Wage Growth Over Past Ten Years Worse Than During Great Depression

The jobs market has been weak for much longer than just the past two years.

Ratko Mladic Arrested

Former Serbian commander Ratko Mladic has been arrested for alleged war crimes committed in the 1990s.

A Salient Fact About US-Israeli Relations (Several Billion, in Fact)

The US-Israeli relationship is not one of equals.

Why Obama’s Osama Bounce Didn’t Last

President Obama’s approval numbers shot up after Osama bin Laden was killed two weeks ago. They’ve already settled back to where they were

Gingrich: 2012 Biggest Election Since 1860

Newt Gingrich says the coming presidential election will be the most important since the Civil War.

Economic Growth Slows In First Quarter. What If This Is As Good As It Gets?

Will days of strong economic growth ever return? And what happens if they don’t?

Military-Academic Conflict

America’s war colleges have some problems but we can’t close them.

Libya Exit Strategy

Tom Ricks doesn’t understand why we need an exit strategy in Libya.

Is Dissent Permissible During Wartime?

When America’s leaders make the decision to engage in military action abroad, has the time for debate ended, or is it more important than ever that those with doubts about the policy speak out?

America The Ignorant

Another survey shows that Americans don’t know much about their own history, but does it really matter?

The Political Consequences Of Japan’s Triple Disasters

Will one of the worst natural disasters to hit Japan in centuries change the relationship between the Japanese government and the people?

Japan Disaster and Broken Window Fallacy

Can the massive destruction caused by the Japanese earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdowns stimulate the economy?

Daylight Saving Time History

Overnight, we celebrate the biannual ritual of resetting all our clocks so as to save daylight. Oddly, the amount of daylight continues to heed its own rhythms.

Mainstreaming Brutality

In just over a decade, America has gone from a bipartisan consensus that torture and brutality are bad to a bipartisan consensus that they’re necessary.

Frank Buckles, Last American WWI Vet, Dies at 110

The last American veteran of a conflict which ended nearly a century ago has died.

Watson Beats Ken Jennings on Jeopardy

IBM’s Watson computer crushed human competitors on Jeopardy. What does it mean?

President Obama Drops The Ball On Deficit Reduction

President Obama’s new budget involves nothing less than a thumb in the eye of anyone who hoped he would seriously address federal spending in his first term.

Twenty Five Years Ago Today

Twenty-five years ago today, the American space program came crashing to Earth in a horrible accident.

Blogging Liberty and Tyranny, Chapter One, Part Two

Part two of the ongoing series blogging Mark Levin’s Liberty and Tyranny.

Where Are America’s Jobs?

What happened to the 15 million jobs that were supposed to be created in the past 10 years but weren’t?

Can We Please Stop Comparing Everyone We Disagree With To The Nazis?

Inevitably, the Nazis made an appearance during yesterday’s debate over health care reform in the House. It’s time for it to stop, or at least time for the rest of us to stop taking seriously anyone who resorts to such arguments.

Why America’s Best Officers Are Leaving

The American military personnel system works against keeping the best and brightest officers in the service.

Time To Put Defense Cuts On The Table

With just over a week to go before the 112th Congress convenes, battle lines are already being drawn in battle over the defense budget.

Veteran Diplomat Richard Holbrooke Dies At 69

One of the most active American diplomats of the past twenty-five years has passed away.

How Can Obama Be a Commie and Cut Taxes for the Rich?

Did Obama’s tax cut deal demolish the Republican charge that he’s a radical? Not hardly.

Gary Johnson: Yea, I Inhaled. Two Years Ago, Actually.

What will Republicans think of a candidate for President who admitted to smoking marijuana as recently as two years ago?

Joe Scarborough: Time For GOP To Man Up And Take On Sarah Palin

Former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough wants the GOP to stop kowtowing to Sarah Palin and her acolytes. He’s right.

Jim Webb: The Last Of The Reagan Democrats

Virginia Senator Jim Webb is the last of a dying breed of Democrats, but his party may need him if it wants to remain competitive anywhere outside of a Blue State.

Running For Office Someday? Your Facebook Page May Say Otherwise

Those images on your Facebook page may come back to haunt you if you decide to run for office someday.

Obama Backlash in Context

If the polling is anywhere close to accurate, a Republican wave will come crashing down today, repudiating the first two years of the Obama administration. What does it mean?

Broder, Iran and the Economy

David Broder offers up some odd ideas on the relationship between a war with Iran and the economy.

Johnny Carson as Carnak Johnny Carson as Carnak

2010 Election Predictions

We’ve been talking about the 2010 elections since, oh, the day after the 2008 elections.   Now, it’s time for final predictions.

Slow Economic Growth: The New Normal?

Another round of GDP growth figures are out, and they show that the U.S. economy continues to grow far slower than necessary to sustain job growth. Is this a temporary problem, or something we can expect to live with for the foreseeable future?

Rising China

While the American economy languishes, China is booming again.

USS Cole Attack: 10 Years Ago Today

It’s been a decade since al Qaeda attacked the USS Cole, killing 17 American sailors. The perpetrators are still at large.

Report: Unemployment Crisis May Last Until 2020

If job growth continues at the anemic pace that it has been on in 2010, it could be quite some time before we return to the “Good Old Days” of 5% unemployment.

Is Non-Violence Really Limited?

Would non-violence really have failed against the Nazis? History suggests maybe not….