Ben Carson’s Incoherence And Ignorance On Foreign Policy Should Be Disqualifying

Ben Carson displays incoherence and ignorance on foreign policy issues that disqualify him from being considered a serious candidate for President of the United States.

Ted Cruz: Atheists Aren’t Fit To Be President

Meet Ted Cruz: Religious Bigot

Of Course the Pope is Political

When did “politics” become a dirty word?

A Quick Constitution Lesson for Carson

More bigotry in the campaign.

Republican Candidates Respond To Obergefell About As Expected

The reaction of many of the GOP candidates to the decision in Obergefell v. Hodges is about what you’d expect, but there are a few interesting surprises.

The Battle Against The Confederate Flag Moves Beyond South Carolina

As Governor Haley pushes the South Carolina legislature to take the Confederate Flag down, the movement moves beyond the Palmetto State.

Marco Rubio Thinks That Gay Marriage Is A Threat To ‘Religious Liberty’

Marco Rubio seems to be in lockstep with the extreme social conservatives when it comes to same-sex marriage.

Nebraska Repeals The Death Penalty

Despite a veto from the state’s Governor, today Nebraska became the latest state to repeal the death penalty. Hopefully, others will follow.

Irish Voters Overwhelmingly Vote In Favor Of Same-Sex Marriage

Voters in Ireland have overwhelmingly approved a referendum legalizing same-sex marriage.

Americans Becoming Less Christian And Less Religious, Survey Says

A new survey shows that Americans are becoming less Christian, and less religious overall.

Airman Reportedly Denied Reenlistment For Failing To Say ‘So Help Me God’

It would appear that someone needs to introduce the Air Force to Article VI of the Constitution.

Today in Circular Reasoning

Back to the Ten Commandments and Alabama politics.

Islam And World War One

The First World War played an intriguing role in the birth of the radical Islam we are dealing with today.

British Ban Teaching Creationism As Science, Should The U.S. Do The Same?

It is now illegal to teach creationism as science in the United Kingdom in any school, public or private, that receives public funding.

What ‘War On Religion?’

The very idea of a “war on religion” in the United States is absurd.

Once Again, The Supreme Court Upholds Legislative Prayer

The Supreme Court has again ruled that prayers that open legislative sessions are not unconstitutional.

More on Moore

The line “don’t know much about history” comes to mind.

Vatican Set For First Ever Canonization Of Two Popes, With Two Popes Attending

On Sunday, it’s the Day Of Four Popes.

USA Isn’t Religiously Diverse

Despite the mythos, 95% of Americans are either Christian or unaffiliated.

Explaining The Conservative Love Affair With Vladimir Putin: It’s All About Opposing Obama

The bizarre conservative love affair with Vladimir Putin continues.

The Cultural Conservative Love Affair With Vladimir Putin Is Quite Odd

Vladimir Putin seems to be getting a lot of love from cultural conservatives in the United States.

Duck Dynasty, “Free Speech,” And The Culture Of Perpetual Outrage

“Reality” TV star says something dumb about gay people, gets suspended, usual pointless outrage ensues.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The One State, Two State, Red State, Blue State Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Conservatives For Putin?

Some conservatives don’t seem too troubled by Vladimir Putin’s repression.

Crossfire Returns with New Hosts

CNN is reviving the Crossfire shoutfest with Newt Gingrich, S.E. Cupp, Stephanie Cutter, and Van Jones as hosts.

Was the American Civil War Worth It?

Yes, it ended slavery. But at a huge cost.

The Iraq War And The Damaged Legacy Of The GOP

The Iraq War did significant damage to the legacy of the Republican Party.

Freedom Of Speech, Blasphemy, And International Relations

Sacrificing our principles in the face of mob violence is never a good idea.

Running Out Of Angry White Guys

Lindsey Graham: “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

Gore Vidal Dead at 86

The novelist, playwright, and social critic Gore Vidal has died, aged 86.

Would Religion Survive The Discovery Of Alien Life?

Would faith survive the discovery that the central premise of the Bible is a lie?

Mormonism Sure Is Weird

Jeffrey Goldberg asks, “What if Mitt Romney were Jewish?”

Belief in God Low Among Young Americans

A third of Americans under the age of 30 doubt the existence of God, compared to 14 percent 25 years ago.

Russia And Syria: More Than Meets The Eye

The factors influencing Russian policy in Syria are many, and some of them are quite ancient.

The American Taliban (at Least in Terms of Rhetoric)

The phrase “American Taliban” is usually off the mark. However, sometimes it is closer to the mark than we might like.

There Is No Such Thing As “Traditional Marriage”

Marriage has always been an evolving institution.

Who Wins From Obama’s Same-Sex Marriage Announcement?

Will Obama’s announcement on same-sex marriage benefit him or Romney in the upcoming campaign?

Once Again, The United States Has Not Abandoned Space Exploration

The arrival of Discovery in Washington D.C. has led to another lament about “national greatness.”

The Christian Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name

Andrew Sullivan wants the Catholic Church to give up its hatred of homosexuals. There’s another alternative.

The First Amendment Makes Rick Santorum Want To Vomit

Rick Santorum’s views on the role of religion in public life are built on lies about American history.

Santorum and his Theology

Santorum and stewardship of the Earth.

Rick Santorum Gets It Wrong On The Role Of Religion In Politics

Rick Santorum would do well to listen to the words of the last Catholic to be President of the United States.