People Are Crazy (Fact Check Edition)


Friday Tab Clearing

Stories, links, and brief observations from the week that never grew into posts.

Tab Clearing Friday

Quick takes from the week.

Working From Home and Polarization

Yet another thing driving Americans apart.

Sinema’s Misunderstanding of the Senate (and of Basic Politics)

The post really isn’t about Sinema as much as it about a theory of poltiics.

Texas Democrats Deny Quorum, Delay Elections Bill

A special session looms. (And how this is not like the filibuster in the US Senate).

Trump’s Generals

My contribution to a continuing debate.

Wuhan Lab Leak Moves from Hoax to Theory

The fact-checkers blew this one and blew it big.

Once Again to Madison and Republics

The saga continues.

Half-Mast or Half-Assed?

A powerful symbol has been robbed of its significance.

The GOP: Not a Civil War, Not a Purge

The GOP is actually pretty healthy at the moment, despite some public rhetoric to the contrary.

The Arizona Audit

The latest front on the war on truth.

Following the Science Isn’t Our Nature

The reaction to the pandemic has long since been about much more than the pandemic.

The Pandemic in India

The numbers are staggering and getting worse.

CDC Updates Guidelines for ‘Fully Vaccinated’

The CDC is green-lighting much, much more activity for the fully-vaccinated (with some caveats).

President Joe Biden takes notes doing a G7 Leaders’ Virtual Meeting Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, in the White House Situation Room. President Joe Biden takes notes doing a G7 Leaders’ Virtual Meeting Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, in the White House Situation Room.

Biden Declares Armenian Genocide a Genocide

The President has overturned decades of US foreign policy and alienated a NATO ally for, well, reasons.

Maxine Waters Under Fire

The latest variant of the “No Justice, No Peace” threat is unhelpful.

Nick Burns to Be China Ambassador

An exceptional choice that breaks the recent tradition of politicos in the post.

Traffic Stops and Drawn Guns

We need to rethink traffic stops.

Did the Boomers Ruin America?

An interesting but uneven debate.

Arguing Against Democracy

National Review’s Kevin D. Williamson advocates for less democracy in America.

Taking Moot to a Whole Moot Level

Overruling every case President Trump was involved in is getting silly.

Major League False Equivalence

There’s no voting in baseball.

Americans Ignoring Conflicting CDC Advice

Vaccinations are not keeping up with recklessness.

Corporate Politics in Georgia

The GA GOP is butting heads with corporations over HB202

The Rhetorical Framing of HR1

A truly silly characterization from Senator Mike Lee.

How to Defend Rules Designed to Make Voting Harder

An example from Dan McLaughlin of NR

President Joe Biden takes notes doing a G7 Leaders’ Virtual Meeting Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, in the White House Situation Room. President Joe Biden takes notes doing a G7 Leaders’ Virtual Meeting Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, in the White House Situation Room.

Judging Presidents and Presidencies

We tend to focus on the wrong qualities in our early assessments.

Manchin Supports Tax Hike for Infrastructure

While progressives in the party are often frustrated with the West Virginia Senator, he is demonstrating yet again that he’s no Republican.

Yale Fires Prof for Trump Mental Health ‘Diagnoses’

What at first blush appears a case of hypocrisy and cancel culture is a violation of professional ethics.

Anti-Asian Hate in America

A mass shooting in Atlanta draws attention to a problem of which I was only tangentially aware.

The Republican Advantage in the House

Any “fair” drawing of districts will yield a GOP advantage over time.

David Bowie Predicts the Internet

An interesting blast from the past.

Partisanship is Real

Yet another example.

A Bit More Dishonesty

Ted Cruz is at it again.

The Dishonesty is Exhausting

Foolish lies are for foolish liars.

HR1: Good, but Not Enough

And what GOP opposition says about the party.

Seuss (and Electoral Fraud) Redux

The politics of bait-and-switch.

This Week’s Dr. Seuss Nonsense

A story that is both unserious and yet emblematic of our age in a serious way.

Texas Ends COVID Restrictions

The Lone Star State is celebrating its independence in a big way.

How Much Longer for Cuomo?

This feels like resignation territory.

A Return to the (Lack of) Evidence of Significant Fraud

A CPAC speaker and the return of the problem of the Heritage electoral fraud database.

Doug Update

Rush Limbaugh is Still Dead

The reflections on the departed right-wing talk host continue.

Manchin Opposes Tanden for OMB

The Senate’s last conservative Democrat is taking President Biden’s call for unity seriously.

Ted Cruz and Basic Leadership

It is really so hard to understand that you don’t go on vacation during a massive disaster?

Bob Dole Has Lung Cancer

The 97-year-old former Senator and Presidential candidate is ill.