Reflections on the Passing of Will Moore

When a prominent political scientist committed suicide yesterday, I was deeply struck by how much he was like not only me but most of the people in my professional circle.

Trump Orders Syria Strikes. So Now What?

It’s not at all clear that there is a useful strategy at work here.

Donald Trump And The Inevitable Foreign Policy Crisis

Donald Trump is historically unpopular for a new President. What does that mean when his first foreign policy crisis comes, as it inevitably will?

Senate Committee Advances Gorsuch Nomination As ‘Nuclear Option’ Becomes Inevitable

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted to advance the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch even as it became inevitable that Republicans would be forced to invoke the ‘nuclear option’ to confirm him to the Supreme Court.

The Politics of Gorsuch

The ordinary and the extraordinary with the latest SCOTUS nomination.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

So Far, There’s No Sign Of A ‘Trump Bump’ In The Economy

So far, there’s no sign that Donald Trump is having much of an impact on the economy.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

No, Donald Trump Isn’t Going To ‘Pivot’

Donald Trump isn’t going to change, and that’s bad news for all of us.

Trump Budget Blueprint Would Eliminate 18 Agencies

The president’s skinny budget would eliminate most funding for science and the arts to fund more Defense spending.

Rachel Maddow Hypes Trump’s 2005 Tax Return, But There’s No Real News There

Rachel Maddow hyped the fact that she had obtained a copy of Trump’s 2005 tax return last night. It turned out to be much ado about nothing.

Trump’s Best Speech Was Still Pretty Awful

It was both the best speech Trump has ever given and the worst presidential address I can recall

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Supporters Starting To Lose Faith?

One month in, some Trump supporters are starting to wonder if he will actually deliver on what he promised.

Milo Yiannopoulos And The State Of American Conservatism

Milo Yiannopoulos was a troll and a peddler in offensiveness, but the fact that he became a star on the American right was the result of a transformation of American conservatism that has been entirely unhealthy.

Washington Supreme Court Rules Against Florist Who Refused Service To Same-Sex Wedding

The Washington State Supreme Court has ruled against a florist who refused to provide services for a same-sex wedding.

Donald Trump Is President, America Will Survive This

While vigilance is called for, America will survive Donald Trump just as it has survived everything else we’ve faced since the nation’s founding.

Will Donald Trump be a “Legitimate” President?

The answer is pretty straight-forward.

Electoral College Fantasies

No, the EC is not going to elect Clinton.

Gratitude for the Art of Losing Graciously

Democracy produces good rulers, right?  Sometimes.  What good democracies actually produce best is good losers. Let us then be grateful for gracious losers, for our losers no less than our winners carry forward the American experiment in self-rule.  

This is the alt-Right

Calling it neo-fascist is not hyperbole.

The Whitelash Backlash

So what’s wrong with the Whitelash Backlash thesis?  Not everything, actually.  But plenty.

President Trump’s Unprecedented Conflicts of Interest

The incoming president’s business interests are a yuuuge problem.

Vice President-Elect Pence Visits Broadway, Gets A Post-Performance Message

Mike Pence’s night at the theater included a message from the cast. Good for them.

Trump, Hamilton, and the Presidency

If one believes the electoral college is awesome, one cannot make an argument from the position of “the wisdom of the Founders” nor from a viewpoint based on original intent.

Donald Trump: Establishment Candidate

On Tuesday night the Establishment won and won yuge. (From new OTB contributor, Michael Bailey)

Meh Hillary

It has become necessary to destroy the party in order to save it.

Electoral College Wargames And Paths To Victory

A look at the Electoral College shows that It is far more likely that Hillary Clinton will win the election than that Donald Trump will.

Your Ballot Selfie May Or May Not Be Legal

Depending on what state you live in, taking a picture of your ballot and yourself on Election Day may or may not be legal.

Bush Family Member Says Bush 41 And 43 May Vote For Clinton

Are these the faces of Clinton voters? George P. Bush thinks so.

I’m A Political Junkie, But 2016 Has Burned Me Out

I’ve been something of a political news junkie for 40 years now. This year has burned me out.

Clinton, Inc.

The personal, the political, and the Foundation are so intertwined as to be one enterprise.

Most Damaging Presidential Run, Ever?

Has any major party nominee for president ever damaged his reputation in this manner?

Trump’s Damaged Brand

Donald Trump is losing something much more important to him that an election.

The Third And Thankfully Last Presidential Debate of 2016

Last night’s debate, sadly, lived down to my expectations.

The Republican Dilemma

Candidate trumps party in a presidential system.

Even If Trump Loses, Trumpism Will Remain A Powerful Force In The GOP

Even if Donald Trump loses next month, the political forces inside the GOP he tapped into are likely to remain very powerful.

Trump Gaining With Less Educated Whites, Losing With College Grads

Donald Trump is doing worse with white voters than Mitt Romney did in 2012.

This Election May Not be as Weird as we Think

Political Science research suggests that the election is, in basic ways, about what we would expect.

On the Potential Global Consequences of a Trump Presidency

The reputation of the US matters in global affairs.

First Clinton-Trump Debate and Low Expectations Redux

Judging 2016 by historical standards hasn’t worked out well thus far.

Clinton And Trump Clash In First Presidential Debate

It wasn’t exactly Lincoln-Douglas but, in the end, Hillary Clinton clearly outperformed Donald Trump last night.

First Clinton-Trump Debate Confirms Low Expectations

Trump had a much lower bar than Clinton going in. Neither cleared it.

Donald Trump’s Attacks On The Media Are Irresponsible And Irrational

Donald Trump has spent more time recently attacking the news media than anything else. He ought to be condemned for it.

GOP Control Of The Senate At Risk As Trump Flounders

With Donald Trump floundering, there are a whole lot of nervous Republican Senators up for re-election.

Trump Losing Support From Republican Women

It just keeps getting worse.

America’s Perpetual Wars

President Obama will leave office as the first two term President who presided over eight years of war. It didn’t start with him and it won’t end with him.

Police Killing People with Drones

The Dallas shooting spree ended with police killing the perpetrator with a drone. I’m okay with that.

Clinton Cleared Legally, But Her ‘Extreme’ Carelessness Will Follow Her To The White House

Hillary Clinton’s extreme carelessness with classified information probably won’t cost her the election, but it should.

No Charges Against Clinton Despite ‘Extremely Careless’ Safeguarding of Classified Information

The presumptive Democratic nominee for president won’t be going to jail. But we knew that.

Once Again, The Supreme Court Stabs At The Heart Of The Fourth Amendment

The Supreme Court has once again issued a ruling that further chips away at the protections of the Fourth Amendment.

Can Americans Unite In Response To Tragedy Anymore?

National tragedies, whether man-made or natural disasters, used to bring Americans together. Now they just seem to pull Americans apart.

Trump the Presumptive Nominee (Some of What I got Wrong)

In case anyone noticed: I got the Trump nomination wrong.