Transparent Hypocrisy on Mail-in Voting

Hypocrisy, lies, and dangerous rhetoric from Trump and his allies on mail-in voting.

Nursing Homes Ground Zero for COVID-19

The pandemic is highlighting an international shame.

Is Partisanship a “What” or a “Why”?

The conversation continues. (Warning: it is over 3000 words).

Justin Amash Not Running for President After All

We won’t have whatshisname to kick around any more.

Steady Joe?

Biden’s polling lead over Trump is historically stable.

The Language of Sexual Violence

We need a better vocabulary for treating the spectrum between rude and horrific.

More on Biden’s Low Profile

And some notes on Trump’s media exposure.

Rumor Has It…

North Korea’s Supreme Leader, Kim Jong Un, may be seriously ill.

The End of China’s Growth?

Or just a bump in the road?

Sanders Does the Right Thing

He has ended his bid for the Democratic nomination.

Boris Johnson Moved to Intensive Care

The British PM is very sick from COVID-19.

Pressuring Venezuela?

In recent weeks the US has ramped-up pressure on Maduro.

Trump Floats National Quarantine, Backs Off

The Constitution in times of extreme crisis.

Federal Bureaucrats Repeatedly ‘Warned’ About Pandemic Shortages

But they weren’t shouting it from the rooftops.

President Donald J. Trump, joined by Vice President Mike Pence and members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, takes questions from the press at a coronavirus update briefing Saturday, March 14, 2020, in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead) President Donald J. Trump, joined by Vice President Mike Pence and members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, takes questions from the press at a coronavirus update briefing Saturday, March 14, 2020, in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

Trump and the Governors

This isn’t what leadership looks like.

Prince Charles Has COVID-19

The 71-year-old heir to the British throne has tested positive and is in self-isolation.

Rand Paul Tests Positive for COVID-19

The man is a moron.

The Narcissist in Chief, II

This could be a very long series.

Stocks Plummet Amid Coronavirus and Oil Fears

Trading has resumed after an early plunge triggered automatic suspension.

Kamala Harris in front of American Flag Kamala Harris in front of American Flag

Harris Endorses Biden

The Democratic wagons continue to circle around Biden.

Lousiana’s Weak Case for Abortion Regulation

A case that should never have made it to the Supreme Court.

Elizabeth Warren Ends Campaign

The inevitable has happened.

Elizabeth Warren Couldn’t Win and Therefore Didn’t

She lost in both of her home states. She shouldn’t be embarrassed.

Chris Matthews Retires

The longtime talking head is the latest poster boy for #MeToo. And mandatory retirement.

Klobuchar Out

The field winnows further.

COVID-19 and the Trump Administration

The administration’s handling underscores its poor governance skills (and the degree to which it doesn’t matter to supporters).

Bloomberg’s Campaign Costing Taxpayers?

A law professor makes a bad argument in favor of a pet policy.

Anonymous Intel Officials Say On-Record Briefer Overstated Russian Interference

Moscow helped Trump in 2016. Do they want him back?

Bolton and his Book

He is complaining that the White House is holding it up.

Deval Patrick Drops Out

The Democratic nominee will be white.

Trump Cutting NSC Back for Wrong Reasons

A smaller staff is arguably a good idea. But not this way.

Iowa Shifting the Narrative?

The media coverage continues on script.

Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

Sad news from the conservative talk icon.

Trump’s Acquittal and American Democracy

Has this precedent permanently damaged the country? Or is it just politics as usual?

Guy Named John Delaney Ends Campaign Nobody Knew About

This. Changes. Everything.

Portion of the Wall Falls

New section of wall goes all Jericho in Mexicali

Joe Rogan, Bernie Sanders, and the Intellectual Dark Web

Politics makes strange bedfellows.

Polarization and the Media

Rules for covering the Senate trial highlight changes in how we get the news.

11 US Troops Injured in Attack Where No US Troops Were Injured

Claims by the President and Defense Department about the Iranian response to the Soleimani raid were untrue.

Democratic Debate Stage Set To Shrink Again

Next week’s Democratic debate could have as few as five candidates.

Trump’s Threat To Attack Iranian Cultural Sites Would Probably Be A War Crime

President Trump’s threat to attack Iranian cultural sites would most likely constitute a war crime if he actually carried it out.

Actions have Consequences

Despite Pompeo’s assurances, we are already seeing consequences for the Suleimani killing.

The Political Impact Of Impeachment

The truth is that many voters are paying attention to issues that have nothing to do with impeachment or simply ignoring politics altogether.

New Year Likely To Bring A “Gift” From North Korea

The DPRK is promising a “gift” to the United States. The only question seems to be what form it will take.

Sixth Democratic Debate Draws Lowest Viewer Numbers Yet

Thursday night’s Democratic debate drew the lowest numbers of any of this season’s debates.

Trump Unleashes Disgusting Attack On John Dingell And His Widow

Last night, Trump decided it would be a good idea to attack a dead Congressman and his widow.

Previewing The Sixth Democratic Debate

It’s time for the last Democratic debate of 2019, and the stage will be smaller than it has at any time in the past.