Supercommittee Failure and ‘Both Sides’

Are Republicans mostly to blame for the supercommittee failure?

Why More Americans Don’t Major in Math and Science

A dwindling proportion of students are majoring in STEM fields. They’re likely making the wise choice.

The Costs Of Attacking Iran

An attack against Iran’s nuclear weapons research facility won’t be an easy thing.

Spock is Gay

Breaking news: There’s a gay man in Hollywood.

Chris Christie Reconsidering Decision Not To Run For President?

Another round of rumors is out claiming that Chris Christie is thinking about running for President.

Conservative Pundits Continue Their Obsession With Chris Christie

Some pundits on the right can’t seem to quit Chris Christie.

Chicago Tribune Editorial Board Member Calls On Obama To Forgo A Second Term

Yes, Barack Obama is running for a second term.

Are We Safer?

Measuring our progress a decade after the 9/11 attacks

The Absurdity Of Anti-Bullying Laws

The latest push for laws against bullying is another example of the Nanny State rum amok.

Sarah Palin Trails Obama By 17 Points, September 3rd Announcement In Doubt

Is she in or is she out? And does it matter?

Libya Fight Reaches Tripoli

After months of fits and starts, it appears anti-Gaddafi forces are on the verge of victory.

Iraq Is Backing Syria’s Dictator. Why The Heck Did We Go To War Again?

Iraq has become so dependent on Iran for its survival that it is endorsing the brutal tactics of Bashar Assad.

Oslo Bomb Blast and Shooting Spree: Al Qaeda Suspected (Updated)

A bomb blast in Oslo’s government center has killed at least two people and a presumably related shooting spree at a nearby children’s camp are being investigated as terrorist related.

Jack Kevorkian Dead at 83

Jack Kevorkian, the man who’s illegal assisted suicide rampage earned him the nickname “Dr. Death,” has died.

Sarah Palin’s Bus Tour To Hit Iowa

Sarah Palin’s latest media spectacle will be heading west next month.

What Exactly are the 1967 Borders?

I get the impression that a lot of people don’t even know what “the 1967 borders” are or why they tend to be considered the logical point of departure for any type of peace negotiations.

California Must Release 40,000 Prisoners

Prisons can be so overcrowded as to constitute cruel and inhuman punishment.

Republicans 2012: Who Else Might Run?

With the customary hand-wringing over the low quality of the presidential field well underway, the corollary pining for other candidates to join the race is starting.

Will Republicans Get Sane On The Debt Ceiling?

Wall Street says raise the debt ceiling. The Tea Party says no. What will the GOP do?

CSI: Santiago

Sarah Palin Losing Support Among Republicans

Republicans are starting to sour on Sarah Palin, meaning that they’re finally starting to catch up to the rest of the country.

Adolf Hitler Not a War Hero?

A new biography of Adolf Hitler analyzes new documents about his World War I service and “concludes that he was not the hero he was later made out to be and that his radicalization shouldn’t necessarily be attributed to his wartime experiences.”

Demonstrators converge once again on the Capitol after the state Senate abruptly voted Wednesday night to eliminate collective bargaining provisions. The Assembly is expected to vote on the issue Thursday. Demonstrators converge once again on the Capitol after the state Senate abruptly voted Wednesday night to eliminate collective bargaining provisions. The Assembly is expected to vote on the issue Thursday.

Wisconsin Passes Anti-Collective Bargaining Bill

Wisconsin Republicans stripped state employees of collective bargaining rights without the Democratic senators who fled the state to prevent a quorum.

The Shameful Treatment Of Bradley Manning

Pfc. Bradley Manning is being treated worse than a Prisoner Of War, and he hasn’t been convicted of a crime yet.

Bradley Manning Jailed Naked

The saga of accused Wikileaks conspirator Bradley Manning continues to get uglier, with the military acknowledging that he was forced to spend the day naked for, well, no apparent reason.

Gaddafi Fatwa Issued by Leading Muslim Cleric

Muslim cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi has issued a fatwa against Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi.

Latinos Aren’t Pro-Democrat So Much As They’re Anti-Republican, New Poll Finds

A new poll finds that Republican policies on immigration are chasing Latino voters straight into the arms of the Democratic Party.

How Did Moscow Bomber Elude Airport Security?

Here’s how terrorists get past airport security: don’t bother to go through it.

Death Toll in Moscow Domodedovo Terrorist Attack Rises to 35

More on the attack at Moscow’s Domodedovo airport.

Thirty Years Later: How Iran Beat Us, More Than Once

Thirty years after the hostages were freed from captivity in Iran, the United States still hasn’t figured out how to deal with the Islamic Republic.

At Least 50 Dead in Suicide Bomb Attack in Iraq

While the violence is down in Iraq, it’s not gone.

Solitary Confinement as Torture

WikiLeaker Bradley Manning has been held “under conditions that constitute cruel and inhumane treatment and, by the standards of many nations, even torture” for seven months and counting.

Why The Supreme Court Is Likely To Uphold ObamaCare’s Individual Mandate

Despite yesterday’s victory for opponents of the Affordable Care Act, the prospects in the Supreme Court are not good.

Conservatives For Higher Taxes

Politics makes for strange bedfellows and, when it comes to the debate over the extension of the Bush tax cuts, anti-tax Republicans are making common cause with soak-the-rich progressives.

Stockholm Terrorist Attack

Is the West’s string of luck about to end?

China Ready To Bail On North Korea?

The latest Wikileaks revelations suggest that China may not be willing to protect North Korea for much longer.

What, Exactly, Is The Federal Reserve Up To?

The Federal Reserve is injecting $ 600,000,000,000 into the economy, primarily in the hope that it will boost stock prices and, in turn, the economy. It might work, but if it doesn’t the consequences could be severe.

67% Of Registered Voters Say Sarah Palin Unqualified To Be President

Another poll confirms that Sarah Palin continues to be viewed negatively by the majority of American voters, but that doesn’t seem to matter to supporters who seem have a degree of adulation usually reserved for celebrities than serious politicians.

Junior Seau Drives Off Cliff, Walks Away

The retired superstar linebacker drove off a 30 foot cliff at 70 mph and walked away with barely a scratch.

Will A Republican Congress Impeach President Obama ?

Will a Republican-controlled Congress bring about the third Presidential Impeachment in American history? Jonathan Chait thinks it’s virtually certain that it will, I’m not so sure.