Speaking of Impeachment Threats

There’s one in Maine.

The Limits of Ideology

John Fetterman says he’s not a progressive.

Federal Court Declares Portion of Mississippi’s Constitution Unconstitutional

Permanent felon disenfranchisement is unconstitutional.

Fear of a Third Party

The Electoral College is holding a nation of millions back.

What Now for Stacey Abrams’ Model?

Her emphasis on turnout has helped other Democrats but she’s a two-time loser.

Calcified Democracy

A deep dive into why our politics are so broken.

Imagining a Stolen 2024 Election

It’s easy if you try.

Democracy and ZIP Codes

The rules for voting in America vary widely.

Abrams Loses Suit Over 2018 Election

Georgia Republicans didn’t violate the Constitution or the Voting Rights Act.

Fear of a White Scholar

President Biden had a meeting with some historians. The horrors.

January 6 Committee Divided on Which Non-Starter Recommendations to Make

They’re taking their eye off the ball.

Yes, it is Voter Suppression

When procedures lead to more rejected ballots and fewer voters, what else is there to call it?

Revisiting Stacey Abrams’ Nonconcession

Assessing her actions in 2018 in light of 2020 and onward.

Colin Powell, 1937-2021

The trailblazing soldier-statesman has died at 84.

Back to SCOTUS Reform and “Legitimacy”

Doing nothing is still a choice, and the legitimacy crisis is here, like it or not.

Is Texas Undemocratic?

The Lone Star State has enacted some peculiar new laws.

diversity legos diversity legos

America Getting Less White

The long demographic trend continues.

An Example of Illegal Voting

An arrest underscores what the problem isn’t.

Some CRT Theory/Politics of Race Thoughts

You know, some light weekend thoughts.

Smart Designers Create Imperfect Rules

Even the smartest designers can’t anticipate all the flaws with the rules they write.

The GOP: Not a Civil War, Not a Purge

The GOP is actually pretty healthy at the moment, despite some public rhetoric to the contrary.

Florida Mother-Daughter Face Jail for Stealing Homecoming Election

A typical case of American blind justice.

Voter Suppression in Texas

Let’s call it what it is.

DC Statehood and Power Politics

More voice, more votes, more representation.

Republican Split with Big Business Greatly Exaggerated

Look at who’s lined up against H.R. 1.

Voting is Too Hard

It’s not just Red states that put up too many barriers.

Hypocrisy, Thy Name is McConnell

Another entry in the “stunning, but not surprising” category of political observations.

One More about GA’s SB202

And, really, all of this current wave of election legislation.

The Republican Advantage in the House

Any “fair” drawing of districts will yield a GOP advantage over time.

Today in Disingenuous Arguments for Voter ID

It really does feel like a daily occurrence.

The Dishonesty of Restrictive Reforms

The fixes worsen the stated problem (more on Iowa and other states’ attempts to restrict voting).

Voting Legislation on Parade

HR1 is a national approach to expanding voter access. State legislatures are trying to both expand and restrict the vote as well.

The Pendulum Is Broken, Not Swinging

Historical precedents fall apart when we’re in a truly unprecedented time.

Fantasies of a Post-Trump Republican Party

The GOP will almost certainly survive. But in what form?

The Pending Electoral Vote Challenge

It will be symbolic, but the symbol will be an anti-democratic one.

Donald Trump v. Stacey Abrams

Gracious concessions are the norm except when they’re not.

Could Trump Shock the World Again?

Fear of a reprise of 2016 is still with us.

Making it Harder to Vote

Lots of places in the US don’t make it easy.

SCOTUS Stays Order Requiring Census to Keep Counting

A legally correct ruling based on a lie.

Biden’s Lead is Historic

He has the largest lead of any challenger since modern polling began in 1936.

politics outrage shouting politics outrage shouting

All’s Fair, Even if It’s Unfair?

A defense of the indefensible.

Democrats Kick Off Virtual Convention

The official campaign to oust Donald Trump is off to a good start.

Political Culture Eats Institutions For Lunch

Institutional reform is necessary, but we can’t accomplish much in the face of tribalism.

The Consequences of Design

The convergence of design flaws in the constitution and a flawed leader have brought us to brink of an electoral crisis.

Biden Well Ahead of Clinton at This Stage

Comparisons with 2016 all work against Trump’s re-election.

Supreme Court Blocks Judge-Imposed Drive-up Voting in Alabama Runoff

Those who wish to vote for Tommy Tuberville or Jeff Sessions will have to walk to the mailbox.

SCOTUS Denies Emergency Order to Allow Texans to Vote By Mail

Whether the 26th Amendment precludes giving preferential treatment to the elderly will have to wait for another day.

The Coming Election Nightmare

We’re unlikely to know who wins the November elections right away.

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump participate in a tree planting ceremony in honor of Earth Day and Arbor Day Wednesday, April 22, 2020, on the South Lawn of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks) President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump participate in a tree planting ceremony in honor of Earth Day and Arbor Day Wednesday, April 22, 2020, on the South Lawn of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)

Trump in Trouble

Things are not looking good.