The Other Side Of The Neil Munro Story: Obama Doesn’t Take Many Questions

Neil Munro acted like a jerk, but Barack Obama needs to be more open to questions than he has been.

Lying and Political Campaigns

The Republican nominee gets some backhanded praise from an unlikely source, MoJo blogger Kevin Drum.

Bill Clinton’s Bizarre Walk Back On Tax Cut Extensions

Bill Clinton walks back his comments about extending the Bush Tax Cuts in the most unbelievable manner possible.

Intellectual Honesty in American Politics: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

A Bill Clinton parody account created by the Romney campaign is both clever and yet another sign of what’s wrong with American politics.

Why Doesn’t The Middle Class Revolt?

Why isn’t the American middle class and working class angrier at the 1 percent?

Mitt Romney: Make Business Experience A Requirement For The Presidency

Mitt Romney thinks prospective Presidents should be required to have business experience.

Bill Clinton Goes Off Reservation On Bain Attacks

Bill Clinton is the latest Democrat to defend private equity, and Mitt Romney’s business record. It would appear this meme is on its last legs.

George W. Bush Portrait Unveiled

The official portrait of George W. Bush, the 43rd president, was unveiled at the White House yesterday. The ceremony was a rare display of political humor and grace.

Does It Matter If A Presidential Candidate Never Served In The Military?

For the first time in 68 years, neither major party candidate for President has served in the military. Does this matter?

Yes, Barack Obama Inhaled. So What?

A new book about the President details his marijuana use in High School and at Occidental College.

Is It Racist To Oppose Barack Obama?

Figuring out how much of the opposition to a black president is based on racism is . . . complicated.

Do Businessmen Make Good Presidents?

The Oval Office is nothing like a corporate boardroom.

Romney/Huckabee 2012?

All of a sudden, people are talking about Mike Huckabee as a potential Romney running mate.

Mitt Romney’s Likeability Gap

Mitt Romney has a big problem. People don’t seem to like him very much.

Joe Biden Appears To Back Gay Marriage, White House Walks it Back

Did Joe Biden misspeak, or drop a hint that he shouldn’t have?

SEALs Swift Boating Obama?

Some Navy SEALs are weighing in on the brouhaha.

How Risky Was the Osama bin Laden Raid?

We seldom blame presidents for bold actions that go wrong. We despise them for appearing weak and indecisive.

Jimmy Carter Least Popular Ex-President Among Ex-Presidents

Once upon a time, Jimmy Carter was everyone’s favorite former president. Not so much these days, especially among other former presidents.

Obama Spikes Football on Bin Laden Killing

The Obama campaign’s cheap politicizing of the SEAL raid that took out bin Laden is unseemly. And unnecessary.

Romney Leads Obama in 3 Latest Polls

Fox, Rasmussen, and Gallup show Romney slightly ahead of Obama. I’m willing to call it a trend.

Do Americans Really Want A President Who “Feels Our Pain”?

We need a lot less fake empathy in politics.

Where Have the Thoughtful Conservatives Gone?

OTB’s comment section as a microcosm of the American political landscape.

ObamaCare At The Supreme Court, Day Two: The Mandate Under The Microscope

It seems to have been a rough day for the individual mandate at the Supreme Court.

Do Endorsements Matter?

Like most endorsements, Jeb Bush’s endorsement of Mitt Romney is unlikely to have a major impact on the race.

Biden 2016?

Does Joe Biden think he can succeed his boss?

No, It’s Not Martial Law, It’s Preparedness

No, the Obama Administration is not plotting to nationalize the economy in the name of some “national emergency.”

Mitt Romney Not Crazy Enough For The Base?

Mitt Romney’s Presidential rhetoric probably won’t appeal to the GOP base.

Pressing The Santorum Button

Nominating Rick Santorum may be the best things Republicans could do to save their party, but not for the reasons Santorum thinks.

The Inevitable Newt Gingrich Meltdown Begins

Last night, we saw the beginning of the end of the Newt Gingrich campaign whether he realizes it or not.

Mitt Romney, Al Gore, and John Kerry Birds of a Feather?

Is the presumptive Republican nominee too handsome, too rich, and too pompous to win the hearts of ordinary Americans?

Romney On CNN: `I’m Not Concerned About The Very Poor’

Mitt Romney stumbled a bit during his victory tour this morning.

Obama Presidency Still Polarizing, Bipartisanship Still Dead

American politics is as polarized as ever, and it shows no signs of changing regardless of who wins in November.

Mitt Romney Richer Than Most Presidents

Romney would rank among richest presidents ever

Obama’s Second Term Would Be Neither Groundbreaking Nor A Calamity

The truth about a Second Obama Term is that it likely wouldn’t be all that remarkable.

A Party on the Brink

Are the Republicans the party of Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and Newt Gingrich? Or a viable contender for the White House?

Weak Presidential Field. Again.

Why are all the candidates for president so awful?

Newt Wins, CNN Loses, The Battle Of Charleston

It was another good night for Newt Gingrich in Charleston last night.

The Right Must Abandon The “Obama Is Evil” Meme

If the Right clings to the belief that President Obama isn’t just wrong, but evil, it will likely end up handing the election to him.

Obama’s Pentagon ‘Power Grab’

Michael Hastings has yet another credulous story attempting to smear the United States military.

Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, And The Pundit’s Fantasy That Will Not Die

Yes, it’s time to talk about that again.

Ron Paul’s Phony “Chickenhawk” Attack On Newt Gingrich

Last night, Ron Paul decided it was a good idea to bring back the ghosts of the Vietnam War era.