Clinton Cleared Legally, But Her ‘Extreme’ Carelessness Will Follow Her To The White House

Hillary Clinton’s extreme carelessness with classified information probably won’t cost her the election, but it should.

What Does The Success Of Brexit Tell Us About Donald Trump’s Chances? Pretty Much Nothing

Many pundits are arguing that the victory for ‘Leave’ presages good news for Trump in November, but there’s no reason to believe that.

Sabato Predicts Electoral College Landslide for Clinton

Donald Trump has a steep hill to climb to reverse a quarter century trend.

Evaluating Hillary’s Short List For Running Mates

A purported ‘short list’ of potential running mates for Hillary Clinton is out. Here’s how the candidates stack up.

Clinton Holds Slight Lead Over Trump As General Election Race Begins

Hillary Clinton has a slight lead in national polling over Donald Trump as the battle for the White House really begins.

Trump the Presumptive Nominee (Some of What I got Wrong)

In case anyone noticed: I got the Trump nomination wrong.

Republican Insiders Still Talking About Quixotic Independent Run For POTUS

With Donald Trump now destined to become the GOP nominee, some Republican insiders are trying to put together another ‘too little, too late’ strategy to stop him.

A Reminder About Polling

As we begin to head into General Election season, a few things to remember about the avalanche of polls to come.

Donald Trump Within 102 Delegates Of Clinching GOP Nomination

With the field before him now clear, Donald Trump is now assured to win the Republican Presidential Nomination. After that, though, his plans don’t seem to make a lot of sense.

GOP Begins 2016 General Election Race With A Big Electoral College Disadvantage

A first look at the Electoral College paints a very grim picture for Donald Trump and the GOP.

Awful Presidential Cycle Likely to Get Much Worse

If you think this campaign has been awful, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Clinton Campaign Looking Beyond Sanders, Looking At Potential Running Mates

Hillary Clinton’s campaign is beginning to look beyond Bernie Sanders and talk about running mates.

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Both Viewed Very Badly Outside The GOP

The two men most likely to win the Republican nomination aren’t very well liked outside the Republican Party.

Cruz Likeliest Winner in Contested GOP Convention

The second place finisher in the Republican primaries is looking like the first loser.

Nebraska To Abandon Congressional District Method For Electoral Votes?

Nebraska legislators are talking about abandoning their somewhat unique method of allocating Electoral College votes.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Everybody Hates Donald

A new poll finds that Donald Trump is really, really disliked by voters, but it’s unclear how much that will matter going forward.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Donald Trump Would Lead The GOP To Electoral College Disaster

Putting Donald Trump at the top of the ticket would likely lead to an Electoral College disaster for Republicans.

Michael Bloomberg Came Really Close To Running For President, But Decided Not To

Michael Bloomberg announced today that he’s not running for President, but he came awfully close to getting into the race.

Huntsman, Trump, and the Limitations of a Two Party System

All of which leads to a discussion of electoral rules.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Latino Voters Really, Really Dislike Donald Trump

A new poll shows Donald Trump with historically low support for a Republican from Latino voters. That’s a recipe for electoral disaster.

No, Jim Webb Probably Would Not Be A Viable Independent Candidate For President

Jim Webb’s recent criticism of Hillary Clinton is renewing speculation about an independent bid for the White House, but he hardly seems like a viable candidate for such a run.

No, the US is not on the Verge of a Multi-Party System

We will have a two party system for the foreseeable future.

Donald Trump Once Again Refusing To Rule Out Running As An Independent

Two months after seemingly promising to remain loyal to the Republican Party, Donald Trump is again refusing to rule out an independent run for the White House next year.

Republican Voters Agree With Trump On Immigration

A new poll shows that a near majority of Republicans agree with even some of Donald Trump’s most controversial statements on immigration.

Republicans Underestimating Hillary Clinton?

Republicans seem to be thinking that Hillary Clinton will be an easier General Election candidate than the evidence suggests she is likely to be.

A Webb Independent Run

Pure fantasy.

The Supreme Court Begins A New Term With Several Politically Charged Cases

The marriage equality issue is resolved, but that doesn’t mean the Supreme Court won’t have a lot of high profile cases on its docket over the next eight months.

Have we Seen Peak Trump?

Trump remains in the lead, but he has been steadily falling over the month of September. (And this triggers, as these things do, musings about institutions and our party system).

The 2016 Electoral College Battlefield Is Very Small

The 2016 election will be fought on a very small battlefield, and right now the makeup of that battlefield heavily favors the Democrats.

Trump as Perot 2.0

In 1992, an eccentric billionaire ran an independent campaign against a Bush and a Clinton. It could happen again.

Trump Refuses To Rule Out Running As A Third-Party Candidate

Donald Trump won’t rule out running against the eventual Republican nominee. Will the RNC use this as an excuse to try to force him out of the race?

Hillary Clinton Remains Untouchable In The Polls

A new poll shows that Hillary Clinton remains largely unstoppable on her quest for the Democratic Presidential Nomination, and she has a pretty clear path to the White House as well.

Reports Of Hillary Clinton’s Impending Political Demise Are Mostly Just Wishful Thinking

Even with a recent negative downturn in the polls, the reports of Hillary Clinton’s impending political demise are largely wishful thinking on the part of conservatives.

Hillary Clinton’s Favorability Hits Its Lowest Level In Years

Hillary Clinton is taking a hit in the polls, but it’s unclear if that’s going to matter when 2016 rolls around.

Support For Same-Sex Marriage Hits Record High In New Poll

A new Gallup poll puts support for same-sex marriage above 60% for the first time ever.

2016 A Close, Noncompetitive Election?

Once again, only six or seven states are likely to matter.

Republican Race Remains Tight, Clinton Continues To Dominate General Election Polling

The GOP race remains tight, but some candidates have benefited from their entry into the race more than others. Overall, though, Hillary Clinton continues to dominate.

Is 2016 a 50-50 Proposition?

Pundits and political scientists agree that, if the 2016 presidential election were today, we’d have a much better idea who would win.

Hillary Clinton To Enter Presidential Race This Weekend

To the surprise of few, Hillary Clinton is running for President

Some Questions for Those who Oppose an Opening with Cuba

A little round of Qs and As on US-Cuban policy.

In The Wake Of Midterm Losses, Some On The Left Say Democrats Should Write Off The South

Some on the left are suggesting Democrats should write off the South for the foreseeable future, but that would be as foolish as Republicans assuming that their dominance in the region will last as long as Democratic dominance did in the century after the Civil War.

Can Hillary Expand The Electoral College Map In 2016? In An Important Sense, It Doesn’t Matter

An adviser close to Hillary Clinton is talking about expanding the Electoral College map in 2016, but even without such an expansion the GOP faces an uphill battle.

With The Midterms Done, Will Republican State Legislators Revisit Electoral College “Reforms?”

After the 2010 elections, several newly Republican state legislatures flirted with the idea of changing the way their state allocates Electoral Votes. The outcome of last weeks elections raises the possibility that this could happen again.

What Happened In Virginia?

Trying to explain one of the biggest surprises of Election Night 2014.

If Republicans Win The Senate, They May Not Hold It For Very Long

If the GOP wins the Senate in November, their majority could prove to be fleeting.

Mitt Romney 2016? Maybe More Likely Than We’ve Been Thinking

While it still seems unlikely that he’ll run, Mitt Romney does seem to be leaving the door open to a third run at the White House.

What “Third Term Curse?”

Some have argued that there is an historical bias against political parties holding on to the White House for more than two terms. As with most commonly held ideas, that simply isn’t true.

Mitch McConnell Promising More Showdowns And Shutdowns If The GOP Wins The Senate

If Republicans win the Senate, what we’ve seen for the past three years could end up seeming tame by comparison.

No, Obama Isn’t Seeking ‘Regime Change’ in Iraq

The United States is, in fact, doing the exact opposite.