Bloomberg Drops Out, Endorses Biden

The wagons have been circled.

Why 2020 Democrats Were Able to Consolidate the Moderates and 2016 Republicans Weren’t

The races are more alike—and yet more different—than we seem to remember.

Elizabeth Warren Couldn’t Win and Therefore Didn’t

She lost in both of her home states. She shouldn’t be embarrassed.

Bloomberg Spent Half a Billion for Little ROE

Not a great night for the former New York major. But he still has $54.5 billion to comfort him.

Super Tuesday Creates Joementum

A bad night for Bloomberg and Warren has radically reshaped the race.

Warren Can’t Win

96 percent of the delegates have yet to be awarded. How can the race be down to two?

Chris Matthews Retires

The longtime talking head is the latest poster boy for #MeToo. And mandatory retirement.

The Most Important Rule Of Surviving A Political Campaign Is: Don’t Quit!

The final delegate count may well be skewed.

Klobuchar Out

The field winnows further.

The Down Side of Early Voting

Many people have voted for candidates who aren’t running anymore.

Pete Buttigieg Drops Out

The Iowa winner and New Hampshire runner-up has acknowledged the inevitable.

A White Guy in His 70s Will Be President in 2021

The women, minority, and non-geriatric candidates have been all but eliminated from the race.

South Carolina Exit Polls

Joe Biden won with every group imaginable—and some that were unimaginable.

Warren Persistent Despite Losing Again

She’s continuing to swing at the candidates beating her at the polls.

Tom Steyer Drops Out

The billionaire has decided to stop tilting at windmills.

Joe Biden Makes it a Two-Man Race

The 78-year-old is the Comeback Kid. And the only chance of preventing a Bernie Sanders nomination.

Super Tuesday Forecast

If the current polls are right, the race will be all but over in five days.

Pro-Trump Group Running Fake Obama Ads

Anti-Biden ads using the former President’s words are being aimed at black voters.

South Carolina Debate Was Terrible

CBS did a lousy job.

Steyer as South Carolina Spoiler

The vanity candidate may impact the race.

Is Sanders Inevitable?

There’s no way to catch him in a six-candidate field.

Nevada Caucuses Go as Expected

Media overreacts to the Sanders victory all the polls predicted.

Presidential Generations

We’re going to make history one way or another in November.

Money Could Decide Super Tuesday

Competing in fourteen states plus overseas territories in one day is expensive.

Bloomberg Tweets Doctored Debate Video

Creepy misinformation? Or just lame?

Nevada Debate Reflections

The clear winner was Donald Trump.

Democracy is Hurting Democrats

The wrong people are choosing the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.

Does Stop-and-Frisk Disqualify Bloomberg for President?

The policy was undeniably harmful and unconstitutional. Is it forgivable?

Brokered Democratic Convention a Real Possibility

Could the fevered dream really come true?

Are Biden and Warren Toast?

Two early frontrunners are being written off.

America Ready for a Gay President?

It’s a reasonable question but not the right one.

Post-New Hampshire Polling

We now have five candidates in double-digits.

The Narrative Abides

Iowa and New Hampshire voters are changing the perception of the race.

Andrew Yang Drops Out

The math compelled it. But he outlasted several better-known candidates.

Post-Iowa Reset Not What You’d Expect

Biden’s support is in decline. But it’s not clear that Buttigieg is getting an Iowa bounce.

Iowa Finally Releases Maybe-Final Results

The precise distribution of 41 measly delegates is now known. Unless there’s a recount.

Has the Democratic Race Changed?

Is there a new frontrunner?

Sanders Benefitting from Low Expectations

The Vermont Senator is a better politician than most give him credit for.

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Analysis vs Advocacy

A recurring source of friction in the OTB conversation.

Iowa Shifting the Narrative?

The media coverage continues on script.

A Year in Which Nothing Happened

We’re right back where we started.

John Kerry Almost Certainly Not Running for President

He’s tanned, rested, and ready. But it ain’t happening.

DNC Making Up Rules as it Goes

Proposed mid-stream changes could help Bloomberg, hurt Sanders, and divide the party.

Senate Republicans Think Trump Guilty, Shouldn’t Be Removed

A binary choice will produce a worse outcome than necessary.

Guy Named John Delaney Ends Campaign Nobody Knew About

This. Changes. Everything.

We Don’t Need Witnesses

What difference at this point does it make?

newspaper newspaper

Newspaper Endorsements At Odds with Polls

The leading papers in Iowa and New Hampshire are backing Klobuchar and Warren, respectively.

What if November’s Loser Refuses to Concede?

There’s a very real possibility the legitimacy of the 2020 election will be contested.

Explaining the Sanders-Warren Flap

Two progressives enter. One progressive leaves.

Trump Impeachment Trial Underway

And now the real farce begins.