Social Security Isn’t ‘Cash Negative’ – We Are

Social Security outlays are exceeding its income. Is that really a problem?

Clark Clifford Republicans

Have Republicans been co-opted by the Big Government they claim to hate?

Trying to Understand OWS

Pondering Tea Party comparisons as well as the “does it matter?” question.

Can Occupy Wall Street Win?

The Occupy Wall Street movement faces obstacles its Tea Party counterpart didn’t.

Moving Goalposts of American Conservatism

Rush Limbaugh, who three years ago said Mitt Romney embodied all three legs of the conservative stool today declared that Romney is not a conservative. He was right both times.

Wall Street Won’t Fix Our Problems

American has real economic and social problems. But the solution in on Capitol Hill, not Wall Street.

Occupy DC: A Loud and Clear Yawp

Protestors have converged on DC, rallying against Afghanistan, Wall Street, and stuff.

#OccupyWallStreet: A Protest, Or A Temper Tantrum?

The Occupy Wall Street protests look more like a temper tantrum than a substantive protest movement.

Are our Problems Based in Leadership or Institutions?

Where should we look to understand the failings of the government?

American Government for Sale?

Is money the only thing that matters in post-Citizens United American politics?

The Incoherent Agenda Of Occupy Wall Street

Judging them by their own manifesto, the Occupy Wall Street protesters are pretty silly people.

Tribal Politics

Much of politics is visceral rather than intellectual.

What Social Contract?

Does America have a social contract? If so, is it broken?

Buffett Rule Hard to Follow

Making sure millionaires pay more tax than their secretary isn’t as easy as it sounds.

Obama’s Millionaire’s Tax

President Obama is proposing a special tax rate for millionaires.

You Can Be Compassionate Without Supporting Big Government

Contrary to what Eugene Robinson and Paul Krugman argue today, compassion does not require one to support government social welfare programs.

Paul Krugman: 9/11 Has Become “An Occasion For Shame”

Paul Krugman chose to mark the the 10th anniversary of September 11th with an odd blog post.

Are We Safer?

Measuring our progress a decade after the 9/11 attacks

America’s License to Kill

Killing’s our business and business is good.

Have Conservatives Finally Had Enough Of Sarah Palin?

The Sarah Palin bloom seems to be off the rose.

We Have a President, Not a King

Did Speaker Boehner insult President Obama by snubbing his speech request? If so, so what?

Do Conservatives Get a Pass?

How would a Democrat-equivalent of Rick Perry be received?

Religious Extremism in America

What are the contours of “mainstream” religious thought in today’s America?

Design and Intent: Some Musing about the Constitution

We often conflate intentionality with design. However, even designers may not fully understand how what they have created will work.

What’s Wrong With Political Reporting?

Political journalists aren’t like you and me. Well, you, anyway.

Third Party in 2012?

It’s a shame that Duverger’s Law doesn’t come with criminal penalties.

Are We Overprotecting Our Kids?

How did we survive without all the molly-codding kids today get?

Education Colleges Academic Slums

Schools of education attract the weakest students and give out the highest grades on campus.

75 Percent of Freshmen Not Ready for College

Most students need remedial classes. Whose fault is that?

Warren Buffett: Tax Me More!

One of the super-rich says we should stop coddling the super-rich.

Assessing Rick Perry’s Vulnerabilities

Rick Perry may be much less than meets the eye.

Rich-Poor Divide

The Telegraph’s chief political commentator sees moral decay at the top as well as the bottom.

International Relations Graduate School Pros and Cons

So, you want a career in foreign policy field and are weighing your options….

Why Businesses Aren’t Hiring, And Why The Government Can’t Do Anything About It

Any politician telling you that solving our problems will be easy is lying to you.

Are The Good Times Really Over For Good?

Watching the news and reading the op-eds makes it clear: America is doomed.

Downgrading Standard & Poors

While it’s hard to argue with S&P’s political analysis, its economic judgment is a head-scratcher.

Can Jon Huntsman Revive the Party of Reagan?

Condi Rice’s speechwriter thinks Huntsman can appeal to the Tea Party.

One of these guys is outsmarting the other one One of these guys is outsmarting the other one

Parliamentary Procedure and the Debt Ceiling Debate

How the reelection incentive and parliamentary procedure are affecting the debt ceiling debate in Congress.

Can Republicans Govern?

David Brooks is mad as hell and he’s not gonna take it anymore.

Should We Be More Like China?

I’m continually shocked when demonstrably bright and accomplished people fall in love with authoritarian states.

Is College a Scam?

It’s the marketing of college as a panacea that’s a scam, not college itself.

Casey Anthony And Some Thoughts On The Criminal Justice System

A Florida jury has found Casey Anthony not guilty of murdering her daughter. The criminal justice system works.

Presidents, Generals, and War Decisions

Should President Obama do whatever General Petraeus wants in Afghanistan?

Party and Country

Ppartisan politics no longer stops at the water’s edge. This is a bad sign for the Republic.

Georgia’s New Immigration Law Leading To Crops Rotting In Farmers’ Fields

A new Georgia immigration law is causing serious problems for Georgia’s farmers.

Understanding The Other Side

Paul Krugman thinks liberals understand conservatives but not vice versa. He’s half right.

Opposing Dumb, Unnecessary Wars Is Not “Isolationism”

Contrary to what Senator McCain, seeking realism in military policy does not make one an isolationist.

What Sarah Palin Can Teach Us About Writing

A distinguished linguist is quite impressed with Sarah Palin’s facility with the written word.

Unemployment in a Self-Serve Economy

The gang at Fox Nation is amused that President Obama is blaming ATMs for high unemployment. But he’s right.

A Political Opening For Non-Interventionism

The American public is increasingly skeptical of foreign adventurism. Why aren’t our political candidates reflecting that?