Culture Clash at the New York Times

America’s Newspaper of Record needs to figure out what it wants to be.

Witnesses are Coming (UPDATE: Never Mind)

And illustrations of the fact that this isn’t a regular trial.

The Lincoln Project Grift

Its founders are laughing all the way to the bank.

Did House Impeachment Managers Make Their Case?

Most agree that it was good theater. But it’s not clear what they’ve proven.

More on the Evolution of US Party Politics

Specifically: the former confederacy and Democratic dominance.

Republican Leadership Face Tests with Cheney and Greene

Mitch McConnell is testing out his spine again.

The Filibuster Needs to Go

It is not a tool to foster compromise. It is tool of obstruction, plain and simple.

Our Political Reality

Voting ourselves out of this mess is not so easy

The Leaderless GOP

The Republican Party is not really a thing.

The Key Number: Two Hours

The pivot point in the impeachment charges: two hours of silence.

Supreme Court Rules Trump Emoluments Cases Moot

A legally correct but maddening ruling.

Return of the Technocrats? Or Sinking in the Swamp?

Policy wonks are seeing a refreshing return to the normal order. Some believe that’s a bad thing.

Peak Both-Siderism

David Brooks is the leader in the clubhouse.

Lloyd Austin Confirmed as SECDEF

History has been made in more than one way.

National Guard Sleeping in a Garage!

What we have here is failure to communicate.

Call him the MiAutogolpe Guy

Mike Lindell’s behavior is both farcical and dangerous.

Turley on Impeachment

His column for The Hill feels more like concern trolling than anything else.

Radicalism and Internet Culture

Does online performance logically devolve into rage and violence?

‘Stop the Steal’ Founder ‘in Hiding’

A one-time denizen of Blogger’s Row at CPAC has come a long way.

Trump Bedminster Loses 2022 PGA Championship

So. Much. Winning.

America’s Kristallnacht

“Trump is a failed leader.”

Parler Loses Web Host

Amazon is using its dominant position to shut down a right-wing social platform.

How Trump’s Words are Heard

Trump is careless with his words and extremists respond.

Trump Deserves to be Impeached, Plain and Simple

As we assess Trump’s role in all of this, it is important to think through what he did (and did not) do.

Trump Banned from Twitter

Hashtag: You’re Fired.

The Choose Your Own Adventure Presidency

Trump’s lack of fealty to truth and reality gives supporters an out (if they choose it).

Congress Certifies Biden Win

It’s finally officially official.

Trump Mob Storms Capitol

The predictable, indeed inevitable, has happened.

The Pence Gambit

The absurd notion that the President of Senate is the arbiter and judge of the electoral vote.

The Pending Electoral Vote Challenge

It will be symbolic, but the symbol will be an anti-democratic one.

The Nasty Politicization of COVID

Our cultural divide over the pandemic is turning us into worse people.


Trump brags about being the “most admired” and provides yet another example of poor understanding of data.

Nashville Christmas Bombing

An exploding RV did substantial property damage but caused only minor injuries to bystanders.

Guardians of the High Frontier

Space Force took a year to decide what to call their uniformed members.

Is Rand Paul Going to Object to Electors?

The junior Senator from Kentucky is drawing a lot of attention to himself on “fraud.”

Pete Buttigieg to be Biden’s Transportation Secretary

He wanted a cabinet post. And this is a cabinet post.

Representative Mitchell Disaffiliates with the GOP

One member of the Grand Old Party has had it.

The Silly ‘Dr. Biden’ Kerfuffle

A silly, sexist WSJ op-ed has generated plenty of attention.

Charley Pride Dead at 87

A country music legend is yet another victim of COVID.

Dianne Feinstein’s Declining Mental Health

A sad and disturbing report from a reliable source.

It Was 40 Years ago Today

Music legend John Lennon’s life was cut tragically short four decades ago.

Party of Grievance

Not of governance.

Trump is Who We Thought He Was

That which worked for petty business disputes was never going to work on this big of a stage.

Reaping the Whirlwind

That thing that happens when you sow the wind with conspiracy theories.

More Nonsense About the Election

A shadowy flight into the realm of evidence that does not exist.

On Faux Analysis of Biden’s Win

Arguments and analyses that are, well, turkeys.


That’s unpossible!