In Case There Were Doubts about the Politics of the McCabe Firing…

Less than 24 hours after the McCabe firing, the president’s attorney explicitly connects the move to the Mueller probe.

The Cable TV Presidency

The Trump presidency is the latest step in treating commentators like policy experts. It is all a manifestation of how the modern GOP is a populist party.

Attorney For Stormy Daniels: Client Was Physically Threatened To Remain Silent

A new bombshell allegation in the Stormy Daniels affair.

Stormy Daniels Interview To Air On 60 Minutes On March 25th

The Stormy Daniels/Donald Trump story will break open wide on 60 Minutes next weekend.

Larry Kudlow Trump’s Next Economic Advisor

Best known as a television host, he served in the Reagan administration and chief economist of Bear Stearns.

Polls Show Support For Gun Control Measures At 25-Year High

Polls released since the Parkland, Florida shooting show that support for gun control measures is at its highest level since 1993, but will it last?

Tillerson’s Ouster Was Hardly A Surprise

While the nature of Rex Tillerson’s firing as Secretary of State was shocking in its abruptness, taken in context with the rocky nature of his tenure it was hardly surprising.

Doctors Paid By Big Pharma for Prescribing Opioids

The industry is using speaker fees to reward physicians who prescribe the most.

Trump Lawyers Consider Legal Action To Stop CBS From Airing Stormy Daniels Interview

Anderson Cooper has interviewed adult film star Stormy Daniels for 60 Minutes, but lawyers for President Trump are apparently considering legal action to stop the report from airing.

Dentists Dying of Mysterious Lung Disease

An estimated 200,000 Americans have Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Dental professionals are 23 times more likely to be afflicted.

Most People Don’t Care About Daylight Saving Time

A majority of Americans say their lives are not “disrupted” by the time change. They’re wrong.

Russian Backchannels, Lying to Congress, and Presidential Interference

The Russia investigation rolls on with more evidence of questionable conduct on the part of Trump and his team.

Stormy Daniels Sues Trump

Adult film star Stormy Daniels has filed a lawsuit against the President, handing the already beleaguered White House yet another headache.

Kellyanne Conway Violated Hatch Act

The legal distinction between “personal capacity” and “official capacity” makes no sense for senior presidential appointees.

Sam Nunberg’s Epic Meltdown

The former Trump campaign official made the most of his 15 minutes of fame.

The President’s Self-Imposed Bubble

POLITICO buries the lede in making the case for “Donald Trump’s bubble presidency.”

President Trump Attempts Self-Deprecating Humor at Gridiron Club

After skipping such events in his first thirteen months in office, the President tried his hand at stand-up last night to mixed reviews.

Trump Likes ‘President for Life’ Idea

The President jokingly praised his Chinese counterpart’s power grab at a fundraiser. But he seriously doesn’t understand the rule of law.

Lindsey Graham Says War With North Korea Would Be “Worth It.”

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham says war against North Korea would be worth it. Ignoring the fact that it would result in casualties unlike anything America has seen since the Vietnam War.

‘Bomb Cyclone’ Possible with Life-Threatening East Coast Storms

This isn’t your ordinary windy day.

Walmart Joins Dick’s To Raise Minimum Age To Buy Any Gun To 21

Following yesterday’s move by Dick’s Sporting Goods, Walmart has raised the age for all gun sales to 21.

Hope Hicks Out as Communications Director

The 29-year-old was one of President Trump’s most trusted aides but she had an impossible job.

Prospects For Congressional Action On Guns Are As Dim As Ever

Despite the activism we’ve seen in the wake of the school shooting in Florida, it’s unlikely that we’ll see significant Congressional action on guns.

Ben Carson Spends $31,000 On A Dining Room Table For His Office

Ben Carson has expensive taste in office furniture.

[Top Secret Clip Art] [Top Secret Clip Art]

Jared Kushner ‘Loses’ Top Secret Clearance (But Maybe Not Access)

The White House chief of staff has downgraded the President’s son-in-law’s access to classified information. We’ll see how long that lasts.

Democrats Open Big Lead In New Generic Ballot Poll

Democrats appear to have regained momentum in the Generic Congressional Ballot.

Poll Shows Increased Support For Gun Control In The Wake Of Florida Shooting

New polls show increased support for various gun control measures, including limitations on so-called “assault weapons,” but that doesn’t mean we’re likely to see Congressional action on the subject.

Trump’s Job Approval Dips To A New Low In Two New Polls

President Trump’s job approval hits a new low.

California Democrats Snub Dianne Feinstein

The octogenarian failed to get her party’s endorsement for a sixth term.

National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster On His Way Out?

National Security Adviser H.L. McMaster is the latest person rumored to be considering moving on from the Trump Administration.

Trump Floats Idea Of Arming School Teachers

President Trump is pressing the idea of arming teachers to stop shootings in schools.

Parkland Shooting Survivors Speak Out On Gun Control, And Some On The Right See A Conspiracy

The students who survived last week’s mass shooting in Parkland, Florida are speaking out, and some on the right are responding by engaging in personal attacks and spreading conspiracy theories.

Hyperpartisanship Continues To Ruin Our Political Culture And Our Country, And We’re Letting It Happen

The tragedy in Florida last week revealed once again how hyperpartisanship is destroying our politics and harming the country.

F.B.I. And Local Law Enforcement Had Warnings About Parkland Shooter Long Before Shooting

From the F.B.I. on down, there were multiple warnings that could have prevented Wednesday’s tragedy in Parkland, Florida.

More Than 130 White House Employees Lack Final Security Clearances

More security clearance problems for the White House.

At Least 14 Victims In School Shooting In South Florida

Another school shooting, this time in Florida.

Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Admits Paying Off Porn Star Alleged To Have Affair With Trump

Donald Trump’s lawyer admits to making a six-figure payment on the eve of the 2016 election to a porn star that Trump was alleged to have had an affair with. That just raises a host of other questions.

Federal Judge Has Doubts About Trump’s Border Wall

The Judge presiding over a case dealing with Trump’s proposed border wall expressed doubts about the project. The President will no doubt be irked by the identity of that Judge.

Dozens Of Trump White House Employees Lack Final Security Clearances

More than a year into the Trump Presidency, dozens of White House personnel lack proper security clearances.

What The Rob Porter Scandal Tells Us About The Trump White House

The Rob Porter story, which is quickly becoming the Rob Porter scandal, tells us a lot about the Trump White House, and none of it is good.

Trump Administration Admits 2018 Elections Are Vulnerable To More Russian Interference

Administration officials are admitting that it’s likely that Russia will try to interfere in the midterm elections just as it did in 2016, but they don’t seem inclined to do anything about it.

Of Course Donald Trump Wants A Military Parade

Of course Donald Trump wants a military parade, it would be consistent with his delusions of grandeur.

Congress Moves Ahead On Budget Deal As Trump Threatens Shutdown

Congress appears to be moving closer to a budget deal even as the President tries to throw a monkey wrench into the whole thing.

Live By The Markets, Die By The Markets

Donald Trump spent much of the past year touting the rising stock market, now he’s getting a lesson in reality.

Prospects For A DACA Deal Still Not Looking Good

Congress seems no closer to a DACA deal than they were in January.

Congress Heads Back To Work With Both The Budget Unresolved And A Shutdown Looming

After an extended break for the Republican retreat, Congress heads back to work today with just three days before a possible government shutdown.

The Nunes Memo’s Big Lies

The two most important allegations in the Nunes memo appear to be complete lies.

Is Joe Arpaio The Next Roy Moore?

Will Joe Arpaio cause the GOP to lose an otherwise winnable Senate race?