loss as pundits have been claiming.

Scott Walker Equivocates On Previous Opposition To Same-Sex Marriage

Wisconsin’s Republican Governor isn’t very eager to talk about same-sex marriage these days.

Eric Cantor To Step Down As Majority Leader

Get ready for a big GOP Leadership fight in the House.

Odds Point To A GOP Senate Takeover

Signs continue to suggest that a GOP Senate takeover is likely.

Bill Gates: The Most Powerful Man in America?

How the richest man in the world quickly changed the education curriculum in 45 states.

Texas GOP Endorses Discredited ‘Reparative Therapy’ For Gays And Lesbians

The Texas GOP wants to “pray away the gay.”

Virginia GOP Picks Ed Gillespie To Run Against Mark Warner

The establishment wins one in Virginia, but that’s unlikely to help the GOP in November

California GOP Turns Against The Tea Party

Another victory for the GOP establishment in its battle against the Tea Party.

Is Same-Sex Marriage Now A Wedge Issue For Democrats?

Is support for marriage equality now an issue that can benefit Democrats at the polls?

48% Of Americans Don’t Care Who Controls Congress

Public cynicism about politics at its very best.