There’s a Criminal Defense Crisis In New Mexico, And Nobody Seems To Care

Public defenders in New Mexico are overworked, underfunded, and outmatched, but then that’s true pretty much everywhere in the country.

Electoral College Farce

While hardly the most compelling argument against an archaic institution, yesterday’s silliness was noteworthy.

EC Fantasy (Yet Again)

As we approach the vote, the fantasies keep coming.

Oops. He’s doing it again.

Eliminating the department would mean parceling out most of its activities to other federal agencies, a sleight of hand maneuver that might create the appearance of smaller government but would disrupt the ordinary operations of the federal government. 

Term Limits Only A Partial Solution To The Problems Plaguing Congress

Congressional term limits are a good idea, but they are only a partial solution at best and may not be the best solution to the problems facing our political system.

ExxonMobil CEO Rex TIllerson Reportedly Trump’s Pick For Secretary Of State

The head of the biggest energy company in the world is reportedly Donald Trump’s pick for Secretary of State.

Another General In Trump’s Cabinet

Three of the top four national security positions in Donald Trump’s Cabinet will be filled by retired Generals. This isn’t necessarily a good thing.

More EC Fantasties

Another day, another EC fantasy,

Texas Elector Resigns Rather than Vote for Trump

His actions illustration how well the EC process is institutionalized.

Donald Trump Opposes Flag Burning, Supports Burning The Constitution

Donald Trump resurrects an old debate and desecrates the Constitution in the process.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Backs Away From Idea Of New Clinton Email Investigation, Prosecution

Trump backs away from yet another campaign promise.

Secretary Of State Mitt Romney?

Team of Rivals?

A Second First Impression: Greetings!

In which I use a lot of words to say hello.

Chelsea Clinton Being ‘Groomed’ For Congress, Reports Say

No, the Clinton dynasty isn’t dead just yet.

Janet Reno, First Female Attorney General, Dies At 78

Janet Reno, who served as Attorney General for nearly all of the Bill Clinton Administration, has died at 78.

Anyone But Trump

Even if you’re not sure who you should vote for, it’s obvious who you shouldn’t vote for.

Bush Family Member Says Bush 41 And 43 May Vote For Clinton

Are these the faces of Clinton voters? George P. Bush thinks so.

Supreme Court To Decide Case Involving Transgender Student’s Use Of Bathroom

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case involving Federal law and the rights of transgender students.

Would Senate Republicans Really Block Any Supreme Court Nomination Hillary Clinton Makes?

Two Republican Senators are exchanging barbs over the idea that the GOP should block any attempt by Hillary Clinton to nominate anyone to the Supreme Court if she becomes President.

It’s Two Weeks Until Election Day, And Things Are Looking Very Good For Hillary Clinton

Two weeks before Election Day, everything seems to be going Hillary Clinton’s way.

Is Nuance Still Possible in American Politics?

Damon Linker writes, “Millions of people disagree with your political views. That doesn’t make them moral monsters.”

Feel Free To Skip Tonight’s Vice-Presidential Debate, Because It’s Not Going To Matter

Nothing that happens tonight during the Vice-Presidential debate is likely to matter, so feel free to skip it.

Ted Cruz Proves His Political Opportunism Is More Important Than His Conscience

In which Ted Cruz endorses the guy who called his wife ugly and said his father was involved in the Kennedy assassination.

George H.W. Bush Reportedly Voting For Hillary Clinton

According to one report, the GOP’s longest living former President plans to vote for a Democrat this fall.

Even Trump’s Supporters Don’t Believe Mexico Would Pay For Trump’s Border Wall

Apparently, even people who support Donald Trump don’t believe his claim that he can get Mexico to pay for his border wall.

Republicans Vow To Continue Investigations Even If Hillary Clinton Wins The White House

House Republicans are vowing to continue their investigations even if Hillary Clinton wins the White House.

With Nine Weeks To Go, Clinton’s Post-Convention Bounce Seems To Have Disappeared

It’s the traditional start of the campaign season, and the race for President is getting close, at least at the national level.

Trump Surrogate: Without Donald Trump There Will Be ‘A Taco Truck On Every Corner’

A Trump surrogate warns of a “taco truck on every corner” if Trump loses. That sounds like more of a promise than a threat if you ask me.

Supreme Court Blocks North Carolina From Enforcing Restrictive Voting Law

In a ruling that could have a real impact on the 2016 election, the Supreme Court has declined to grant a stay to a lower court ruling striking down a North Carolina law that tightened Voter ID laws and restricted early voting.

Rick Perry Goes From The Presidential Campaign Trail To ‘Dancing With The Stars’

This is not exactly what Rick Perry had hoped he’d be doing this fall.

Sluggish Economic Growth, The Federal Reserve, And The 2016 Election

Another sign of a weak economy as the Federal Reserve considers rate hikes and the Presidential campaign moves forward.

Donald Trump’s Immigration Flip Flop

Donald Trump is signaling a big shift in his immigration position.

Evan McMullin’s Presidential Campaign Not Going So Well

The “independent conservative” running for President is finding it hard to even get on the ballot.

Federal Court Blocks Department Of Education Guidelines On Bathroom Access For Transgender Students

A Federal Court has barred the Federal Government from enforcing guidelines on the rights of transgender students in public schools.

Anti-Trump Republicans Get Behind Campaign Of Some Guy Nobody’s Ever Heard Of

The latest desperation bid from anti-Trump Republicans is guaranteed to make a GOP civil war more likely.

Federal Judge Strikes Down North Dakota’s Voter ID Law

A Federal Judge in North Dakota has struck down that state’s Voter ID Law, the fourth such decision in less than a month.

Federal Courts Strike Down Voter ID Laws In Wisconsin, North Carolina

Big losses for proponents of Voter ID laws in two swing states.

Federal Court Rules Texas Voter ID Law Violates Voting Rights Act

A big setback for one of the most restrictive Voter ID Laws in the country.

Ted Cruz Refuses To Endorse Trump In Convention Speech

Ted Cruz’s convention speech was about what you’d expect, a gamble designed to set up his campaign for President in 2020 or beyond.

Some Republicans Already Looking Ahead To 2020

The 2016 Republican Convention is barely halfway over, but some Republicans are already looking ahead to 2020.

Final Effort To Block Trump Fails In RNC Rules Committee

Predictably, the latest effort to prevent Donald Trump from gaining the Republican nomination has ended in failure.

Police Killing People with Drones

The Dallas shooting spree ended with police killing the perpetrator with a drone. I’m okay with that.