Posts by Doug Mataconis

Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.

Was Irene Overhyped?

Now that the storm has passed, the media is being accused of over-hyping Hurricane Irene.

Ron Paul: American Foreign Policy Is The Primary Motivation For Terrorism

Ron Paul is again making the argument that American foreign policy has contributed to terrorism. He’s more right than wrong.

GOP 2012 Race A Replay Of 2008 Democratic Race?

Will 2012 be the Republican version of the 2008 race between President Obama and Hillary Clinton?

John Lewis’s Ridiculous Arguments Against Reasonable Voting Regulations

Ensuring the integrity of the voting process is a worthy goal, not evidence of discrimination.

Ron Paul: The Feds Should Have No Role In Disaster Relief

As Hurricane Irene makes its way up the East Coast, Ron Paul says disaster relief isn’t a job for the Federal Government.

Is “Twitter Stalking” Free Speech?

A case pending in Maryland raises the question of when boorish online behavior crosses the line from protected speech to criminal act.

Florida’s ‘Drug Tests For Welfare Recipients’ Law Is, Most Likely, Unconstitutional

Florida’s new law requiring welfare recipients to pass drug tests seems to clearly violate the Fourth Amendment.

Tea Party Supporters Rallying Behind Rick Perry,

Rick Perry’s rise in the polls can be traced to factors that threaten both Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann

Would America Be Better Off With A Parliamentary Government?

Is America’s political system to blame for our current problems?

Is There Really Anything Ben Bernanke Can Do?

Ben Bernanke didn’t offer many clues in his speech today, but one wonders if he really has any tricks left up his sleeve.

If Sarah Palin Runs, She Will Lose

While Sarah Palin continues to tease her supporters about a possible Presidential run, the damage she could do to the GOP becomes even more apparent.

Eric Cantor: No Federal Relief For Earthquake Or Hurricane Damage Unless It’s Offset By Spending Cuts

With a hurricane bearing down on the East Coast, the House Majority Leader is engaged in an accounting exercise.

How Steve Jobs Succeeded By Failing

Before achieving astounding success, Steve Jobs had to experience disappointment and failure.

Majority Still Hold Bush Responsible For Poor Economy

He’s been out of office for more than two years, but George W. Bush is still being blamed for the state of the economy.

U.S. Troops In Afghanistan Until 2024?

The U.S may be on the verge of committing the next decade to the future of Afghanistan.

Rick Perry: The New GOP Frontrunner

Meet your new Republican frontrunner.

Would Not Running For POTUS Make Sarah Palin Irrelevant?

Her appeal is not her ideas, policies, or achievements but her personality and appeal to the red meat base.

Post Office: We Could Save Money By Making Customer Service Even Crappier

The Postal Service believes it can save itself by making service worse. Something about that doesn’t compute.

Our Present Crisis: Recession, Depression, Or Something More Fundamental?

The world is likely to get worse before it gets better.

Rick Perry Takes The Lead In New Iowa Poll, But Warning Signs Abound For The GOP

Rick Perry is leading the GOP field in Iowa, but there are warning signs for Republicans as a whole if you look deeper.

Success In Libya Does Not Justify An Unnecessary, Improper Decision By President Obama

Success in Libya does not make the American mission any less unjustified than it was on the day President Obama announced it.

Prosecutors Ask Judge To Dismiss Charges Against Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Prosecutors as asking a Judge to dismiss all charges against Dominique Strauss-Kahn, because that’s their only option.

Sarah Palin Trails Obama By 17 Points, September 3rd Announcement In Doubt

Is she in or is she out? And does it matter?