Posts by Doug Mataconis

Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.

Trump Sides With Saudis In Murder Of Jamal Khashoggi

In what has to qualify as one of the most horrifying displays of moral depravity on the international stage, the Trump Administration is saying it doesn’t really care if the Saudi Crown Prince is a murderer or not.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Trump Administration’s Asylum Policy Changes

A Federal Judge has ruled that the Trump Administration’s efforts to limit the ability of migrants to claim asylum violates Federal law.

CNN, White House Settle Dispute Over Press Pass, But Future Conflict Is Likely

The White House and CNN have settled the dispute over Jim Acosta’s press pass, but future conflict between this Administration and the press corps seems inevitable.

Ivanka Trump Used Private Email For Government Communications

In news replete with irony, it’s being reported that Ivanka Trump used a private email account to communicate about government business.

Britain Continues To Stumble Toward Brexit

As Brexit hangs by a thread in the United Kingdom, the European Union makes clear that renegotiation of the agreement that has been reached is a non-starter.

Seven Score And Fifteen Years Ago

155 years ago today, President Lincoln delivered one of the greatest addresses in American history.

California Republicans Once Again Left Wondering What’s Next

Once again, Republicans in California find themselves looking up and seeing a lot of desolation. They need to find a way to bounce back.

Trump Administration Threatens Again To Revoke Jim Acosta’s Press Pass

Despite a court ruling that says otherwise, the Trump White House appears prepared to once again revoke the press pass of CNN reporter Jim Acosta.

Will The Last Republican In New England Please Turn Out The Lights?

Another part of the country that was once a Republican stronghold is now almost completely blue.

Rick Scott Wins Florida Senate Race As Recounts End

With the recounts over we can officially say that Rick Scott will be the next Senator from Florida.

Vatican Vetoes U.S. Bishop’s Plan To Deal With Sex Abuse Crisis

In what seems like another effort at a cover-up, the Vatican vetoed a plan by American Bishops to address the Catholic Church’s abuse scandal.

Justice Sotomayor On The Supreme Court, Her Career, And The Court’s Newest Justice

Justice Sonia Sotomayor sat down to talk about the Supreme Court, her career, and the newest member of the nation’s highest court.

Governor’s Race Ends In Florida, Senate Race Almost There

The Governor’s race in Florida is over, and the Senate race isn’t far behind.

Reagan Country Turns Blue

One of the last Republican strongholds in California is now completely blue.

Forty Years Ago Tonight: The Star Wars Holiday Special

Forty years ago tonight, the Star Wars universe came to television in a production so bad that it makes Jar Jar Binks seem positively Shakespearean by comparison.

Is Donald Trump Thinking Of Dumping Mike Pence?

Is Donald Trump thinking about dumping Mike Pence in 2020? Probably not, but that’s not going to stop the speculation.

C.I.A. Concludes Saudi Crown Prince Ordered Murder Of Jamal Khashoggi

The C.I.A. has apparently concluded that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. What will the Trump Administration do about this?

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Donald Trump And The Incredible Disappearing Caravan

Now that the election is over, President Trump and his sycophants in the right-wing media seem to have completely forgotten about the “invading” “caravan” of Central American asylum seekers.

Judge Rules Against White House, Orders Jim Acosta’s Press Pass Restored

A Federal Judge in Washington ruled that the White House acted improperly when it arbitrary revoked CNN reporter Jim Acosta’s press pass.

New Jersey Republicans Nearly Entirely Shut Out Of Congressional Delegation

Election Day 2018 saw Republican representation in the New Jersey Congressional Delegation nearly entirely decimated.

Florida! Florida! Florida!: Senate Race Heads To A Hand Recount

While the outcome in the Florida Governor’s Race is clear, the Senate race remains up in the air and headed for a hand recount that, in the end, is unlikely to change the outcome of the race.

Federal Government Inadvertently Reveals Sealed Indictment Against Julian Assange

A filing in an unrelated case has apparently revealed the existence of a sealed indictment against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

Jeff Flake: I’ll Oppose Trump’s Judges Unless I Get A Vote On Bill To Protect Mueller

Senator Jeff Flake is threatening to vote against President Trump’s judicial nominees unless he gets a floor vote on a bill to protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

British Government In Crisis Over Brexit Deal

Theresa May’s government is barely hanging on to power thanks to Brexit negotiations that clearly seem to be headed for disaster.

Donald Trump Makes More Bizarre, Baseless Claims About Voter Fraud And Voter ID

Donald Trump is engaging in another round of baseless and bizarre conspiracy theories about alleged voter fraud.

The Economy Didn’t Help Republicans In The Midterms

The economy may be doing well, but that didn’t help Republicans in the midterms.

Jeff Flake 2020? He Seems Open To The Idea.

It would be a rather quixotic effort, but Jeff Flake isn’t ruling out challenging the President for the Republican nomination in 2020.

Julián Castro, Looking At Bid For Democratic Nomination In 2020

Former HUD Secretary Julián Castro is preparing a run for the White House in 2020.

Nobody “Lost” Crimea. It Was Never Ours To Lose.

President Trump recently blamed former President Obama for “losing” Crimea. It was never ours to lose.

Trump Becomes Isolated And Embittered After Election Losses

Losing the midterms is not going over well with the President.

Nancy Pelosi Facing Opposition In Bid To Return As Speaker Of The House

With their House majority secure, Democrats must now select their leadership team for the next two years. It’s not going smoothly.

CNN Sues White House Over Revocation Of Correspondent’s Press Pass

CNN fires back in the Administration’s ongoing war with the news media.

Trump Appears Ready To Fire DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen

The next head to roll in the Trump Administration appears to be frequent Trump target DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.

Starbucks Founder Howard Schultz Considering Presidential Run

Starbucks Founder Howard Schultz is apparently considering running for President.

Meet John Delaney, The Unknown Candidate

Who’s John Delaney? Well, he’s a Congressman from Maryland who’s apparently running for President.

Mexican Supreme Court Paves The Way For Marijuana Legalization

Last week, the Mexican Supreme Court pushed that country further down the road toward legalization of marijuana for all purposes.

Amazon’s HQ2 Will Reportedly Be Split Between Northern Virginia And New York City

Amazon has reportedly decided to split its second headquarters between an already urbanized area of Northern Virginia and the outer boroughs of New York City.

Kyrsten Sinema Wins Arizona Senate Race

Democrats have flipped the Senate seat currently held by Republican Jeff Flake.

Marvel Comics Creator Stan Lee Dies At 95

Rest in Peace and Excelsior, Stan Lee!

Another Federal Court Rules Against Trump On DACA

Late last week, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals became the fifth Federal Court to rule against the Trump Administration’s efforts to repeal DACA.

Democratic Gains In State Legislatures Could Impact Redistricting

Democratic pickups in several state legislatures could impact redistricting after the 2020 Census.

Kyrsten Sinema Expands Lead As Arizona Vote Count Nears An End

Arizona Democrat Kyrsten Sinema appears to be headed toward victory.

Dana Rohrabacher, Putin’s Favorite Congressman, Loses Re-Election Bid

Over the weekend, it was confirmed that the man once referred to as Vladimir Putin’s favorite Congressman was defeated in last week’s midterms.

Trump, Nationalism, And The Lessons Of World War One

One hundred years after the end of World War One, the forces that led to it are waking up from a long slumber.

Bregrets, They’ve Had A Few

British voters appear to be regretting their decision to leave the European Union, but it may be too late to stop the process.

Trump Skips Visit To American Military Cemetery

Claiming it was because of the weather President Trump chose to skip a visit to a cemetery at the site of one of the bloodiest battles involving Americans in World War One.

Florida Senate And Governors Races Head To A Recount

Florida has begun the recount process in both the Senate and Governor’s races. Where it goes from here is anyone’s guess.

Beto 2020? Maybe, But Not For President

Beto O’Rourke should consider running again in 2020, but not for President.

Michelle Obama Hasn’t Forgiven Trump For Spreading Racist Birther Lies

Michelle Obama can’t forgive Donald Trump for his role in spreading the racist birther conspiracy. I can’t say I blame her.