Perry: Mormonism Not a Cult

Rick Perry’s unforced error streak continues.

The Incoherent Agenda Of Occupy Wall Street

Judging them by their own manifesto, the Occupy Wall Street protesters are pretty silly people.

Occupy Wall Street Not Our Arab Awakening

A meme is emerging that the Occupy Wall Street protests are America’s version of the Arab Awakening. That meme must die.

Fact Checking Mitt Romney’s Claim That the President Has “Apologized For America”

During last night’s debate, Mitt Romney repeated a charge that has become part of the conservative zeitgeist. But is it true?

FBI Using Anti-Muslim Literature To Train Counterterroism Agents

The FBI has been using some odd materials to train its counterterrorism agents.

Emails Reveal White House Pressure To Approve Solyndra Loan

Despite previous denials, the White House did in fact intervene in the approval process for a loan to Solyndra.

White House Officials Upset That Republicans Playing Politics Interfered With Their Attempt To Play Politics

The White House is still smarting over the fact that they got burned by John Boehner, again.

Irene Lived Up to the Hype: Nate Silver

The very question is rather dubious.

Birth Of A Bad Blog Meme Or, Why Are Some People Laughing At “Green Aliens”?

It pays to read a scientific study before commenting on it.

Social Security as a Ponzi Scheme

Social Security is like a Ponzi scheme in one way but not in other, more important ones.

Is Ames Straw Poll Meaningless? Or is it Iowa?

The Ames Straw Poll is like the first scrimmage of NFL training camp.

Rick Perry Is A Tenth Amendment Hypocrite

First it was same-sex marriage, now it’s a abortion. Rick Perry hasn’t met a Constitutional Amendment usurping state power he doesn’t like.

The Debt Ceiling and the Imperial Presidency

Congress failing to raise the debt ceiling would involve abrogating an enormous amount of power to the Executive.

Michele Bachmann’s Husband is Gay Meme

I’ve been hearing whispers that Michele Bachmann’s husband, Marcus, is gay for a while. It’s now exploding into a full-on meme.

Where Are The Rational People In The Debt Ceiling Debate?

The participants in the debt negotiations are being led by constituencies that have little interest in compromise.

White House Rejects “14th Amendment Option” On Debt Ceiling

The White House has apparently rejected using a tortured interpretation of the 14th Amendment to deal with the debt ceiling debate.

Oral History, Confidentiality, and the Courts

The Obama Justice Department is siding against historians trying to protect the confidentiality of their sources.

Is The Debt Ceiling Unconstitutional?

Does a little known provision in the 14th Amendment make the entire debt ceiling debate irrelevant?

Eric Cantor, Jon Kyl Drop Out Of Biden Deficit Talks

Talks about a deal to raise the debt ceiling seem pretty close to collapse now that there are no Republicans involved.

Samuel L. Jackson Reads “Go The Fuck To Sleep”

Samuel L. Jackson was the natural choice for the audio book version of Go The Fuck to Sleep.

Herman Cain’s Silly Idea And The Silly “Read The Bill” Meme

Herman Cain says he wouldn’t sign any bill longer than three pages. It’s a line that will get him applause, but it’s totally impractical.

Republican Field Not Weak As You Think

The GOP doesn’t have a charismatic superstar waiting in the wings. That’s okay.

Democrat Wins Special Election In NY-26

It’s just one Congressional District out of 435, but that won’t stop everyone from trying to turn the results in NY-26 into a national referendum on Medicare reform.

Do we Even Understand Tax Policy?

Do people really understand the taxes we pay?

Worst American: Palin or Trump?

A respected liberal blogger thinks Sarah Palin and Donald Trump are the most appalling Americans of our time.

Faux Outrage Of The Week: The White House’s “War On Easter”

The latest conservative meme seems to be that the White House hates Jesus and the Easter Bunny.

Libyan War Coalition One Of The Smallest In Decades

President Obama’s grand coalition against Libya is a lot less than meets the eye.

Obama In South America: Nitpicking, Bad Optics, Or A Really Bad Idea?

Obama is visiting Brazil and Chile while American fighting men join the coalition against Libya.

Anatomy of a Meme: How the P.J. Crowley Quote Went Viral

Philippa Thomas has a fascinating take on how she broke the news of (now former) State Department P.J. Crowley’s condemnation of the Obama administration’s treatment of Bradley Manning.

It Must Be Time To Complain About Obama Golfing Again

It’s springtime in Washington, when the buds start to grow on the Japanese Cherry trees, and political hacks come out of their holes to criticize the President for golfing.

Obama: Oil Companies To Blame For Lack Of Drilling. No, Really

It’s understandable that the President feels defensive about gas prices, but that’s no excuse for trying to sell the public a bill of goods.

Mike Huckabee Doubles Down: Obama Has A “Different Worldview” From The Rest Of Us

A day after apologizing for an odd comment about the President’s upbringing, Mike Huckabee now feeds into the conservative myth that Barack Obama isn’t a real American.

Unfit For Liberty?

The uprisings in the Arab world have led some to suggest that the Middle East isn’t “ready” to be free. They’re wrong.

Libyan Ambassador To U.S. Calls For Action Against Libya

Calls are growing for outside intervention in Libya but it’s unclear what can, or should, be done.

Elections Have Consequences

Republicans won the right to govern Wisconsin. What does that mean for Democrats?

The ‘Lara Logan Deserved It’ Meme

Prominent commentators on the Left and Right are amused by an outrageous assault on CBS reporter Lara Logan.

Rick Santorum’s Google Problem = Google’s Rick Santorum Problem

Rick Santorum is upset that a Google search for his name produces a string of unflattering material. You should be, too.

Joan Rivers Ditches Michelle Obama “Blackie O” Joke

Comedienne Joan Rivers tells Howard Stern why she ditched a joke calling Michelle Obama “Backie O.”

Blogging 101

Some thoughts on why certain topics get blogged.


Didn’t we just talk about this?

The Inevitable Oklahoma City/Tucson Comparisons, And Why They’re Wrong

It was, perhaps, inevitable that someone would attempt to draw a comparison between Saturday’s shootings in Arizona and the Oklahoma City bombing, but the two events really don’t have anything in common.