Signs Of Trouble For Jeb Bush

Once the Republican frontrunner, Jeb Bush is now floundering and dealing with donors worried that they may be backing the wrong horse.

Ben Carson Passes Donald Trump In New Iowa Polls

Two new Iowa polls show Ben Carson passing Donald Trump in the Hawkeye State, but that’s not necessarily good news for Republicans.

Republicans May End Up Being Stuck With Trump Whether They Like It Or Not

Whether they like it or not, it’s becoming quite apparent that Republicans may have to get used to the idea that Donald Trump really could be their nominee next year.

Trump Still Leads The GOP Field, Anti-Trump Wave Still Not Manifesting Itself

A pair of new polls confirms that Republican hopes that Donald Trump would fade are failing to come true.

Waiting For Joe Biden

According to reports, Vice-President Biden may or may not be close to a decision about running for President, and he may or may not be running.

Donald Trump Threatens To Boycott Next GOP Debate Over Format Disputes

Donald Trump is threatening to boycott the next Republican debate if there aren’t format changes. The GOP should call his bluff.

Trump & Carson Remain At The Top, Christie & Kasich In Danger Of Missing Main Debate Stage

Donald Trump and Ben Carson are still the top two candidates in the GOP race, while Chris Christie and John Kasich appear to be in danger of being relegated to the “KIds Table” debate at the end of the month.

Hillary Clinton Gets Some Good Polling News Ahead Of First Democratic Debate

With the first Democratic Presidential Debate just hours away, Hillary Clinton got some good polling news from Fox News Channel.

Trump And Carson Continue To Lead GOP Field, Rubio Rises

While Donald Trump and Ben Carson have slipped somewhat in the polls, they both continue to lead the GOP field while Marco Rubio shows signs of breaking out of the middle of the pack.

Marco Rubio, The Next GOP Rising Star?

Quietly, Florida Senator Marco Rubio has been moving close to the front f the race for the Republican Presidential nomination.

CNBC Debate Criteria Likely To Be Bad News For Several Republican Candidates

The criteria for next month’s third Republican Presidential debate have been announced, and they’re likely to end up being bad news for several Republican candidates.

Anti-Gay Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Is Now A Republican

She’s where she’ belongs.

Donald Trump Continues To Lead GOP Field In Post-Debate Polling

One week after the second Republican debate, Donald Trump is still at the top of the GOP field, and that doesn’t seem likely to change any time soon.

Donald Trump Tries To Bully Yet Another Critic

The Club For Growth has released two ads criticizing Donald Trump, so of course Trump is threatening to sue them.

Scott Walker Dropping Out Of Presidential Race

Once a candidate that many believed could become the Republican nominee, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is dropping out of the race for President.

Donald Trump Still Leads The GOP Race In First Post-Debate Polls

The first significant national polls taken in the wake of last week’s debate show that Donald Trump has slipped somewhat, but still remains the clear leader of the Republican race for President.

Anti-Vaccine Paranoia Infects The Republican Race For President

There was far too much pseudoscience in evidence during the Republican Debate on Wednesday.

Foreign Policy At The Republican Debate

With the exception of Rand Paul, the foreign policy discussion at last night’s debate was about as bad as you’d expect.

Republicans Clash In Second Debate That Seemed To Last Forever

The Republican candidates for President took to the stage last night for a debate that seemed to last forever and accomplished nothing.

Republicans See Donald Trump As ‘Presidential,’ The Rest Of America Not So Much

Polling shows that Republicans increasingly see Donald Trump as Presidential and trustworthy. The rest of America disagrees.

Cable News Is Basically Now Just The Donald Trump Show

Even taking the fact that he is the Republican frontrunner into account, Donald Trump is getting a disproportionate amount of attention from the political media.

Despite Obvious Shortcomings, Ben Carson Rises In The Polls

Ben Carson has no government experience, he has a history of saying things that don’t seem grounded in reality, and he lacks the resources for a credible campaign. And yet, he’s closing in on Donald Trump in the polls.

Republican Candidates Abandon Reagan’s Optimism In Favor Of Doom And Gloom

To listen to many of the Republican candidates for President, it would appear that the lights have been turned out on Ronald Reagan’s shining city on a hill.

Donald Trump, Ben Carson Lead The GOP Field Heading Into Second Debate

Donald Trump and Ben Carson remain at the top of the Republican Presidential field heading into the second debate on Wednesday.

Scott Walker’s Campaign Seems To Be In Serious Trouble

Scott Walker used to have a commanding lead in Iowa, now he’s in 7th place. That’s just another sign of the troubles facing his campaign.

Donald Trump Unleashes Another Insult That His Supporters Most Likely Won’t Care About

Donald Trump is back to hurling insults at his opponents, but it’s unlikely his supporters are going to care.

Vast Majority Of Americans Oppose Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis’s Actions

A new poll shows that the vast majority of Americans oppose Kim Davis’s refusal to follow the law, even while some Republican candidates rally behind her.

Republican Candidates Rally Around Lawbreaker Kim Davis, Trample All Over The Rule Of Law

Most of the Republican candidates for President would rather support a lawbreaker than the Rule of Law. The American people should judge them accordingly.

CNN Revises Debate Criteria, Fiorina Now Likely To Make The Cut For The Main Debate

CNN has revised its criteria for the main September 16th debate such that Carly Fiorina will now most likely make the cut.

Donald Trump Appeals To The Worst Instincts In Voters, And The Worst Parts Of American Politics

The longer this race goes on, the hard it becomes to deny the truth about Donald Trump.

Republican Re-Runs Faring Poorly

None of the top eight candidates in current polls have made a previous bid for the nomination.

Donald Trump, Ben Carson Tied In New Iowa Poll

Two candidates with no political experienced whatsoever are tied in Iowa as Republican voters continue to reject anyone with political experience.

Jeb Bush Loses Three Top Fundraisers; Signs Of Trouble Ahead?

Jeb Bush’s campaign has been in a rough patch for several weeks at least, and now he’s lost three top fundraisers.

Voter’s Words For Hillary Clinton: “Liar,” Dishonest,” “Untrustworthy”

Hillary Clinton has a bit of a public image problem, but it’s not clear if that will hurt her politically.

Carly Fiorina’s Campaign Is Complaining About CNN’s Debate Rules

Carly Fiorina will most likely be excluded from CNN’s prime time debate in September, so of course her campaign is complaining about rules that were established months ago.

Trump Continues To Lead The GOP Field, But Is His Support Overstated?

Donald Trump’s support in the polls appears to become coming largely from people who don’t typically vote in primary elections.

State-Level Republicans Looking At Ways To Keep Trump Off The Ballot

Republican officials in three states are looking at ways to keep Donald Trump off the primary ballot unless he pledges to support the eventual GOP nominee.

Another Walker Flip-Flop On Immigration Amid Crashing Poll Numbers

Scott Walker is flip-flopping on immigration again, while his poll numbers sink like a stone.

Don’t Expect The Republican Field To Shrink Very Much Before Iowa

For a variety of reasons, it’s unlikely that the Republican field will shrink significantly before the Iowa Caucuses.

The “Anchor Baby” Myth

There are no “anchor babies,” there are only Americans.

Walker, Jindal, And Graham Endorse Donald Trump’s Plan To End Birthright Citizenship

It will never actually happen, of course, but some of Donald Trump’s fellow candidates for President have been eager to endorse his idea to abolish birthright citizenship.

Trump Continues To Lead A Fluid GOP Field

Donald Trump is still in the lead of the Republican circus, but the rest of the field remains uncertain in the wake of the first debate.

Donald Trump’s Immigration Plan As Bad As You’d Expect

Donald Trump’s immigration plan is would create a police state, violate people’s rights, and hurt America’s economy. And his supporters will most likely love it.

Republican Race Shaken Up After First Debate, But Trump Still Leads

There have been some changes in the race for the Republican nomination.

Time To Take Trump Seriously?

The buffoonish billionaire is tapping into something real.

Jeb Bush Is Willfully Blind To The Truth About The Iraq War

Like many Republicans, Jeb Bush continues to be willfully blind to the truth about the Iraq War.

Trump Leads In Iowa, While Walker Declines

Donald Trump is leading in Iowa, and very few things make sense anymore.