Stop Blaming the Framers for Everything

America’s institutions are undemocratic but only some of them are a product of the Constitution.

Trump Trial Fallout: Who Knows?

Early analysis merely confirms analysts’ priors.

We Are Not QAnon Nation

Most Americans have never even heard of it.

Romney’s Child Welfare Plan

An opportunity for unity and a restoration of normal order.

The Leaderless GOP

The Republican Party is not really a thing.

Republican Leaders Rallying to Impeach Trump

Some key GOP figures are at least testing the waters.


A startling number than may understate the problem.

Trump’s Solipsism Doomed COVID Fight

The story played out just as we all thought it would.

Republican Recovery

Further musings on the future of the Grand Old Party.

Trump’s Legal Team Imploding

We won’t have Sidney Powell to kick around any more.

Colorado Passes National Popular Vote Compact

We may be a little closer to ending the tyranny of the Electoral College.

Trump Yahoos Swarm Biden Bus in Texas

Just when you thought the 2020 campaign couldn’t go any lower.

Biden Open to SCOTUS Expansion

After weeks of evasion, the frontrunner hints at a compromise policy.

The Dark Side of “It’s a Republic, not a Democracy”

I couldn’t help myself.

Majority Rule, Plurality Rule, and Minority Rule

Definitions are fun, right?

Minority Rule

The problem is real.

Plug-in Weirdness [UPDATED]

Some upgrade-related wonkiness.

Is Federalism the Real Problem?

A fundamental building block of our system makes it nearly impossible to fix.

Against Packing the Supreme Court

Legitimacy hangs in the balance.

Political Culture Eats Institutions For Lunch

Institutional reform is necessary, but we can’t accomplish much in the face of tribalism.

Harris’ VP Chances Redux

She would hardly be the first running mate who criticized the nominee in a debate.

A Timeline Of Nihilism And Fecklessness

How about crowd sourcing a timeline for all of Trump’s enablers?

Business people using their phones Business people using their phones

Demography is Destiny

It’s just not immediate.

NPR Hit Hard by Pandemic

Telecommuting has taken a bite out of an industry built on commuting.

Supreme Court Upholds ‘Faithless Elector’ Laws

States can punish Electors who substitute their judgment for those of the voters.

The Coming Election Nightmare

We’re unlikely to know who wins the November elections right away.

COVID-19 Has Killed More Americans than WWI

Yet another grim milestone.

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Political Dialog in the Age of Trump

It’s difficulty to have have a conversation with an albatross hanging over it.

President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are joined by health care and nursing association representatives, from left to right-Dr. Ernest Grant, Lisa Barlow, Caroline Few Elliot, Luke Adams, Marty Blankenship, Allen Zelno, Sophia Thomas and Maria Arvonio, listening to a reporter’s question after the signing of a proclamation in honor of National Nurses Day Wednesday, May 6, 2020, at the White House. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks) President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are joined by health care and nursing association representatives, from left to right-Dr. Ernest Grant, Lisa Barlow, Caroline Few Elliot, Luke Adams, Marty Blankenship, Allen Zelno, Sophia Thomas and Maria Arvonio, listening to a reporter’s question after the signing of a proclamation in honor of National Nurses Day Wednesday, May 6, 2020, at the White House. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)

Slowly Re-Opening America

Things are going to get better. And far worse.

Fifteen 9/11s

Another grim milestone.

White Evangelicals and the Trump Paradox

Why the ‘moral majority’ is willing to tolerate so much immorality from their leader.

Worse Than 9/11 and the Great Recession Combined

The greatest crisis the nation has faced in my lifetime.

American Gerontocracy

Is being ruled by the elderly a bad thing?

Super Tuesday Forecast

If the current polls are right, the race will be all but over in five days.

The Narrative Abides

Iowa and New Hampshire voters are changing the perception of the race.

Iowa Finally Releases Maybe-Final Results

The precise distribution of 41 measly delegates is now known. Unless there’s a recount.

lego people crowd lego people crowd

Analysis vs Advocacy

A recurring source of friction in the OTB conversation.

Iowa Shifting the Narrative?

The media coverage continues on script.

Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

Sad news from the conservative talk icon.

Trump’s Acquittal and American Democracy

Has this precedent permanently damaged the country? Or is it just politics as usual?

Senate Republicans Think Trump Guilty, Shouldn’t Be Removed

A binary choice will produce a worse outcome than necessary.

We Don’t Need Witnesses

What difference at this point does it make?

Feinstein and Three Democratic Moderates Leaning Toward Acquittal?

Surprising news from an unsurprising process.

Why Democrats Have to Play By Different Rules

The Republicans are playing a different game.

politics outrage shouting politics outrage shouting

Are We Ruining American Politics?

A political scientist argues that college-educated intellectuals are doing politics wrong.

The Framers Aren’t All They’re Cracked up to Be

The men who gathered in Philadelphia to write the Constitution were geniuses. But they couldn’t predict the future.

Democratic Voters Not Exactly Enthusiastic About Mike Bloomberg

A new poll seems to indicate that Democratic voters aren’t exactly jumping on the Mike Bloomberg train.

Discourse II

Expanding on yesterday afternoon’s post.

Audio SLT

I was a guest on the Challenging Opinions podcast.

Trump Ukraine Timeline

Greg Sargent usefully lays out the basics.