At Normandy, Obama Continues A Tradition That Reagan Started

For the fourth time in 30 years, an American President spoke at Normandy to honor a day of sacrifice and triumph.

Yes, We Do Negotiate With Terrorists

Contrary to the oft-repeated slogan, the United States has negotiated with terrorists before. And we will do it again.

Eric Shinseki Out As Secretary Of Veterans Affairs

Eric Shinseki resigned as Secretary of Veterans Affairs this morning, to the surprise of absolutely nobody.

Mitt Romney 2016: The Third Time’s The Charm?

Romney 2016? Anything’s possible, but probably not.

There Is No “Middle” In Congress Anymore

At least on Capitol Hill, the political middle is dead and buried.

Jeremiah Denton, Vietnam War Hero, Dies

Jeremiah Denton, a Vietnam War hero and one-term US Senator from Alabama, has died. He was 89.

Happy Birthday Justice Ginsburg, We Need To Put You Out To Pasture

Another liberal legal scholar is calling on Justice Ginsburg to resign. She’s unlikely to listen to them.

Rand Paul Wins Meaningless Straw Poll For Second Year

The votes are in. And the outcome is meaningless.

Carterization of Obama

Barack Obama is no Jimmy Carter.

Joe Biden 2016?

Tan, rested, ready, Biden in 2016?

President Obama Delivers Low-Key, Low-Ambition State Of The Union

The President’s sixth State Of The Union Address was fairly low-key.

Should Obama Schmooze Republicans More?

Conor Friedersdorf turns the oft-asked question on its head.

Jon Huntsman New Atlantic Council Chairman

Former Utah governor and ambassador to China Jon Huntsman succeeds Chuck Hagel.

Self-Identified Independents Hit Record High, Self-Identified Republicans Hit Record Low

There are more self-identified Independents in the country than at any time in the past two decades, according to a new Gallup poll. And it’s mostly at the expense of the GOP.

Federal Judge Rejects Challenge To N.S.A. Data Mining

Another Federal District Court ruling on the Constitutionality of the NSA’s data mining program, this time more favorable to the NSA.

Scott Brown Moving Closer To New Hampshire Senate Run?

No person has been elected Senator in a second state after serving as Senator in another, but Scott Brown seems set to give it a try.

End Presidential Term Limits?

A third term for any of these guys? Don’t count on it.

John F. Kennedy A Conservative? No, Not Really

Conservatives have their own Kennedy myth to compete with the myth of Camelot.

Governors Only For President?

A top House Republican suggested today that only Governor’s should be President. His argument has both practical and historical merit.

FAA Lifts Restrictions On Using Electronics On Airplanes

Finally, the FAA acts to end a pretty dumb rule.

The Political Center Is Dead, At Least On Capitol Hill

It’s no wonder there’s no compromise in Congress.

Sane Republican Minority Prevails

Nearly two-thirds of House Republicans voted for default. They lost.

Time For A GOP/Tea Party Divorce? No, Time To Re-Open The ‘Big Tent’

Much like the Tea Party, David Frum wants to make the GOP tent smaller.

Despite Gridlock, Americans Prefer Divided Government To One-Party Rule

Divided government is the worst political system ever, except for all the others.

Tom Clancy Dead at 66

Tom Clancy, author of dozens of bestselling military thriller novels, has died aged 66.

Yep, Time To Prepare For The Shutdown

It’s now clear that, absent an unlikely miracle, there will be a government shutdown.

Congrega Ut Regnes

William P. Clark, Reagan National Security Advisor, Dead at 81

Bill Clark, who served as National Security Advisor and Interior Secretary under Ronald Reagan, has died at 81.

Rick Santorum Will Not be the 2016 Republican Nominee

It may be Rick Santorum’s “turn” but he’s too harsh and extreme to win the nomination.

Should UN Ambassador Have Cabinet Rank?

David Bosco wonders, “Why is the United Nations Ambassador in the Cabinet?”

The Disappearing Oval Office Address

The Oval Office Address, once a common tool of the Presidency, has been in declining use of late.

The GOP’s Battle Plan Against Hillary: Arguing That “She’s Old?”

The GOP is going to have to come up with a lot more than just age if they end up facing off against Hillary Clinton in 2016.

California Balances Budget While Expanding Aid to Poor

Jerry Brown’s second go-round as governor has been very, very good to the Golden State.

Quote Of The Day

John Dingell And The Problem With Long-Term Incumbency

As of today, John Dingell has been a Member of Congress for 20,997 days, a new record. That’s not something to celebrate.

GOP Problems With Young Voters: A Messaging Problem, And A Policy Problem

Republicans have problems with the younger generation that they will need to fix if they’re going to succeed in the future.

Bob Dole Lambastes The GOP

Former Senator Bob Dole joins the list of those not too happy with the current state of the Republican Party.

Obama’s Benghazi Problem Won’t Be Going Away Any Time Soon

The Obama Administration’s response to the Benghazi attack is approaching critical mass. It’s not going away any time soon.