Rise Of The Machines

Finding a job gets harder when businesses discover they don’t need to hire as many people as they used to.

MAPLE Act Would Make Selling Fake Maple Syrup a Felony

Some Northeastern Senators want to make selling fake maple syrup a federal offense.

Occupy Wall Street: What It Isn’t

There’s no consensus for European-style social democracy or a Randian libertarian paradise.

Occupy Wall Street Outside The Mainstream?

Does “Occupy Wall Street” really represent the people they claim to be speaking for?

America’s Jobs Crisis

Everyone’s talking about jobs again. And it’s not a pretty picture.

Reassessing Occupy Wall Street And The 99%’ers

Some on the right are giving Occupy Wall Street and The 99%’ers a second look.

Targeting Nominal GDP

After years of fighting inflation, some are now urging the Fed to instead target GDP growth and jobs.

The End Of The Road For Rick Perry?

Rick Perry’s campaign isn’t dead by any means, but he needs to turn things around soon.

What If The Economy Never Really Gets Better?

The prospects for real economic recovery are not good.

Economic Crisis: What Could Government Have Done Better?

With the advantage of hindsight, it’s clear that more creative strategies were needed. But they probably couldn’t have been passed.

Bad Economy Effects Last a Lifetime

Damage from starting one’s career during a recession can persist over one’s entire working life.

Economy Adds Jobs, But Recovery Still Weak

September’s jobs report was better than expected, but still not very good.

Alabama Immigration Law Causing Produce To Rot In The Fields

Another case of the law of unintended consequences.

Farmers Finding Few Americans Willing To Do Jobs Immigrants Do

It turns out there are some jobs immigrants will do, but Americans won’t

Republican Congressman Takes on Grover Norquist

Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) took to the floor yesterday to lambaste Grover Norquist and his influence over the GOP.

Obama Answers Reagan’s Question

In an interview, President Obama says that Americans are worse off than they were four years ago.

Wall Street Protesters Close Brooklyn Bridge

Some 700 protesters were arrested yesterday afternoon after they shut down the Brooklyn Bridge for 2-1/2 hours, apparently mistaking it for Wall Street.

America’s College Gap

62 percent of 21-year-olds aren’t in college.

The New Normal Sucks

Economists are beginning to wonder if this very slow economic recovery isn’t permanently altering the landscape.

Polls Indicate Strong Public Support For President Obama’s Jobs And Tax Proposals

The public supports the Presidents tax plans, but will that matter on Election Day?

Putting Obama’s Job Approval Numbers In Historical Perspective

President Obaama’s poll numbers are lower than where Reagan and Clinton were at this point, but not by very much.

Chicago Tribune Editorial Board Member Calls On Obama To Forgo A Second Term

Yes, Barack Obama is running for a second term.

Demand Crisis, Structural Crisis, or Both?

Paul Krugman seems to believe that something like the bubble economy we enjoyed until it burst in 2008 could be had again if only our leaders were sufficiently bold.

Does The 2012 Election Really Matter? Probably Not As Much As You Think

The cable networks and the political parties will tell you otherwise, but the 2012 isn’t quite as important as they’re saying.

Obama’s Job Approval, And Favorability, Slip On Economic Woes

The economy continues to drag the President down.

You Can Be Compassionate Without Supporting Big Government

Contrary to what Eugene Robinson and Paul Krugman argue today, compassion does not require one to support government social welfare programs.

What Explains The Rise In Public Distrust In Government Institutions?

Far from being an existential crisis, the recent rise in public distrust in government is easily explained.

President Obama’s Jobs Bill Would Make It Illegal To Refuse To Hire The Unemployed

One provision of the President’s jobs bill would give an ill-advised right to the unemployed.

Pennsylvania Ponders Bold Democrat-Screwing Electoral Plan

Republicans have a plan to wrest half of the Keystone State’s electors from Obama.

Most Educated American Cities

College towns and lily white enclaves top the list of best educated cities.

Obama’s Job Approval Continues To Plummet Despite Jobs Plan Push

The President’s jobs push isn’t doing much to help his job approval numbers so far.

US Poverty at Record High

A record 46 million Americans are living in poverty.

Timing is Everything

It’s not a given that we’ll have a massive recovery during the next presidential term but it’s a pretty decent bet. And the party in power will get too much credit for it if it happens.

Obama Jobs Plan To Include $447 Billion In Tax Increases

The “how to pay for it” part of the President’s jobs plan seems destined to be rejected by the GOP. Which may be exactly what the President wants.

Republicans Need To Tread Carefully In Response To Jobs Bill

With the economy at the forefront of the public’s mind, the GOP needs to be careful in its response to President Obama’s new jobs bill.

Democrats Starting To Worry About Obama’s Re-Election Prospects

Top Democrats are starting to voice public concerns about 2012.

An Outside the Box Stimulus Package: Stop Collecting Federal Taxes For Awhile. Period.

Karl Smith does the math and doesn’t see why the Federal government should be collecting ANY taxes right now.

Is Social Security A Ponzi Scheme?

Whether it’s a “Ponzi Scheme” or not, Social Security has serious systemic problems that must be addressed.

Obama Jobs Speech Tough On Rhetoric, Light On Substance

Not surprisingly, there was very little about the President’s jobs speech to write home about.

The “Green Jobs” Boondoggle

America is discovering that throwing money at an industry in the hope it will create jobs doesn’t work.

Mitt Romney Unveils Economic Plan To Mixed Reviews

Mitt Romney’s jobs plan is detailed, but it doesn’t seem to be impressing anyone.

Democrats Fear Obama’s Jobs Plan Will Be Too Little, Too Late

Democrats are fearing the President’s jobs plan will be underwhelming. Based on initial reports, it looks like their fears are well-placed.