Initial Estimate Shows Economy Grew 4.1% In Second Quarter

The economy grew at an exceptionally strong pace according to the first estimate of GDP growth, but several caveats remain.

How Will Trump’s Trade War Impact American Politics?

If President Trump’s trade war continues, it could have a serious impact on the political fortunes of President Trump and his party.

Early Polling Finds Public Lukewarm On Kavanaugh Nomination

Initial polling on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court find the public more divided than they have been for other recent SCOTUS picks, but that’s unlikely to impact the fate of his nomination.

Democrats Already Gearing Up For 2020 Battles

The midterm elections are still four months away, but Democrats are already making moves to prepare for the race for their party’s Presidential nomination in 2020.

California’s Democratic Party Snubs Dianne Feinstein A Second Time

California’s Democratic Party endorsed “progressive” upstart Kevin de León over Senator Dianne Feinstein, but this is unlikely to stop Feinstein from winning election to a sixth term in office.

Democrats Move Forward With Plan To Make Superdelegates Irrelevant

The Democratic National Committee is one step closer to adopting a rule change that would make superdelegates largely irrelevant to the party’s nomination process.

Most Americans Oppose Abolishing ICE

A new poll lends credence to the suggestion that Democrats should be careful about rallying behind the call to “Abolish ICE.”

Trump Once Again Reveals His Horrible Foreign Policy Instincts

Donald Trump had to be talked down from considering military intervention in Venezuela.

Potential 2020 Democratic Candidates Rally Around Calls To “Abolish ICE”

The calls to “Abolish ICE” are spreading to potential candidates for the 2020 Democratic Presidential nomination.

Anthony Kennedy’s Son Loaned Trump One Billlllllion Dollars

A really weird detail buried in a New York Times story about President Trump’s efforts to get the Justice to retire.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, A Virginia Restaurant, And The Politicization Of Everyday Life

Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked to leave a restaurant in Virginia last night, and the incident raises questions of how far we should let politics infiltrate everyday life.

Trump to Propose Merger of Education, Labor and Consolidation of Welfare Programs [UPDATED]

The Administration is going to unveil a plan for a major reorganization of government agencies today.

John Kelly Has Basically Given Up Trying To Manage Trump

John Kelly is nearing the end of his first year as White House Chief of Staff, and it’s becoming apparent that his mission to bring order to a disordered White House has failed.

Trump and the Baby Boomers

The President continues to enjoy enthusiastic support from the over-65 set.

Trump Arouses Controversy By Returning Salute Of North Korean General

President Trump is at the center of controversy again after video emerged of him returning the salute of a North Korean General.

The Perils of a One-Man Political Party

The GOP and Donald Trump are indistinguishable now. But it’s not clear what that means.

No, the Trump White House Isn’t Having a Job Fair

A POLITICO story pushes a plausible narrative with an example that’s almost certainly not evidence of it.

Trump Routinely Shreds Documents He’s Required to Preserve

The President tears up every piece of paper he touches. A whole department is taping them back together for the National Archives.

Trump Is Achieving Putin’s Goal Of Driving A Wedge Between The U.S. And Its Allies

Thanks to Donald Trump, the happiest man in the world right now is Vladimir Putin.

Another Question for Trump Supporters

European alliance and Russian goals edition.

On the Appropriation of National Symbols

Trump’s withdrawal of his invitation to the Philadelphia Eagles is just another example of his populistic nationalism. (And it isn’t healthy).

The (Lack of) Preparation for the North Korea Summit

“Winging it” isn’t how foreign policy should be made.

The Presidency Of Exhaustion

More than a decade ago, Donald Trump revealed one of his secrets to success. Exhaust your enemies. It explains much of what has happened since he took office.

Trump Pardons Right-Wing Provocateur Dinesh D’Souza

President Trump has issued another controversial pardon.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

It’s Time To Call The President What He Is, A Liar

This President lies on a daily basis. It’s time to start calling him what he is.

Trump Resisting Efforts To Restrain His Use Of Unsecured Smartphones

Despite advice from advisers, the President continues to use unsecured devices to communicate outside of White House channels.

Another Appalling Display Of Trumpidian Ignorance

Just when you think the President has hit rock bottom, it gets worse.

Mueller Investigation Hits First Anniversary With Little Sign It Will Be Ending

The Mueller investigation turns one year old today and, despite the arguments of Trump and his supporters, there’s no sign that it will be coming to an end in the near future.

Pence And Trump Teams Clash As Pence Tries To Assert Control Of Republican Politics

Quietly, Mike Pence is seeking to create his own power base inside the GOP even as the White House pushes back.

White House Leakers Leak Why They’re Leaking

The Trump White House has leaked more than any in recent memory. Some of the leakers have explained what motivates them.

Alan Dershowitz Hasn’t Changed

While longtime supporters have turned on the legendary attorney over his support of Donald Trump, he’s been astonishingly consistent.

Ronny Jackson Unlikely To Return To Duty As President’s Doctor

Despite the fact that President Trump’s continues to praise him, Ronny Jackson will not be returning to the White House as the President’s personal physician.

The Trump Reality Show

The Donald Trump presidency has some eerie parallels with his run on “The Apprentice.”

Supreme Court Appears Skeptical Of Challenge To Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

The Supreme Court heard oral argument in the challenge to President Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban. It didn’t appear to go well for the challengers.

Republican Wins Arizona Special Election, But Still Sends A Warning To The GOP

As expected, a Republican won the Special Election in Arizona’s 8th Congressional District, but it’s not a win Republicans should really be celebrating.

VA Nominee Ronny Jackson Under Fire for Workplace Misconduct

The White House physician is accused of excessive drinking on the job and improperly dispensing medication among other offenses.

Fearing Losing Control, Republicans Aim To Push Judicial Nominees Through Senate

Republicans are planning on pushing judicial nominees through the Senate in case they lose control in November. Meanwhile, the possibility of a Supreme Court vacancy raises the stakes.

Donald Trump Is Clearly Worried That Michael Cohen Might Flip

Based on his recent behavior, it’s clear that the President is worried about how loyal Michael Cohen might actually turn out to be.

Senate Changes Rules To Allow Babies On The Senate Floor

Tammy Duckworth recently became the first sitting Senator to give birth. Thanks to a rule change, she’ll be allowed to bring her baby on the floor of the Senate if she needs to.

Paul Ryan Not Running For Re-Election

Paul Ryan won’t be running for re-election this year, opening up both a Congressional seat and a leadership spot.

Rick Scott Enters Florida Senate Race, Setting Up 2018’s Biggest Battle

Governor Rick Scott has entered the race to challenge Bill Nelson in Florida, creating what is likely to be one of the most closely watched races of the year.

Republicans Worried About Political Impact Of Trump’s Tariffs And Anti-Trade Rhetoric

Trump’s tariff plan isn’t going over well in farm country, and that could cause problems for the GOP in November.

David Shulkin Insists He Was Fired, That Could Be Legally Significant

The Trump Administration says David Shulkin resigned as Veterans Affairs Secretary. Shulkin says he was fired. Which one of them is right could be legally significant, but probably won’t ever be heard in Court.

Census to Ask Citizenship Question for First Time in Seven Decades

Critics warn this move would lead to a drastic undercount of Hispanic voters, impacting Congressional districting, federal programs, and more.

Trump Order Bans Transgender People Except Under Unspecified ‘Limited Circumstances’

The President issued an incredibly confusing order that contradicts the advice of his generals and is probably illegal.

McMaster Firing Abrupt, Upended Plans to Clean House

Top White House staffers were preparing to fire several troublesome figures at once when the President suddenly upended the plan.

2018 Is Looking Good For Democrats, But What About Nancy Pelosi?

Things are looking good for Democrats in 2018, but there’s some speculation that Nancy Pelosi’s position at the head of the party in the House could be in danger.

Attorney For Stormy Daniels: Client Was Physically Threatened To Remain Silent

A new bombshell allegation in the Stormy Daniels affair.

No, Conor Lamb Didn’t Run As A Conservative

Republicans are claiming that Conor Lamb won Tuesday’s Special Election in Pennsylvania because he campaigned as a conservative. These people are either deluded or lying.