Mitt Romney’s Unforced Tax Return Error

Mitt Romney has a bit of a tax return dilemma.

The Right Must Abandon The “Obama Is Evil” Meme

If the Right clings to the belief that President Obama isn’t just wrong, but evil, it will likely end up handing the election to him.

Finally, It’s Caucus Day; Plus, A Prediction

After almost a year of campaigning, it’s finally time for someone to cast a vote.

Why Do We Never Learn?

A comment on the commentariat.

Would A Ron Paul Win Kill The Iowa Caucuses?

Iowa Republicans fear that a Ron Paul win on Jan. 3rd will destroy the credibility of their caucuses.

Everyone Hates Newt

With Gingrich surging in the polls, the pundit class has gotten out the long knives.

Republicans Shying Away From Attacking Obama Personally

GOP officials are reluctant to resurrect the personal attacks against the President used during the 2008 campaign.

Could Rick Perry Come Back?

The odds of a come back by the Texas Governor do not look good.

The Ridiculous “Who Lost Egypt?” Argument

There’s a little historical revisionism going on on the right.

Cain Denies Sexual Harassment Allegations But Questions Remain

Herman Cain’s response to allegations of sexual harassment 20 years ago raise as many questions as they answer.

Rick Perry’s Not Really Flat Flat Tax Plan

Rick Perry’s tax plan isn’t very impressive.

Herman Cain and Jesus the Conservative

Cain (like a lot of people) is confused about what the words “conservative” and “liberal” mean.

Reassessing Occupy Wall Street And The 99%’ers

Some on the right are giving Occupy Wall Street and The 99%’ers a second look.

Moving Goalposts of American Conservatism

Rush Limbaugh, who three years ago said Mitt Romney embodied all three legs of the conservative stool today declared that Romney is not a conservative. He was right both times.

The Utter Folly Of Herman Cain’s “9-9-9” Plan

Now that he’s a top tier candidate, it’s hard to see how Herman Cain’s tax plan can withstand serious scrutiny.

Reid Triggers Nuclear Option Lite

Harry Reid is playing hardball, invoking a tactic that he himself decried being threatened when Republicans were in charge.

The Rick Perry Hunting Lodge Story: A Trivial Distraction?

What was written on a rock outside of a hunting lodge in Texas 30 years ago doesn’t really matter all that much.

The Death Of Anwar Al-Awlaki And The Imperial Presidency

Giving the President the unchecked power to kill American citizens raises some serious red flags.

Mitt Romney: The Inevitable Nominee?

Despite all the negatives going against him, Mitt Romney may yet be the inevitable Republican nominee.

The Christie Speculation

The grass is always greener on the candidate not running (or something like that).

Chicago Tribune Editorial Board Member Calls On Obama To Forgo A Second Term

Yes, Barack Obama is running for a second term.

Gardasil and the GOP

The Hoover Institution’s Henry I. Miller, MD takes to National Review to take on the subject of “Gardasil and the GOP.”

Jon Hunstman Unveils A Tax Plan You Ought To Be Paying Attention To

Jon Huntsman is out with a tax and jobs plan that deserves a lot more attention than it’s likely to get.

For A Guy Who Says He Likes The Constitution, Rick Perry Sure Wants to Change It A Lot

In the book he released last year , Rick Perry advocated far reaching changes to the Constitution.

Michele Bachmann And The “Submission” Question: Byron York Was Right

On reflection, the nature of Marcus Bachmann’s influence over his wife is indeed a legitimate question in a political campaign.

The Final Flight Of Atlantis And The Future Of Space Travel

A space shuttle lifted off for the last time on Friday, and some people seem to think its the beginning of the end of America.

Tim Pawlenty’s Foreign Policy Speech And The Neocon Distortion Of Ronald Reagan’s Legacy

Tim Pawlenty’s foreign policy speech shows him siding with the hawks, and joining in the neocon distortion of Reagan’s legacy.

Romney Clarifies Abortion Stance, Takes His Own Pledge

Mitt Romney sought to clarify his pro-life bona fides yesterday. But, will it matter?

The Pathetic Defense Of Sarah Palin’s Botched History Of The Ride Of Paul Revere

The real story of Paul Revere’s ride has little to do with Sarah Palin’s odd tale, no matter what her defenders say.

Mitt Romney Tries To Thread The ObamaCare/RomneyCare Needle

Mitt Romney began his effort to confront what is likely to be his biggest political liability in the 2012 campaign.

Missing The Point: It Doesn’t Matter If Torture “Works”

The debate over “enhanced interrogations” has been renewed by the bin Laden mission, but whether it “worked” or not isn’t the question.

Dear Birthers: STFU, GBTW

A conspiracy theorist is never troubled by facts.

National Review Offers Free Porn

A special surprise was waiting this morning for those who subscribe to Jim Geraghty’s Jolt newsletter.

Congress, The President, And War Powers Under The Constitution

Operation Odyssey Dawn has resurrected the eternal battle over what limits there are, and should be, on the President’s ability to use military force without Congressional authorization.

Yet Another War

America is about to enter a third war in the Muslim world with no clear idea of the end game.

U.S. Military Intervention In Libya? Just Say No

Intervening to “help” the Libyan revolt is very tempting, but it’s a temptation we ought to resist.

What Should The U.S. Do About Libya? Most Americans Say Nothing

Calls are coming from both sides of the aisle for the U.S. to do “something” about the situation in Libya. It would be better if we didn’t get involved.

Michael Steele RNC Re-Election Likely?

The sitting RNC chairman is losing to a field of no-name candidates. Is he actually the favorite?