John Kasich Begins Seemingly Quixotic Presidential Bid

Ohio Governor John Kasich looks good on paper, but his campaign seems as though it’s unlikely to get out of the starting gate.

Supreme Court To Hear Case Involving Employees Rights And Public Employee Unions

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a major case about public employee unions that could go a long way toward restraining their power.

The Politics Of Obamacare After King v. Burwell

In the wake of the latest Supreme Court decision, the Affordable Care Act seems to have become even more firmly established than it was before last week, and the prospect of repeal has become even less likely.

John Kaisch To Enter Presidential Race In Late July

In an ordinary year, Ohio Governor John Kasich seems like he’d be a perfect candidate for Republicans in an era when winning the Buckeye State is essential to winning the White House. But things are far from ordinary in the GOP.

Senator Bob Menendez To Reportedly Face Federal Corruption Charges

A powerful Democratic Senator looks like he’s about to be in a whole lot of trouble.

Scott Walker Wants To Drug Test Welfare Recipients, But It Doesn’t Work, And It’s Unconstitutional

A popular idea that does nothing useful while simultaneously violating the Constitution.

GOP Also Saw Gains In State Legislatures Last Week

In addition to gains at the national level and in Governor’s races, the GOP also saw more gains in state legislatures around the country.

Should Lawmaking Be Left to Congress?

Should the Legislature take back legislating from the Executive?

Are Billionaires Replacing Political Parties?

Rich guys are backing organizations that are taking over traditional party functions. Is that a problem?

Fewer Americans Are Without Health Insurance

The number of uninsured Americans has declined since the Obamacare mandate went into effect.

Supreme Court Rules Some Employees Can Opt Out Of Public Employee Unions

The Supreme Court has limited the ability of public employee unions to force people to join their ranks.

State Senate Resignation Sends Virginia Budget Negotiations Into Twilight Zone

Some old fashioned political arm twisting has up-ended the apple cart in Richmond.

Measles Reports Hit Highest Level In Nearly 20 Years Thanks To Anti-Vaccine Movement

The anti-vaccination movement has earned a dubious achievement, the return of a disease that was effectively eradicated 15 years ago.

ObamaCare Passes 7 Million Served

After many ballyhooed glitches, 7 million Americans have signed up for ObamaCare. Now what?

The Tea Party’s Position On The Debt Ceiling Is Fiscally And Politically Irresponsible

Refusing to raise the debt ceiling does nothing at all to control spending.

Republicans Haven’t Reformed But May Win Anyway

Republican leaders continue to say stupid things. They may still retake the Senate in November.

Yet Another ObamaCare Deadline Extended

Another day, another delay.

Choosing A $2,000 Drug Over A $50 Alternative That Works Just As Well

Thanks to current patent and drug regulation laws, we’re paying up to $2,000 for a drug when there’s a drug that does the same thing for orders of magnitude less.

Report: White House Warned In March About Health Care Website Problems

The mounting troubles of the PPACA continue.

When Is Obama Going To Fire Somebody?

It is clear the President has been failed by those under him. So, when is someone going to pay the price?

Obamacare October Enrollment Numbers Fall Far Short Of Goal

As expected, the enrollment numbers for Obamacare are far below where they were expected to be.

Roughly 40,000 People Have Enrolled In Obamacare To Date

Things don’t seem to be going well for the Affordable Care Act.

Obama Apologizes to People Who Lost Lousy Insurance Because of ObamaCare

President Obama has apologized for breaking his “If you like your plan, you can keep it” pledge. Does he have anything to be sorry about?

Did Obamacare Nearly Cost Terry McAuliffe The Election?

Republicans are contending that the nearly won the Virginia Governor’s race by emphasizing Obamacare in the closing weeks, but the evidence supporting that contention is far from clear.

Former Fla. Governor Charlie Crist Is Running For His Old Job, As A Democrat

Charlie Crist, and his tan, want the Governor’s Mansion back.

November 5th Not Looking Good For Virginia Republicans

With debate season over, it’s looking less and less likely that Virginia Republicans will be able to hold back the Democrats on November 5th. Security Flaws Could Make Social Security Numbers Publicly Available

Even if it were functioning properly the Federal Health Care Exchange website would still have problems.

Nobody For Virginia Governor

The Richmond Times-Dispatch has endorsed “none of the above” for governor of Virginia.

Paul Ryan Reemerges, Offering The GOP An Obamacare-Free Way Out

Paul Ryan is back, and he has a plan his party ought to be paying attention to.

Government Shutdown Hurting Republicans In Virginia Governor’s Race

The government shutdown seems to be having an impact on the one competitive statewide race in country this year.

Poll: Public Would Blame GOP For Government Shutdown

The GOP’s plan to defund reality becomes even more disconnected from reality.

Employer Scores Religious Freedom Victory Against Contraceptive Coverage Mandate

An employer has scored a major victory in its fight against Obamacare’s contraceptive coverage mandate.

California Balances Budget While Expanding Aid to Poor

Jerry Brown’s second go-round as governor has been very, very good to the Golden State.

The Civil Cold War

The United States is as politically polarized as it was in 1865.

Supreme Court Rejects Appeal Of Ruling Against Effort To Block Planned Parenthood Funding

The Supreme Court declined to accept an appeal of a case in which Indiana’s effort to defund Planned Parenthood had been blocked by a Federal Court.

IRS Scandal More About Political Bias Than “Incompetence”

What happened at the IRS looks a lot more like deliberate political bias than simple incompetence.

Republican Bill Could Eliminate Most Economic Statistics

A new GOP would make it very difficult to get a good read on the state of the nation’s economy.

Medicaid Rejection and the Politics of Resentment

Bullheadedness is a virtue?