Clinton And Sanders Clash In Advance Of High Stakes New York Primary

Just days before a high stakes primary in New York, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders clashed over familiar themes in their latest debate.

Final Scheduled Republican Debate Canceled

It looks like we’ve reached the end of the debate schedule for Republicans in 2016 .

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The The Uber Clown Car Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Fewer Insults, At Least Some Substance, At Twelfth Republican Debate

Given the stakes headed into the latest version of ‘Super Tuesday,’ last night’s Republican debate was surprisingly subdued.

Eighth Democratic Debate Raises Question Of Whether We Need This Many Debates

The eighth Democratic debate raises the question of whether we really need this many debates.

Bernie Sanders Gets More Aggressive, But It’s Likely Too Little, Too Late

Bernie Sanders was more aggressive in last night’s debate than he has been in the past, but it’s likely too little, too late.

Nancy Reagan Dead At 94

Nancy Reagan was a crucial part what made Ronald Reagan the man he was, and today she passed away at the age of 94.

Trump, Cruz, and Rubio Continue to Exchange Attacks In Eleventh Republican Debate

With time running out, the top three candidates for the Republican nomination picked up right where they left off last week.

GOP’s Delegate Allocation Rules Are Helping Trump

Changes that the Republican National Committee made to delegate allocation rules in response to what happened in 2012 are helping Donald Trump in 2016.

Gloves Come Off Against Trump In Tenth Republican Debate, But Is It Too Little, Too Late?

Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz landed some punches on Donald Trump last night, but it’s doubtful that they changed the nature of the race.

Can Donald Trump Be Stopped?

Donald Trump hasn’t hit the point of inevitability yet, but time is running short if Republicans are going to stop him.

Donald Trump Suggests Marco Rubio May Not Be Eligible To Be President

Donald Trump is trolling the depths of the Internet’s conspiracy dungeons once again. This time to raise the largely absurd argument that Marco Rubio may not be eligible to serve as President.

Jeb Bush Faces The End Of The Road In South Carolina

More likely than not, South Carolina marks the end of the road for Jeb Bush’s bid for the Presidency.

Clinton Gets Aggressive With Sanders In Wake Of New Hampshire Loss

If last night’s debate is any indication, Hillary Clinton’s campaign is about to get much more aggressive in its critique of Bernie Sanders.

Marco Rubio Becomes The Main Target At Eighth Republican Debate

Marco Rubio was the man in the cross hairs in last night’s Republican debate.

Ben Carson Cuts Staff, Salaries, One Month After Raising $22 Million

Ben Carson cut his campaign staff drastically just a month after raising more than $22 million. Another sign of a dead campaign.

The State of Play Headed into New Hampshire

Clinton is a virtual lock for the Democratic nomination. Rubio is the most plausible Republican winner in a messy field.

From 17 Candidates, The Race For The GOP Nomination Is Effectively Down To Just Three

Six months ago, there were seventeen candidates for the 2016 Republican nomination. Now, the race is effectively down to three candidates.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Don’t Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me The Pliers Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Trumpless Republican Debate Garners 12.5 Million Viewers

Thursday’s debate without Donald Trump drew fewer viewers than might have been expected, but it’s unclear if that’s because Donald Trump wasn’t there.

Ted Cruz Becomes The Target At Trump-Less Debate, Trump Puts On The Donald Trump Show

Without Trump, the seventh Republican debate largely focused on Ted Cruz, who doesn’t seem to have done himself any favors. Donald Trump, meanwhile, will likely not pay any price at all for skipping the last pre-Iowa debate.

Trumpless Debate Helped Bush, But Likely Not Enough

Last night’s Republican debate had a different feel with the absence of a certain bloviating narcissist.

The Stage For The First Post-Iowa Republican Debate Will Be A Lot Smaller

The first debate after the Iowa Caucuses will have fewer participants than past debates, and there will be no undercard debate.

Rubio’s Dubious Campaign Strategy

Marco Rubio’s campaign strategy depends on a lot of hope, and no small degree of ignoring reality.

RNC Replaces NBC News With CNN For February Debate

CNN is taking over a late February Republican debate from NBC News, meaning it will host more Republican debates this election cycle than any other single network.

Sixth Republican Debate Grabs 11 Million Viewers

The primary debates continue to draw in a lot of viewers.

Republicans Clash At Sixth Debate, And The Trump-Cruz ‘Bromance’ Comes To An End

With less than three weeks to go before voting starts, the Republican candidates for President clashed in their most contentious debate so far.

Fox Business Network Announces Debate Lineup, With Paul And Fiorina Sent To Kid’s Table

Rand Paul and Carly Fiorina are the biggest losers in the lineup for the latest Republican debate on Thursday.

Democratic Race Tightens In New Iowa And New Hampshire Polling

The Democratic race in Iowa and New Hampshire is tightening, according to new polling, but this still seems to be Clinton’s race.

No, Jim Webb Probably Would Not Be A Viable Independent Candidate For President

Jim Webb’s recent criticism of Hillary Clinton is renewing speculation about an independent bid for the White House, but he hardly seems like a viable candidate for such a run.

Rand Paul Says He Won’t Participate In The Next Debate If He Doesn’t Make The Main Stage

Rand Paul is throwing a bit of a temper tantrum. It’s not very Presidential.

Mike Huckabee: I’ll Drop Out If I’m Not In The Top Three In Iowa

Mike Huckabee says he’ll drop out if he doesn’t finish in the top three in Iowa. He should probably start packing his bags now.

Trump Tops Yet Another Poll

Donald Trump remains firmly at the top of of the GOP field in what is likely one of the last polls of the GOP race for 2015.

The Next Republican Debate Will Have A Lot Fewer Candidates On The Stage

Fox Business Network has announced its criteria for the next GOP Debate, and it looks like Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina, and John Kasich will be kept off the prime time stage.

Third Democratic Debate Grabs 6.7 Million Viewers, The Lowest Yet For Any 2016 Debate

To nobody’s surprise, the third Democratic Debate received the lowest ratings yet of any debate so far this election cycle.

Lindsey Graham Drops Out Of The Race For President

We won’t have Lindsey Graham to kick around anymore.

Third Democratic Debate Establishes That The Democratic Nomination Fight Is Over

If you were looking for evidence that the race for the Democratic nomination is basically over, you need look no further than last night’s Democratic Debate.

Trump Surges Ahead Again In Post-Debate Polling

The first post-debate polls of the GOP race have more good news for Donald Trump.

Debate Schedule And Other Incidents Lead Sanders And O’Malley To Allege DNC Favoritism

A debate schedule that seems designed to limit the ability of viewers to see candidates, and other incidents, has led Hillary Clinton’s opponents to allege that the D.N.C. is favoring Hillary Clinton.

Rubio Campaign’s Early State Strategy, Or Lack Thereof, Is Confusing Many Republicans

Marco Rubio has been getting a lot of love lately from both conservatives and so-called ‘establishment’ Republicans, but his seemingly meager ground game in early states is raising doubts about his campaign.

Fifth Republican Debate Gets More Than 18 Million Viewers

Another set of solid ratings for the latest debate.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Donald Trump’s Nuclear Ignorance

Donald Trump displays some appalling ignorance about an important part of America’s military, but his supporters are unlikely to care.

Cruz And Rubio Clash, Everyone But Cruz Clashes With Trump, In Fifth Republican Debate

The Fifth Republican Debate, and the last of 2015, was marked by expected clashes between the candidates, and one that never happened.

Previewing Tonight’s Fifth Republican Debate

Previewing the fifth Republican debate, and the last Republican debate of 2015.

Ohio Secretary Of State: Trump Can’t Run As An Independent In Ohio

Ohio’s Secretary of State is already precluding the possibility that Donald Trump could get on the ballot as an independent in the Buckeye State.