Bush Family Member Says Bush 41 And 43 May Vote For Clinton

Are these the faces of Clinton voters? George P. Bush thinks so.

I’m A Political Junkie, But 2016 Has Burned Me Out

I’ve been something of a political news junkie for 40 years now. This year has burned me out.

With One Week To Go, The Presidential Race Tightens But Clinton Still Has The Advantage

Seven days from now, millions of Americans will be headed to the polls. So far at least, Hillary Clinton is still the front runner.

Early Polling Shows Little Impact From Additional Revelations About Clinton Email Investigation

For now at least, it looks as though last week’s email news is having little impact on the state of the race for President.

Clinton’s Lead Shrinking Ever So Slightly

Her numbers are steady; he’s reclaiming Republican voters.

Would Senate Republicans Really Block Any Supreme Court Nomination Hillary Clinton Makes?

Two Republican Senators are exchanging barbs over the idea that the GOP should block any attempt by Hillary Clinton to nominate anyone to the Supreme Court if she becomes President.

Initial G.D.P. Reports Show Stronger Growth In The Summer

Initial reports for the third quarter show strong economic growth during the summer;

Joe Biden For Secretary Of State?

According to reports, Vice-President Biden is on a Clinton campaign short list for Secretary of State.

GOP Committee Chair Says Investigations Will Continue If Hillary Clinton Becomes President

Get ready for more hearings if Hillary Clinton becomes President.

Clinton-Cartwright Comparisons Don’t Hold Up

Clinton is getting no special treatment by the standards of her high-powered peers.

Down-Ballot Republicans Campaigning As If Clinton Has Already Won

Republican candidates for the Senate and House are campaigning on the argument that they will be a bulwark against a Clinton Presidency.

It’s Two Weeks Until Election Day, And Things Are Looking Very Good For Hillary Clinton

Two weeks before Election Day, everything seems to be going Hillary Clinton’s way.

Polling Illiteracy

While not quite the great unskewing of argument past, here is an example of why non-experts need to avoid critiquing polling.

Most Damaging Presidential Run, Ever?

Has any major party nominee for president ever damaged his reputation in this manner?

Trump’s Damaged Brand

Donald Trump is losing something much more important to him that an election.

Final Presidential Debate Draws 71.6 Million Viewers

The final debate of 2016 didn’t draw as many viewers as the first Hillary v. Donald match-up, but it still drew a respectable number.

The Third And Thankfully Last Presidential Debate of 2016

Last night’s debate, sadly, lived down to my expectations.

Third Presidential Debate Marked By Trump’s Refusal To Accept Election Result

For better or worse, the third Presidential debate will largely be remembered for one thing.

Clinton Up Four Points In New Arizona Poll

With the lone exception of Bill Clinton in 1996, Arizona hasn’t gone for a Democrat since 1948. That streak could end this year.

With Three Weeks To Go, Clinton’s Momentum Appears To Be Surging

With twenty-one days to go until Election Day, things are looking very good for Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Ignores Intel Experts

More evidence that Trump would be a terrible president.

The Republican Dilemma

Candidate trumps party in a presidential system.

Republican Efforts To Disavow Trump Now Are Too Little, Too Late

With just over three weeks before Election Day, efforts by top Republicans to disavow their party’s nominee are quite clearly too little, too late.

I Question The Timing

News outlets are suddenly finding out that Trump was a cad in 2005. Film at 11.

Trump In Danger In Deeply Red Utah?

Donald Trump is facing potential trouble in a state that has gone for a Democrat only twice since the end of World War II.

Second Presidential Debate Draws 66.5 Million Viewers

Viewership for the second debate fell some twenty percent from the first debate, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that voter are losing interest.

Paul Ryan Won’t Campaign For Donald Trump

Paul Ryan is abandoning the Trump campaign.

Second Debate Unlikely To Halt Clinton’s Momentum

Last night’s debate was indeed the low point everyone anticipated it would be, but it seems unlikely to change the status quo.

A Bizarre, No Good, Second Debate

Trump was alternately somnambulant, petulant, stalking, incoherent, and dangerous.

Clinton Keeps Pulling Ahead Heading Into Second Presidential Debate

As we head into the second Presidential debate, Hillary Clinton looks to be in very good shape.

What Happens if Trump is Un-nominated?

Some early musings on a political fantasy that’s less implausible than it was 12 hours ago.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Republicans Abandon Trump Over Lewd Remarks

Republicans are abandoning Donald Trump in droves after last night’s revelation of lewd remarks he made in 2005.

Trump Caught on Tape Being Trump, Shocking Trump Supporters

An 11-year-old tape of the Republican nominee making misogynistic comments should surprise no one.

Is Nuance Still Possible in American Politics?

Damon Linker writes, “Millions of people disagree with your political views. That doesn’t make them moral monsters.”

September Jobs Report Reveals A Resilient, But Not Strong, Economy

The September Jobs Report continues to show an economy that is growing to some degree, but hardly growing as fast as it should be.

Even If Trump Loses, Trumpism Will Remain A Powerful Force In The GOP

Even if Donald Trump loses next month, the political forces inside the GOP he tapped into are likely to remain very powerful.

Vice-Presidential Debate Draws Lowest Viewership Since 2000

Tuesday night’s running mate debate had lower viewership than any such encounter in sixteen years.

Trump Gaining With Less Educated Whites, Losing With College Grads

Donald Trump is doing worse with white voters than Mitt Romney did in 2012.

Pence Probably Won VP Debate; Almost Certainly Won’t Matter

It’s possible that Mike Pence won and Donald Trump still lost. It won’t matter.

Feel Free To Skip Tonight’s Vice-Presidential Debate, Because It’s Not Going To Matter

Nothing that happens tonight during the Vice-Presidential debate is likely to matter, so feel free to skip it.

With Five Weeks To Go, Clinton Appears To Have Momentum

With five weeks to go, the momentum in the race is moving decidedly in Hillary Clinton’s favor.