Russian Ambassador To Turkey Assassinated In Ankara

The situation in the Middle East just potentially became much more complicated.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump: “I’m like a smart person”; Doesn’t Need Daily Intel Briefings

Good thing the world is a static, simple place…

Donald Trump Opposes Flag Burning, Supports Burning The Constitution

Donald Trump resurrects an old debate and desecrates the Constitution in the process.

Even More EC Fantasies


Team of rivals? Kitchen cabinet? Or Waylon Smithers clones?

The real model for Trump’s team is neither Abraham Lincoln nor Andrew Jackson but The Simpson’s Mr. Burns with a room full of Waylon Smithers-types.

GOP Committee Chair Says Investigations Will Continue If Hillary Clinton Becomes President

Get ready for more hearings if Hillary Clinton becomes President.

Final Presidential Debate Draws 71.6 Million Viewers

The final debate of 2016 didn’t draw as many viewers as the first Hillary v. Donald match-up, but it still drew a respectable number.

Second Presidential Debate Draws 66.5 Million Viewers

Viewership for the second debate fell some twenty percent from the first debate, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that voter are losing interest.

A Bizarre, No Good, Second Debate

Trump was alternately somnambulant, petulant, stalking, incoherent, and dangerous.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Republicans Abandon Trump Over Lewd Remarks

Republicans are abandoning Donald Trump in droves after last night’s revelation of lewd remarks he made in 2005.

Vice-Presidential Debate Draws Lowest Viewership Since 2000

Tuesday night’s running mate debate had lower viewership than any such encounter in sixteen years.

With Five Weeks To Go, Clinton Appears To Have Momentum

With five weeks to go, the momentum in the race is moving decidedly in Hillary Clinton’s favor.

Clinton And Trump Clash In First Presidential Debate

It wasn’t exactly Lincoln-Douglas but, in the end, Hillary Clinton clearly outperformed Donald Trump last night.

Protests Erupt In The Wake Of Police Shootings In Oklahoma And North Carolina

After two questionable police shootings, protests erupted overnight in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Suspect In New York City, New Jersey Bombings Captured By Police

Just about two days after setting off bombs in New Jersey and New York City, a suspect is in custody.

Third Party Candidates Excluded From Presidential, Vice-Presidential Debate

Once again, the debate commission controlled by the two major parties is excluding third-party candidates from the Presidential debates.

Trump’s Campaign Says He Now Believes Obama Was Born In The U.S.

Donald Trump’s campaign is apparently finally acknowledging reality, although its claim that birtherism originated with the Clinton campaign in 2008 does not comport with the facts.

Despite Historic Success, Gary Johnson Struggles To Qualify For Presidential Debates

Gary Johnson is doing better than any third-party candidate in twenty years, but that doesn’t mean he’s likely to get an invitation to the upcoming Presidential debates.

Even Trump’s Supporters Don’t Believe Mexico Would Pay For Trump’s Border Wall

Apparently, even people who support Donald Trump don’t believe his claim that he can get Mexico to pay for his border wall.

Clinton Health Scare Raises Questions

Clinton stumbles and leaves an event early, leading to the news that her campaign has been withholding health information from the press.

The Lost National ‘Unity’ Of September 11th

The sense of national ‘unity’ that existed in the wake of the September 11th attacks didn’t last for very long.

Donald Trump’s Disturbing, Disqualifying Love Affair With Vladimir Putin

Donald Trump’s admiration and praise for the dictatorial leader of Russia should be sufficient reason to disqualify him from being President of the United States.

Republicans Vow To Continue Investigations Even If Hillary Clinton Wins The White House

House Republicans are vowing to continue their investigations even if Hillary Clinton wins the White House.

With Nine Weeks To Go, Clinton’s Post-Convention Bounce Seems To Have Disappeared

It’s the traditional start of the campaign season, and the race for President is getting close, at least at the national level.

John McCain Cruises To Primary Victory

As expected, John McCain easily defeated his primary opponent yesterday.

John McCain Faces Primary, General Election Challenge In The Era Of Trump

John McCain is bidding for a sixth term in office, with a challenge from the right in tomorrow’s primary and Donald Trump at the top of the ticket in November.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Flip Flops On Immigration Again

Over the course of twenty-four hours, Donald Trump has had three separate positions on how he’d deal with illegal immigrants already in the country.

Donald Trump’s Immigration Flip Flop

Donald Trump is signaling a big shift in his immigration position.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Is Trump About To Flip-Flop On Immigration?

A report over the weekend raises questions about whether or not Donald Trump is changing positions on a central tenet of his campaign.

John McLaughlin, McLaughlin Group Host, Dead At 89

A precursor to modern cable political news with an interesting past has passed away at the age of 89.

Donald Trump’s Attacks On The Media Are Irresponsible And Irrational

Donald Trump has spent more time recently attacking the news media than anything else. He ought to be condemned for it.

Inside The Trump Implosion

Things aren’t pretty inside the House of Trump these days.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump: I Was Being ‘Sarcastic’ When I Called Obama A Founder Of ISIS

Donald Trump’s strange relationship with reality continues to come to light,

Chaos In Trump Land And The RNC As Donald Trump Continues To Fiddle While Rome Burns

Donald Trump continues to be Donald Trump. Which is quickly turning into a political disaster.

Hillary Clinton Gets Her Post-Convention Bounce, Takes Back The Lead In The Polls

Hillary Clinton appears to be doing very well in the wake of the first round of post-convention polls.

Hillary Clinton Accepts Nomination To Cap Off A Largely Successful Convention

Hillary Clinton delvers a largely successful acceptance speech that caps off a convention that ran far smoother than its Republican counterpart.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Out As DNC Chair After Leaked Emails Lead To DNC Chaos

Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is out as head of the Democratic National Committee after the release of a trove of embarrassing emails.

Trump Leads Clinton After Convention Bounce

The worst convention in history has given Trump a yuuge bounce.

Ted Cruz Refuses To Endorse Trump In Convention Speech

Ted Cruz’s convention speech was about what you’d expect, a gamble designed to set up his campaign for President in 2020 or beyond.

Roger Ailes May Be On The Way Out At Fox News Channel

As the allegations of sexual harassment grow, reports are also growing that Roger Ailes may be out at Fox News much sooner than many may have anticipated.

Donald Trump’s Campaign Fumbles As Plagiarism Plagues Aftermath Of Melania Trump’s Speech

Speeches by the wife and kids are supposed to be the easy part of a convention. If you mess that up, you truly are an amateur.

Pre-Convention Polls Show Clinton Leading, Johnson Rising, Major Party Candidates Hated

A look at the state of the race before the two party conventions begin.