Are Laws Banning ‘Assault Weapons’ Unconstitutional? According To Four Federal Courts Of Appeal, They Aren’t.

Since the Supreme Court handed down its decision in District of Columbia v. Heller four separate Federal appellate courts have ruled that state and local laws banning “assault weapons” do not violate the Second Amendment.

Trump Floats Idea Of Arming School Teachers

President Trump is pressing the idea of arming teachers to stop shootings in schools.

Parkland Shooting Survivors Speak Out On Gun Control, And Some On The Right See A Conspiracy

The students who survived last week’s mass shooting in Parkland, Florida are speaking out, and some on the right are responding by engaging in personal attacks and spreading conspiracy theories.

It Depends on What the Meaning of ‘Russiagate’ Is

Blake Hounshell has doubts about whether Trump colluded with Moscow.

Hyperpartisanship Continues To Ruin Our Political Culture And Our Country, And We’re Letting It Happen

The tragedy in Florida last week revealed once again how hyperpartisanship is destroying our politics and harming the country.

Trump’s Most Despicable Tweet to Date

There are no adequate words.

What Does a Superhero Owe Us?

The new Black Panther movie raises a variant of the central question of the superhero genre. [No significant spoilers]

Are Mass Shootings a National Security Threat?

Phil Carter makes an interesting argument but he’s ultimately mistaken.

OTB Site Refresh

The long-overdue redesign of OTB is now live.

Robert Mueller Issues Indictments Of 13 Russian Officials For Election Meddling

A significant and important development in the Russia investigation that shows that President Trump’s claim that the stories of Russian interference in the 2016 election were “Fake News” is completely untrue.

At Least 14 Victims In School Shooting In South Florida

Another school shooting, this time in Florida.

Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Admits Paying Off Porn Star Alleged To Have Affair With Trump

Donald Trump’s lawyer admits to making a six-figure payment on the eve of the 2016 election to a porn star that Trump was alleged to have had an affair with. That just raises a host of other questions.

Live By The Markets, Die By The Markets

Donald Trump spent much of the past year touting the rising stock market, now he’s getting a lesson in reality.

An Example of Eroding Mutual Forbearance

President Trump has harsh words for Democrats who didn’t applaud his SOTU.

Dodge Super Bowl Ad Featuring Martin Luther King Jr. Causes Controversy

Dodge is facing controversy this morning for using the words of Martin Luther King Jr. in a Super Bowl commercial, but they’re not the only party who may have some questions to answer.

Train Crashes and Recency Bias

Two Amtrak crashes in less than a week is newsworthy. It is not, however, a trend.

Encouraging Signs For Democrats In New Poll, But There Are Caveats

A newly released poll has encouraging signs for Democrats in 2018, but there are several caveats.

[picture of 3 iPhones] [picture of 3 iPhones]

Have Smart Phones Gone the Way of the PC?

Have we reached the point where the processing speed, connectivity, and cameras on our smart phones are simply good enough?

What If Clinton Had Done What Trump Is Accused Of?

Imagine a world where Hillary Clinton was President and stood accused of the same things Donald Trump and his campaign are currently under investigation for.

OTB Turns 15

Yesterday marked fifteen years since I launched Outside the Beltway on the old Blogspot service. 

White House Chief of Staff Says Schoolteacher Who Insulted Military Should ‘Go to Hell’ While Defending Release of Classified Memo That Deliberately Distorts Facts to Impugn Integrity of FBI

John Kelly continues to throw away the good name he earned in decades of service as a Marine to serve the agenda of President Trump.

After A Year Of Unparalleled Divisiveness, Trump Tries To Sell Unity At State Of The Union

The President talked about national unity last night, but given his own rhetoric as a candidate and as a President, it’s a call that seems to be hypocritical.

The State Of The Union Address Is Unnecessary and Irrelevant

Do yourself a favor and skip the State Of The Union Address tonight. You won’t be missing anything important.

Challenges to the Health of American Democracy

Democratic norms are eroding.

A Return to “a Republic, not a Democracy”

And a little Electoral College for good measure.

Donald Trump Reportedly Won’t Visit United Kingdom Unless Theresa May Bans Protests

Donald Trump is wildly unpopular in the United Kingdom, and that’s apparently causing him to eschew visiting the United States’s most important ally.

Trump Tried To Fire Robert Mueller In June

And the evidence for obstruction of justice continues to mount.

Congress Needs To Act In Response To Trump’s Illegal War In Syria

With the Administration set to commit the United States to a forever war in Syria, it’s time for Congress to act.

Steve Bannon Subpoenaed In Connection With Mueller’s Russia Investigation

Former White House and Trump campaign adviser Steve Bannon has been subpoenaed in connection with special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

American Ideals?

Some thoughts about why the president’s remarks on immigration are so problematic.

Being Known by the Company you Keep…

Support for Trump’s comments are very telling.

Trump Derides Immigration From ‘Shithole’ Countries

Once again, President Trump opens his mouth and proceeds to insult a good part of the world while embarrassing the country.

Lessons from the Alabama Special Election

Let’s not forget how unique the Moore-Jones contest was.

OTB Site Suggestions

We’re looking for reader input on site functionality and features.

Trump’s Job Approval Hits Record Low In New Poll

As he nears the one-year anniversary of his Inauguration, President Trump is getting increasingly bad reviews from the public.

Comparative Falsehoods: Obama v. Trump

The difference is, dare I say, huge.

No Matter Who Wins In Alabama, Republicans Stand To Lose

There are no good outcomes for the GOP in Alabama.

Donald Trump And The ‘Being There’ Presidency

Donald Trump spends an inordinate amount of time watching television and regurgitating what he sees on Twitter. That’s not healthy.

Trump is the Leader of the GOP, not an “Independent”

No, the deal this week is not Trump becoming an independent.

Trump, The Arpaio Pardon, And The Constitution

The pardoning of Joe Arpaio was distasteful and an affront to the Rule of Law, but it was completely within the powers of the President and should not be a ground for impeachment.

The Limits of Free Speech

The dangers of the tyranny of the majority have only magnified.

Did Police Do Too Little to Stop Charlottesville Violence?

Authorities are being second-guessed over their handling of Saturday’s protests. Virginia gun laws are the more obvious problem.

Donald Trump’s Words On Charlottesville Were Weak, Inadequate, And Cowardly

Donald Trump has had harsher things to say about Rosie O’Donnell than he did about the people responsible for yesterday’s violence. That says something about him.

Trump Thanks Putin For Expelling 755 American Diplomats

Donald Trump kowtows to Vladimir Putin yet again.

After 200 Days In Office, Trump’s Job Approval Continues To Slump

After 200 days, President Trump’s job approval numbers are hitting new lows.

On Repeal of the 17th Amendment

Ignorance of history and process is a hallmark 17th Amendment repeal arguments.

Senate Blocks Trump’s Ability To Make Recess Appointments

Even members of his own party don’t trust Donald Trump enough to make it possible for him to make recess appointments.

Federal Judge: Official Violated First Amendment By Blocking User From Her Facebook Page

A Federal Judge has ruled against an elected official who blocked a constituent from accessing her Facebook page.

Reflections on the Passing of Will Moore

When a prominent political scientist committed suicide yesterday, I was deeply struck by how much he was like not only me but most of the people in my professional circle.

Trump Orders Syria Strikes. So Now What?

It’s not at all clear that there is a useful strategy at work here.