Senate GOP Health Care Bill Faces Crucial Week, And Many Doubts

The Senate GOP health care reform care bill faces a crucial week, and things aren’t looking good.

Congressman Shot, Others Injured, At Congressional Baseball Practice

A Congressman was shot, and a staffer and security detail members injured, at a practice session for tomorrow’s Congressional baseball game.

Adam West, Television’s Batman, Dies At 88

R.I.P., Caped Crusader

House Republicans Making Yet Another Push To Repeal And Replace Obamacare

House Republicans are making yet another push to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, but they once again may not have the votes.

Poll Finds Majority Support For Missile Strikes On Syria

A majority of Americans support last week’s airstrikes in Syria but are skeptical of any expansion beyond that.

Amazon To Stream Thursday Night N.F.L. Games

Another step toward making it easier to cut the cord.

Thoughts about the Trump National Security Team

Trump appears to undervaluing existing bureaucracies listening more to hacks and ideologues.

Trump Continues His Unacceptable Attacks On The News Media

The Trump Administration is continuing, and indeed expanding, its war on a free press.

Trump Job Approval Numbers Continue To Set Records, And Not The Good Kind

Donald Trump’s job approval numbers are the lowest for any new President since World War II. That doesn’t bode well for his Administration’s future.

Trump Administration Rescinds Obama Era Guidelines On Transgender Students

Not surprisingly, the Trump Administration has revoked guidelines to public schools that required accommodation of transgender students.

There’s Only One Right Side In Trump’s Unjustified War On The News Media

There are two sides in this war between Trump and the media, but only one of them is the right side.

Trump Advisor: There’s No Such Thing as Judicial Supremacy

Stephen Miller said something very stupid on “Meet The Press” this morning.

Most Americans Oppose Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

Two new polls show that most Americans oppose President Trump’s ban on travel from seven majority Muslim countries, but that most Republicans support it.

Trump’s Job Approval At Historic Low For Incoming Presidents

Donald Trump’s initial job approval numbers are lower than any President since the EIsenhower Administration.

Television Icon Mary Tyler Moore Dies At 80

Another television icon has passed away.

Obama Commutes Chelsea Manning’s Sentence

A potentially controversial commutation from President Obama today.

Key Republicans Pushing To Have Obamacare Replacement In Place Before Voting On Repeal

With repeal of the Affordable Care Act now likely sooner rather than later, key Republicans are urging the party to have a replacement in place before repeal is voted on.

What To Expect Today From The Electoral College

Beginning late this morning, the Electors in each of the states will meet to carry out their Constitutional function. Despite the drama accompanying this year’s election, there’s likely to be far less drama than some people seem to be hoping for.

Another General In Trump’s Cabinet

Three of the top four national security positions in Donald Trump’s Cabinet will be filled by retired Generals. This isn’t necessarily a good thing.

America To Trump: Delete Your Account

Most Americans wish Donald Trump would stop tweeting. Good luck with that.

Rand Paul Speaks Out Against Potential Trump Nominees

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul is speaking out against several of President-Elect Trump’s proposed Cabinet nominees.

I’m A Political Junkie, But 2016 Has Burned Me Out

I’ve been something of a political news junkie for 40 years now. This year has burned me out.

GOP Committee Chair Says Investigations Will Continue If Hillary Clinton Becomes President

Get ready for more hearings if Hillary Clinton becomes President.

Final Presidential Debate Draws 71.6 Million Viewers

The final debate of 2016 didn’t draw as many viewers as the first Hillary v. Donald match-up, but it still drew a respectable number.

With Three Weeks To Go, Clinton’s Momentum Appears To Be Surging

With twenty-one days to go until Election Day, things are looking very good for Hillary Clinton.

Second Presidential Debate Draws 66.5 Million Viewers

Viewership for the second debate fell some twenty percent from the first debate, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that voter are losing interest.

With Five Weeks To Go, Clinton Appears To Have Momentum

With five weeks to go, the momentum in the race is moving decidedly in Hillary Clinton’s favor.

Third Party Candidates Excluded From Presidential, Vice-Presidential Debate

Once again, the debate commission controlled by the two major parties is excluding third-party candidates from the Presidential debates.

Despite Historic Success, Gary Johnson Struggles To Qualify For Presidential Debates

Gary Johnson is doing better than any third-party candidate in twenty years, but that doesn’t mean he’s likely to get an invitation to the upcoming Presidential debates.

What To Do About North Korea?

North Korea continues to advance its nuclear program but it’s unclear what anyone can do about it.

Summer Olympics Were Lowest Rated Since 2000

Despite being much more conveniently located for viewers in the United States, viewership for the just-concluded Olympics were the lowest they’ve been in sixteen years.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Is Trump About To Flip-Flop On Immigration?

A report over the weekend raises questions about whether or not Donald Trump is changing positions on a central tenet of his campaign.

John McLaughlin, McLaughlin Group Host, Dead At 89

A precursor to modern cable political news with an interesting past has passed away at the age of 89.

Clinton Continues To Show That Virginia Probably Isn’t A Swing State This Year

Another poll confirms that Virginia is firmly in the pocket of Hillary Clinton.

Trump Losing Support From Republican Women

It just keeps getting worse.

More Bad News For Trump From State-Level Polling

New polling from the states has good news for Hillary Clinton, and an even less plausible path to 270 for Donald Trump.

Virginia Not Exactly Looking Like A Battleground State

The Old Dominion seems like it’s going to be even more firmly Democratic in 2016.

Hillary Clinton Gets Her Post-Convention Bounce, Takes Back The Lead In The Polls

Hillary Clinton appears to be doing very well in the wake of the first round of post-convention polls.

Hillary Clinton Accepts Nomination To Cap Off A Largely Successful Convention

Hillary Clinton delvers a largely successful acceptance speech that caps off a convention that ran far smoother than its Republican counterpart.

Garry Marshall, Creator Of Classic Television Shows, Dies At 81

The creator of some of the most popular television programming of the 1970s has passed away at the age of 81.

Donald Trump Makes It Official, Mike Pence Is His Running Mate

The least likely choice ascends to the Number Two position on the Republican ticket.

Pat Summitt Dead at 64

One of the greatest coaches of all time has passed.