Trump Job Approval Numbers Continue To Set Records, And Not The Good Kind

Donald Trump’s job approval numbers are the lowest for any new President since World War II. That doesn’t bode well for his Administration’s future.

The Rise Of The Robots And The Decline Of The Middle Class

Technology continues to make more and more jobs unnecessary and irrelevant. And the consequences are going to be widespread.

Rex Tillerson Confirmed As Secretary Of State

In a closer than normal vote for the position, Rex Tillerson has been confirmed as Secretary of State.

Donald Trump Is President, America Will Survive This

While vigilance is called for, America will survive Donald Trump just as it has survived everything else we’ve faced since the nation’s founding.

Government Reports Strong Economic Growth In Third Quarter, But It’s Unlikely To Last

The economy grew strongly in the third quarter of the year, but it doesn’t seem likely to last.

Apparent Berlin Terror Attack Kills 12, Injures Dozens

Another attack in what has been a bloody 2016 for Europe.

John Glenn, First American To Orbit Earth, Dies At 95

Godspeed, John Glenn.

Senate Democrats Look To Be On The Defensive In 2018

As things stand, Democrats will have a hard time winning back control in the Senate in 2018.

A True Baseball Fan

Bush Family Member Says Bush 41 And 43 May Vote For Clinton

Are these the faces of Clinton voters? George P. Bush thinks so.

Chicago Cubs Break Decades Long Curse With NLCS Win

The last time the Cubs were in the World Series, World War II had just ended. Now, they have a chance to break one of the longest droughts in sports history.

Trump In Danger In Deeply Red Utah?

Donald Trump is facing potential trouble in a state that has gone for a Democrat only twice since the end of World War II.

September Jobs Report Reveals A Resilient, But Not Strong, Economy

The September Jobs Report continues to show an economy that is growing to some degree, but hardly growing as fast as it should be.

Trump Pushing Asian American Voters Into Democratic Camp

Donald Trump appears to be pushing voters from America’s fastest growing minority group into the Democratic camp.

Golf Legend Arnold Palmer Dies At 87

A golf legend passes away.

U.S., Russian Agreement On Syria Seems Doomed To Fail

The United States and Russia have reached an agreement to end fighting in Syria, but it seems unlikely to succeed given that it doesn’t involve the parties actually doing the fighting.

Party Realignment Fantasies

David Brooks thinks American politics “Could get ugly” before the ship gets righted.

D.A. Henderson, Leader Of Effort To Eradicate Smallpox, Dies At 87

A true, albeit largely anonymous, hero of humanity has passed away.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Polling Worse Among African-Americans Than Any Republican Since Barry Goldwater

Donald Trump’s support among African-Americans is at historic lows, and seems unlikely to recover.

With A Reaganesque Tone, Barack Obama Passes The Torch To Hillary Clinton

Eight years after beating her for the Democratic Nomination, Barack Obama passed the torch to Hillary Clinton with a speech that sounded more like Ronald Reagan than anything we’ve heard from the Republican nominee.

Dozens Dead, Dozens More Injured, As Truck Rams Bastille Day Crowd In Nice

A night of terror mars Bastille Day celebrations in France.

America’s Perpetual Wars

President Obama will leave office as the first two term President who presided over eight years of war. It didn’t start with him and it won’t end with him.

With The Future In The Balance, British Voters Head To The Polls In ‘Brexit’ Vote

Voters in the United Kingdom are headed to the polls in a vote that will have widespread consequences.

Janet Yellen Hints At Slow Economic Growth, But No Recession, Going Forward

The head of the Federal Reserve tells Congress that the economy is unlikely to enter recession this years, but isn’t exactly going to be booming either.

Obama’s Visit To Hiroshima Brings Reflection, But No Apologies

President Obama’s visit to Hiroshima left just the impression it should have.

Donald Trump Wins Indiana, Becomes Presumptive Nominee, As Ted Cruz Drops Out

Donald Trump’s win last night made him the presumptive Republican nominee, whether Republicans will unify around him is another question.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Donald Trump Would Lead The GOP To Electoral College Disaster

Putting Donald Trump at the top of the ticket would likely lead to an Electoral College disaster for Republicans.

Andrew Grove, Intel Chairman Who Helped Develop The Semiconductor Revolution, Dead At 79

One of the pioneers of the technology revolution of the past four decades has passed away.

George Martin, the ‘Fifth Beatle,’ Dead at 90

The producer behind a group of music legends has passed away at the age of 90.

Peter Mondavi, Napa Valley Wine Pioneer, Dead At 101

A man who helped create a multi-billion dollar a year industry, and some mighty fine wine, has passed away.

Post-Debate Polls Continue To Show Trump Leading In South Carolina

Donald Trump appears headed for another victory in South Carolina’s primary.

Army And Marine Chiefs: Women Should Be Required To Register For Draft Just Like Men

The Army Chief of Staff and Commandant of the Marine Corps told Congress that women should be required to register for the draft just like men are.

National Review Takes On Donald Trump, But It’s Most Likely Too Little, Too Late

The flagship of the American right is leading the charge against Donald Trump, but it’s not likely to work.

German Parliament Approves Expansion Of Involvement In Anti-ISIS Campaign

The German Parliament has approved expansion of the nation’s involvement in the campaign against ISIS, but that doesn’t make the current campaign any less incoherent.

Our Feckless Congress Is Shirking Its Constitutional Duties On The War Against ISIS

Yesterday, the British Parliament debated the expansion of that nation’s military strikes against ISIS. For more than a year, our cowardly Congress has failed to even hold one debate or vote on America’s role in that conflict.

Yes, It Is Appropriate To Think Of Donald Trump As a Fascist And Demagogue

Given his rhetoric, it’s fairly clear that Donald Trump is drawing from a poisonous political well. So there’s no point in failing to acknowledge reality.

Colorado Springs Shooter Is An Enigma, But The Shooting Is Being Politicized Anyway

We still don’t know very much about Robert Dear, the man who shot and killed three people at the site of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado, but that hasn’t stopped the usual suspects from politicizing the case.

Economic Growth Was Slightly Better Over The Summer Than Initially Reported

The economy performed a little better than previously reported over the summer. It’s not great, but it’s probably enough to convince the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates next month.

On The Syrian Refugee Issue And The Internment Of Japanese-Americans During World War II

Remarks by a Democratic politician in Virginia regarding the Administration’s Syrian refugee program have brought up disturbing reminders of a shameful time in American history.

What, Exactly, Does Uttering The Words “Radical Islamic Terrorism” Accomplish?

Republicans insist that uttering the words “Radical Islamic Terrorism” is somehow important in the fight against ISIS and other terror networks, but it is entirely unclear what doing so would accomplish.

The Paris Attacks Have Made The Syrian Refugee Crisis Much More Complicated

The news that at least some of the men who were involved in the terrorist attacks in Paris were among the refugees who have arrived in Europe since the summer is likely to complicate an already complicated situation.

Foundation Seeks To Extend Copyright On Anne Frank’s Diary By Naming Her Father As Co-Author

The Foundation that holds the copyright on one of the most famous works about the Holocaust is seeking to extend their copyright in Europe by naming Otto Frank co-author of his daughter’s published diary.

Jeb Bush Wants You To Know He’s In Favor of Killing Baby Hitler

Give Jeb Bush a DeLorean or a TARDIS and he’ll be traveling back in time to Hitler in no time!

America’s ‘Alliance’ Against ISIS Exists Mostly On Paper, Not In Reality

America’s much touted international coalition against ISIS is, essentially a Coalition In Name Only.

Baseball Legend Yogi Berra Dies At 90

A true legend has passed.

Donald Trump’s National Security Speech Was As Substance-Free As The Rest Of His Campaign

What was promoted as major foreign policy speech by Donald Trump turned out to be more substance-free stream-of-consciousness rambling from an egomaniac.