What ‘War On Religion?’

The very idea of a “war on religion” in the United States is absurd.

Former Fla. Governor Charlie Crist Is Running For His Old Job, As A Democrat

Charlie Crist, and his tan, want the Governor’s Mansion back.

Obama’s Pivot To The Economy: More Of The Same

As expected, President Obama’s latest “pivot” to the economy is less than meets the eye.

Race In America And The Time Barack Obama Was Mistaken For A Waiter

What can an incident at an elite New York party ten years ago tell us about race in America?

Charlie Crist Officially a Democrat

Charlie Crist, run out of the Republican Party, is now a Democrat.

Freedom Of Speech Under Attack

Increasingly, the right of people to speak is being sacrificed in the name of “tolerance” and “security.”

Still A Steady State Election?

The Presidential race seems to be returning to the state it was in before the political conventions.

Romney Won The Debate, But Will It Matter?

Mitt Romney won the debate last night, but it’s not at all clear that this will matter at all.

How Romney Lost The Economy As A Winning Issue

The biggest surprise of the Presidential race to date is the fact that Mitt Romney has lost the edge he once had on economic issues.

The Convention Bounce Is Apparently Over, But Obama Still Leads

The President’s poll lead has shrunk, but there are still signs of trouble for Mitt Romney.

Can Mitt Romney Turn This Election Around?

It’s still possible for Mitt Romney to win this election, but is it probable?

One Year Later, The Failure Of Occupy Wall Street Is Apparent

The Occupy movement began one year ago today. It’s no surprise that it ended up being a failure.

Attempts to “Carterize” the Race

Romney supporters seem to want to paint Obama as Carter. This is unlikely to help.

Could Foreign Policy Cost Mitt Romney The Election?

Mitt Romney’s foreign policy weaknesses are starting to become apparent.

Obama Leading Romney In New Polls, Extent Of Convention Bounce Is Unclear

A new round of polling has Obama in the lead and shows reasons why Romney’s supporters should be concerned, but it’s unclear how long any of this will last.

Jimmy Carter Longest Serving Ex-President

Jimmy Carter’s ex-presidency has lasted the equivalent of 26 Iranian hostage crises.

Mitt Romney’s Ridiculous “God” Attack On Obama And The Democrats

Over the weekend, Mitt Romney was sounding more like Rick Santorum than himself.

Obama’s Convention Bounce Becoming More Apparent

If the first round of post-convention polling is correct, President Obama may be pulling away from Mitt Romney.

August Jobs Report Shows Continued Weakening Of Labor Market

Another bad jobs report threatens to undermine whatever good will the President had coming off the Democratic National Convention.

In Closing Speech, Obama Does What He Needed To Do

President Obama didn’t blow the doors off the Time Warner Cable Arena last night, but he didn’t need to.

Bill Clinton Makes The Case For Barack Obama

Last night, Bill Clinton hit one out of the park for the President Of The United States.

A Bipolar Night At The Democratic Convention

Depending on what time you watched any of last night’s proceedings in Charlotte, you got a very different experience.

Americans Do Not Believe They Are Better Off Than They Were Four Years Ago

Some unpleasant news for the Democrats in a new poll.

Ahead Of Convention, Plenty Of Pitfalls For Democrats

Obama heads into his convention in a good position, but with several potential pitfalls in his path.

The Question Mitt Romney Didn’t Answer Last Night

Mitt Romney left one crucial piece out of his speech last night.

Fix America’s Political Party Conventions By Making Them Much Shorter

The quadrennial political conventions have become, long, boring, tedious, and largely predetermined. It’s time to shake things up by making them a lot shorter.

Time For Another Round Of Pointless “Will Obama Dump Biden?” Speculation

No, Barack Obama is not going to dump Joe Biden before the Democratic Convention.

Republicans Speaking at Democratic Convention

Politico’s Mike Allen reports that several Republicans are expected to speak at the Democratic National Convention next month.