When Did Posters From A Defeated Murderous Dictatorship Become Pop Art?

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney’s choices in home decor raise an interesting question.

113th Congress Set To Be Least Productive In History, But Is That A Bad Thing?

The current Congress is on pace to pass fewer laws and bills than any since the end of World War II. That’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Another “Meh” Jobs Report

March’s Jobs Report was about as uplifting as the numbers in the past.

Is All Politics Presidential?

Have gubernatorial elections become more nationalized?

Frederick Mayer, Real ‘Inglorious Basterd,’ Denied Medal of Honor Again

A Jewish-American OSS hero has been denied the nation’s highest military honor.

‘Wild Bill’ Guarnere of ‘Band of Brothers’ Fame Dead at 90

Staff Sergeant William Guarnere, made famous by the “Band of Brothers” miniseries, has died aged 90.

Will Fewer Soldiers and Marines Come with Fewer Wars?

My latest for The National Interest, “Hagel’s Defense Cuts: The Least Bad Choice,” is out.

Explaining The Conservative Love Affair With Vladimir Putin: It’s All About Opposing Obama

The bizarre conservative love affair with Vladimir Putin continues.

Obama Ambassador Follies

President Obama is rewarding unqualified hacks who raised huge sums for his campaign with ambassadorships.

War As Aspirational

Why do we persist in going to war?

Israel Appoints First Female Battalion Commander [UPDATED]

The IDF has finally put a woman in command of a battalion. They’re decades behind American forces.

The Cultural Conservative Love Affair With Vladimir Putin Is Quite Odd

Vladimir Putin seems to be getting a lot of love from cultural conservatives in the United States.

Obama Following Bush Path to Second Term Collapse?

Ron Fournier sees major similarities but ignores key differences.

Obama Ending 2013 On A Rough Note

For a year that seemed to start out so well, 2013 has been among the President’s worst of this five years he’s been in office.

WWII Vets Lobotomy Story: Tragic But Not Scandalous

Some 2000 veterans of World War II were lobotomized by the VA. That’s awful but not outrageous.

The Attack On Pearl Harbor Was Not A Consequence Of “American Weakness”

Thoughts on the precursors to the events of 72 years ago today.

November Jobs Report Stronger Than Expected

Some good numbers for November in the Jobs report, but questions about the future remain.

The Dumbest Argument for Restoring the Draft Yet

Dana Milbank offers a nonsensical reason for denying our youth the freedom to choose their own path.

No, The Iranian Nuclear Program Deal Isn’t Like Munich

The opponents of the temporary deal reached in Geneva have been making some ridiculous historical analogies.

World Safer But More Dangerous Than Ever

Robert Kagan warns of “a changing world order.” But he’s grasping at rather thin straws.

Governors Only For President?

A top House Republican suggested today that only Governor’s should be President. His argument has both practical and historical merit.

Review: Bacevich’s Breach of Trust

My review of Andrew Bacevich’s latest book, Breach of Trust: How Americans Failed Their Soldiers and Their Country.

Bum Phillips Dead at 90

Bum Phillips, former head coach of the Houston Oilers and New Orleans Saints, has died aged 90.

Veterans Didn’t Like Being Used As Republican Political Props Yesterday

The presence of politicians like Sarah Palin at yesterday’s “Million Veteran March” was not appreciated by the people who organized the protest.

Monument Shutdowns Bring Protesters To National Mall

Conservatives gathered on the National Mall today to protest the closure of memorials, but their message seems really intended for Republicans in Congress to not back down.

Veterans Removed From Vietnam Veterans Memorial

One of the dumber aspects of the current shutdown repeats itself.

Defense Civilians Could Go Back to Work

The Defense Department might open for business while the rest of government remains shut down.

9/11 And The Never-Ending War

The world changed significantly twelve years ago today. Will it ever change back even a little bit?

Google Being Sued To Remove Search Results

An odd lawsuit out of France.

Syria And The “Isolationist” Smear

Opposing interventionism and unnecessary and unwise military engagements is not isolationism.

Why Some Killing Matters More

Why are chemical weapons a “red line” in a war where so many have been killed?

Army and Navy Cutting Generals and Admirals Ever So Slightly

The Army and Navy are finally doing something about brass bloat.

West Point Casualties in Post-9/11 Conflicts Historically High

West Point graduates account for nearly one in fifty deaths in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Colonel Bud Day, American Hero, Dead at 88

Colonel Bud Day, who earned a Medal of Honor leading Vietnam POWs, had died, aged 88 years.

Japan Reassessing Its Military Policy

In response to North Korean saber rattling and the rise of China, Japan is reassessing it’s military posture

Chris Christie’s Misguided Attack On Rand Paul And The GOP’s ‘Libertarian’ Wing

Chris Christie waded into the debate going on in the GOP over foreign policy. His comments were less than helpful to say the least.

Notwithstanding Egypt, Coups Have Become Rare

Military coups used to be far more common than they are today.