OTB Caption Contest

Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM

The Political Consequences Of Japan’s Triple Disasters

Will one of the worst natural disasters to hit Japan in centuries change the relationship between the Japanese government and the people?

Rock Hall Of Fame Running on Empty?

They’re letting anyone into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame these days.

Too Late For Palin?

There’s still time for Sarah Palin to burnish her political reputation. But she probably won’t.

Four NYT Journalists Missing in Libya

New York Times journalists Anthony Shadid, Stephen Farrell, Tyler Hicks, and Lynsey Addario have not been heard from in more than 24 hours.

Sarah Palin Losing Support Among Republicans

Republicans are starting to sour on Sarah Palin, meaning that they’re finally starting to catch up to the rest of the country.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Doo Wa Diddy Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Libya Intervention Window Closing

Alain Juppé’s concession that “the moment has passed” for NATO to successfully intervene in Libya is correct.

White House To Supreme Court: Not So Fast On That ObamaCare Lawsuit

The Federal Government has filed its response to Virginia’s request for an expedited review of Virginia v. Sebelius, and they’ve got an compelling argument against rushing things.

Clipper Players Paid For Coach’s Surgery

Players from the Los Angeles Clippers chipped in to pay for the surgery of assistant coach Kim Hughes back in 2004. It’s been a secret until now.

Gilbert Gottfried Fired From Aflac After Japan Tweets

Comedian Gilbert Gottfried is the latest idiot celebrity to damage their career on Twitter.

Nearly 2/3 Of Americans Say Afghan War No Longer Worth Fighting

Public support for the war in Afghanistan continues to plummet, but will that hurt the President when 2012 rolls around?

Child Car Seat Safety: Less Than You Think

Add this to the list of things for parents to worry about: Car safety seats for children over 65 pounds are not adequately tested.

Meditations on a Broken Window, Part 1

Bastiat vs. the Second Law of Thermodynamics

Obama Fills Out His Bracket While World Collapses

President Obama is once again catching flak for his leisure activities.

Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling Sites

Automated programs are getting very good at poker and are winning large sums on online gambling sites.

Atlantis Found?

Archaeologists may have found the lost city of Atlantis. And, no, not the one in the Bahamas.

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Damage

Status report on the damage in Japan.

Anatomy of a Meme: How the P.J. Crowley Quote Went Viral

Philippa Thomas has a fascinating take on how she broke the news of (now former) State Department P.J. Crowley’s condemnation of the Obama administration’s treatment of Bradley Manning.

Who in Their Right Mind Would Want to be President?

Who wants that job? (And is willing to work that hard to get it?)

Mark Sanford for President

If the Republicans need their own Bill Clinton, how about Mark Sanford?

Japan Disaster and Broken Window Fallacy

Can the massive destruction caused by the Japanese earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdowns stimulate the economy?

It Must Be Time To Complain About Obama Golfing Again

It’s springtime in Washington, when the buds start to grow on the Japanese Cherry trees, and political hacks come out of their holes to criticize the President for golfing.

Teachers Unions Explained

This video “Teachers Unions Explained” isn’t particularly fair but it’s nonetheless amusing.

Cable News Viewership Down Across The Board

Fewer Americans are watching cable news networks, and that’s not surprising.

3% Say Ivy League Produces Better Workers

79% do not think Ivy League students make better workers. 18% are undecided.