Judge: Giving Ohioans Only 28 Days to Vote Unconstitutional

An overreach on the “disparate impact” standard.

Donald Trump Resurrects The Worst Of Clinton Derangement Syndrome

For Donald Trump at least, the start of the General Election campaign is the perfect time to dredge up decades old conspiracy theories.

Vast Majority Of Native Americans Not Offended By ‘Redskins’ Name, New Poll Claims

A new poll indicates that the argument that the name “Redskins” is disparaging is not an accurate statement of how Native Americans themselves feel about the issue.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Probably Couldn’t Afford To Self-Fund A General Election Campaign

Donald Trump has announced that he would not be self-funding the General Election campaign. That’s probably because he really couldn’t afford to do so.

A Reminder About Polling

As we begin to head into General Election season, a few things to remember about the avalanche of polls to come.

The Republican Party Jumps the Shark

In the immortal words of the Fonz, I was wr-wr-wr-wr . . . not exactly right.

Early Poll Numbers Show Hillary Clinton Trouncing Donald Trump

If these numbers hold up, then the GOP may as well start planning for the 2020 primaries now.

Donald Trump’s Vice-Presidential Choice: Would It Be Conventional, Or Crazy?

Several top Republicans have already said that they would not accept a position on a ticket with Donald Trump, so who might he choose?

Republicans Resigning Themselves To Trump Being Their Nominee

For better or worse, Republicans seem to be resigning themselves to the inevitable.

Transgender Rights And The Sudden Conservative Obsession With Bathrooms

The passage of a new law in North Carolina has revealed an apparent obsession among some on the right with who gets to use which restroom.

Cruz Likeliest Winner in Contested GOP Convention

The second place finisher in the Republican primaries is looking like the first loser.

Trump Whines About A ‘Rigged’ System, But The Blame Lies With Him

Donald Trump is complaining about a ‘rigged’ delegate selection process, but the truth is that the fault lies with only one person, Donald Trump.

Yes, We Would Benefit From A More Diverse Supreme Court

Justice Sotomayor argued last week that we ought to look somewhere other than just the Courts of Appeal, the Ivy League, and the Northeast for Supreme Court Justices. She’s right.

Yes, The Delegate Allocation Process Is “Undemocratic.” So What?

There are many aspects of the way delegates to the party convention are chosen that is “undemocratic,” but it’s unclear why this is a problem.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Everybody Hates Donald

A new poll finds that Donald Trump is really, really disliked by voters, but it’s unclear how much that will matter going forward.

Growing Acrimony In The Race For The Democratic Nomination

Even as the outcome becomes more certain, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton seem to be attacking each other with increasing acrimony.

Bernie Sanders Exposed?

How much command of detail should we demand of presidential candidates?

The End of the Republican Party As We Know It?

Ronald Reagan famously claimed, “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party. The party left me.” I’m going through the process in reverse.

The Revolt Against Politics

David Brooks has articulated a frustration many of us share.

Can Donald Trump Be Stopped?

Donald Trump hasn’t hit the point of inevitability yet, but time is running short if Republicans are going to stop him.

The ‘West Wing’ Solution to the Scalia Vacancy

What would Jed Bartlet do?

Rules Matter Yet Again: SCOTUS Strategizing

Dare I say: hate the game, not the players?

Republicans Risk The Senate And The Presidency By Refusing To Consider Any SCOTUS Nominee

Republicans are putting much on the line in their refusal to consider any Supreme Court nomination from President Obama.

Supreme Court Appointments And Lame Duck Presidents: Yes, Both Sides Do It

The politicization of Supreme Court appointments didn’t start with Republicans last night.

The Political Battle Over Justice Scalia’s Supreme Court Seat Has Begun

It didn’t take long for the political battle over the seat held by the late Justice Antonin Scalia to become another part of the 2016 political battle.

Race For The GOP Nomination All About Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, And A Panicking GOP

With less than a week to go before voting starts, Donald Trump continues to dominate the GOP race, with Ted Cruz the only candidate even close to looking like a viable challenger.

Gillian Anderson Offered Half David Duchovny’s Pay for ‘X-Files’ Reunion

Is this really ‘infuriating’ news?

National Review Takes On Donald Trump, But It’s Most Likely Too Little, Too Late

The flagship of the American right is leading the charge against Donald Trump, but it’s not likely to work.

Clinton Email Server Contained Information Classified Above ‘Top Secret,’ Report Contends

New email headaches for Hillary Clinton, but it’s not clear what impact they will have on the race for President, if they have any impact at all.

No, the US is not on the Verge of a Multi-Party System

We will have a two party system for the foreseeable future.

The Quixotic Quest for the Radical Center

Americans don’t trust their government or each other. There’s no reason to hope it’ll get better.

Are Polls Overstating Donald Trump’s Real Level Of Support, Or Understating It?

There have been many arguments that polling has over-stated Donald Trump’s actual level of support among likely Republican voters, but there’s also a good argument that they are understating it and that Trump may do better when people start voting than many think.

Internet Hoaxes Can’t Be Debunked Anymore

People don’t much care whether information supporting their prejudices is true.

Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump’s Anti-Muslim Bigotry

Sarah Palin has joined such luminaries as Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, and former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke in endorsing Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim immigration plan.

Trump’s Latest Anti-Muslim Plan Receives Worldwide Condemnation

Donald Trump’s plan to exclude Muslims from the United States is provoking condemnation, and confusion, around the world.

Obama’s Big ISIS Speech Was A Big Nothing

For an Oval Office address delivered on a Sunday night, President Obama’s speech last night sounded more like a statement read from the podium in the press room.

Suspects Dead In San Bernardino Mass Shooting, But Much Remains Unclear

The suspects in the San Bernardino shootings are dead, but that’s about all we know so far this morning.

Donald Trump Continues To Lead As The GOP Race Appears To Consolidate

The latest national poll of the Republican race shows Trump continuing to lead, Ben Carson fading, and Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio rising while the rest of the field is stagnant or sinking.

Political Rhetoric You Disagree With Isn’t Responsible For Someone Else’s Criminal Acts

Blaming political opponents for criminal acts they clearly didn’t commit or advocate isn’t a political argument, it’s demagoguery.

Yes, It Is Appropriate To Think Of Donald Trump As a Fascist And Demagogue

Given his rhetoric, it’s fairly clear that Donald Trump is drawing from a poisonous political well. So there’s no point in failing to acknowledge reality.

Third Republican Debate: CNBC Loses, Rubio and Christie Win

The worst-moderated debate thus far may have reordered the field.

Signs Of Trouble For Jeb Bush

Once the Republican frontrunner, Jeb Bush is now floundering and dealing with donors worried that they may be backing the wrong horse.

House Benghazi Committee Takes Repeated Swings At Hillary Clinton, Mostly Ends Up Hitting Itself

After an eleven hour day on Capitol Hill, it was Hillary Clinton 1 House Benghazi Committee 0.

Republicans May End Up Being Stuck With Trump Whether They Like It Or Not

Whether they like it or not, it’s becoming quite apparent that Republicans may have to get used to the idea that Donald Trump really could be their nominee next year.

Gun Control Advocates May Not Like Political Reality, But They Can’t Ignore It

A new poll shows an up-tick in public support for some gun control measures, but gun control advocates can’t ignore the political reality that says those restrictions are unlikely to ever become law.

Republican Candidates Abandon Reagan’s Optimism In Favor Of Doom And Gloom

To listen to many of the Republican candidates for President, it would appear that the lights have been turned out on Ronald Reagan’s shining city on a hill.

The “Anchor Baby” Myth

There are no “anchor babies,” there are only Americans.

Hillary Clinton Continues To Dodge And Dismiss Questions About Her Private Email Server

While new information seems to come out on a daily basis, Hillary Clinton would rather that everyone think that her private email server wasn’t really a very big deal.

Donald Trump’s Immigration Plan As Bad As You’d Expect

Donald Trump’s immigration plan is would create a police state, violate people’s rights, and hurt America’s economy. And his supporters will most likely love it.

Jeb Bush Is Willfully Blind To The Truth About The Iraq War

Like many Republicans, Jeb Bush continues to be willfully blind to the truth about the Iraq War.